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The Emperor's Lizards


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Hi everybody! I've been following the B&C forum for couple of years now but this is my first topic here. I would like to show off my upcoming CSM army with Slaanesh Space Lizards theme. Here is the logo for the army:




I'm about to convert and paint something like 4000 points of these guys. Lots to do but I've already done a small part of the army. I think I should start the topic with one of the HQ choices so here is my vision of Lucius the Eternal:




I think he's too glossy tho. Guess I need to use some matt varnish too. I'll try to put some other guys tomorrow for you to see. I just need to take better photos of them first. Hope you like my Lucius! Comments are always welcome!

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Hey, and thanks for the comments! While waiting Juarez's non-Chaos Hippos here are some more Chaos Lizards ;). So, here is one of the Noise Marines with Sonic Blaster:




And here is my Dreadnought #1:



More heretic scum to come, stay tuned!

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Got to be honest with you kojo... I think these models look really bad...

















but in a good way :D The bright pink and green combined would be a dangerous call for most things but I think you've pulled off a look where it is really snazzy :wallbash: and I totally agree with Mr.Tough Guy that the do remind me of old cartoons.

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I'm glad that they look bad, BUT in a good way :P I also like that they remind of the golden 80's cartoons! I don't take my army too seriously. Here is my first Obliterator squad:




I guess I should convert another squad, because they where fun to make and also very versatile in the battlefield!

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The Emperor's Lizards, a debased cult of Astartes devoted to the Dark Gods, keep their leadership as devoted to the four great powers as possible. Four fell Champions command the will of the Emperor's Lizards, though unsubstantiated rumors speak of a leader above them all that commands them from the depths of their corrupted Battle Barge.


So it was that the scions of the Dark Gods: Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael, former sons of the angel Sanguinius, began their rampage of death and mutation across the Imperium...

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LOL, I haven't read that much of Chaos literature, so the fluff is in your hands! I guess I should have made a TMNT based army :cuss Well anyway, no Slaanesh army without couple of flying Daemon Princes:



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I nearly laughed out loud at the suggestion that the finish might be too glossy. I think that the incredibly garish colours might be the issue there!


From a personal taste point of view I think that they look absolutely hideous and not in a good chaotic kind of way. From a technical point of view I have to say I'm impressed that you actually managed to achieve such garishly vibrant colours.


Finally, that picture of rocket pack slann is beyond words. I'm filled with an urge to email the link to that pic to every gamer I know (in a good way)!

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Thanks for your comments! I know they are not very traditional looking chaos troops but I hope I get my opponents confused when playing against them <_< Unfortunatly they don't glow in the dark.... or do they? Haven't tried yet :woot: Well, I'll soon try to put some kind of a family potret out there, but untill that I need to finnish couple of more figures. Here is two of my Terminators with pair of lightning claws:



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Thanks guys, and yeah, I geddit :P Here is some more Space Lizards, first three Chaos Raptors with metal sticks in their #2:




And one basic Noise Marine + Champion:



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ok this army is awesome very well done. amazing conversions i love the work you put into em and to be honest my marines would love to have a show down with these gaint mutant space lizards. *can't help but think of the TV show 'V' when i see em*


oh and *chuckles* this is gonna sound really terrible... i mean honestly terrible but when i looked at your two flying slann deamon princes the one the right just suddenly screamed at me. "Gordi La Toad" ... doesn't help i'm watching star trek next gen when i saw this *snickers* if he was wearing a black and brown/gold uniform i would most likely have fallen out of my chair laughing. as it is... i almost did.

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DavidKits, maybe little less Star Trek today? ;) And you say more madness, here's more madness!


Terminator Champion:




2 Terminators:












As you can see from the Vindicator pic, my "studio" is getting a bit too small. I guess even my current army won't fit in it ^_^

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