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Using Gabriel Seth as a Blood Angels Captain?


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I have been building multiple army lists, and one possibility for my HQ that i really like is using Gabriel Seth as a Blood Angels Captain.


- I want to play Blood Angels and not Flesh Tearers and I like using Captains instead of Librarians or Reclusiarchs, for purelly fluff reasons, so why not use the rules for Seth and just use him as a Captain of the 5th comany for example???

- I did see a mention of this on another post, cant remember which, but......

- Has anyone done this with success, and has anyone run into comlpaints from opponents using this HQ build?

- just want to get a feel if this makes sense.




Ary you talking about the codex entry, or the model?


Model? No problem.


HQ entry? Some problems.

1) sometimes at tournaments people don't alow named characetrs.

2) what if you want a Meq or JP army?

3) solid character, but no room for wargear customization.

Here's a recent thread on the topic. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...211&hl=seth]


I see no problem with using Seth's rules under a different name. I use Astorath's rules as the Angel's Vermillion Chapter Master and have never heard a complaint.

I like the Seth model and his rules,

- personally think he is a awesome in both areas, which is why i want to use him.

- i do understand that i may run into problems in tourneys using him like this, and am have an alternate "captain" build to use in case i do.


Ill check out that other post as well, I just love a giant man sized chainsword.....wow thats gotta hurt, and who cares if its not a power weapon.



HB66, of course you use him. Anyone that tells you differently is not worth playing.



HB66, this comment is not directed at you, but GW's fandom as a whole. The fact that this question even needs to be asked tells me the GW culture is screwed up more than the rule set.

HB66, this comment is not directed at you, but GW's fandom as a whole. The fact that this question even needs to be asked tells me the GW culture is screwed up more than the rule set.


Which is funny, since the Codex itself gives permission for this. It even uses the example of using Tycho as a Flesh Tearers Captain.


Speaking of Tycho, out of idle curiosity: why not use him?

HB66, this comment is not directed at you, but GW's fandom as a whole. The fact that this question even needs to be asked tells me the GW culture is screwed up more than the rule set.


Which is funny, since the Codex itself gives permission for this. It even uses the example of using Tycho as a Flesh Tearers Captain.


Speaking of Tycho, out of idle curiosity: why not use him?


Exactly, this misconception of "special characters are broken" is a carry-over from 3rd edition when you had to ask to use them.


BTW the permission is on page 81 under "Blood Angels and other chapters" for those that have not read it.

Cool guys, sounds like a resounding yes,

- i think my concern was coming from the fact that my big time playing days were during 3rd edition were you had to ask to do anything, and im just getting back into playing full swing again with the new rules.

- thanks for the comments, and the advice, time to go use my giant chainsword :D



Several months ago, I was invited to a gaming group. When I asked what the funny look was for when I pulled out the Sanguinor, they said they house rule no special characters. I said something like, "Oh, well... if I'd known I was playing at the kiddies table, I'd have brought candy." We played, but... I wasn't invited back. Which is okay by me as they were a bit weird in a general sense.
Several months ago, I was invited to a gaming group. When I asked what the funny look was for when I pulled out the Sanguinor, they said they house rule no special characters. I said something like, "Oh, well... if I'd known I was playing at the kiddies table, I'd have brought candy." We played, but... I wasn't invited back. Which is okay by me as they were a bit weird in a general sense.


Yeah, the "no special charecters" thing is really... newbie. I can understand making that rule if your playing "fun" fluffy games with friends, i.e. people using armies not built to fight to win. But in a general pick up its pretty... lame. Especially because a lot of chars in the game are the linchpin of an army (like salamanders, marneus gunline, etc.)

The "No Special Characters" thing is usually a sign of veteran players, not newbies. It's a holdover from 3e when SC's required your opponent's permission to use, from 4e when they required a minimum number of points to field (as they did in 3e)... Back then SC's were more of a treat than a staple. I miss those days a bit, but back then we also had veteran sergeants/heroes/force commanders commanding armies instead of Captains (well I think Captains were an option..)


Nowadays I think it's a bit rude to forbid them, as they're a necessary part of some forces (especially for C:SM). I don't necessarily enjoy this facet of 5e, but it is how it is.


Back on topic, I've been considering a Seth counts-as of my own. I have the model, but I might need to eventually make a FT squad to accompany him on the field.

I blame this on the "winning is rude" attitude GW puts out. They should really be called Activity Workshop since they believe trying to win a game is morally wrong. ;)


If you really want to understand GW's appraoch to rules design, read the Black Powder rulebook. It will give you a great insight to it. At the last Historicon some of my friends got to to play BP with the Perrys and some others involved in making the game. They kept asking my friend rules questions. Apparently they don't know thier own rules at all. Jervis has a bad habit of changing the rules between games and the rest can't keep up with it.


yeah i do remember back in 1998 when i was playing lots of local tournaments and gaming clubs, SC's were a big no no, and people through a fit if you had a SC and used him as something else......so im glad things have changed a little bit. whats 40k if you cant use the cool personalities???


- I was thinking of using the Seth model and then taking one of the Death Masks from the sanguinary guard and replacing the head?

- So heres another question.....what are people having the best luck with in terms of HQ squads?

- it used to be lots of termy squads, back in the day.

- the honor guard squad though is pretty potent

- i was also thinking of a 10 man fully kitted out Stern Guard Squad, HB, HF, and lots of combi weapons :devil:



Tyco is pretty good to,

- i mostly like the model of Seth and his rules, tru he has no power weapon. but the vision of him rampaging through a battlefield with that huge sword is just awesome.

- Tyco always strikes me as the quiet, stern, stick in the mudd that no one can stand.....but can still kill ya with his pinky of course....just not my cup of tea.



In third and fourth edition I was one of those guys who went the way of no special characters. But the rules then, and the way the codex was written really discouraged them unless there was some monumental feat that needs to be accomplished (what is now appocalyspe basically). Most of them could not even be included unless your army was 1500 or 2500 points. Still if a necron player wanted to feild a c'tan in a 1000 pt battle I would let them, just meant a turn two win for me. But the whole structure of the game has changed a lot since then, now they are highly encouraged to use in 1000 pt battles. In a lot of cases you just cannot afford to miss their bonuses or shear beat down potential. And our codex in particular encourages using counts as, so long as you give your opponent the heads up prior to the battle to prevent confusion. Note, this is just giving him a heads up, not asking his/her permission. I am with the guys saying go for it, and if someone tells you no they are more then welcome to play someone else. Unless it is a GW sponsored tournament or something at a store in which case you can invite them to forfit instead.


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