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The Emperor's Lizards


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EmbattledSoul and BassWave, I have some kind of plans about doing a Greater Daemon or Lizard possessed vehicle but not in the near future tho. But you are right, something BIG is needed! :lol:


And here is the group shot of all the current Spaze Lizards I’ve talking about:




There is about 1370 points of them so still lots to do! The army is not very playable yet, as you can see there is not much troops included…


Here are some things I’m about to do next: 3 more Raptors, 1 more Terminator, another Dreadnought and 4 Havocs.


The troops can still wait! Well, that’s it for now. Gotta start the Space Lizard painting madness again next week, but tonight I need couple of drinks so that I can handle it! :)


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That Vindi looks techno.


I can hear the bass.




Good stuff dude!



Well considering the fact that this Vindicator fires enormous round that impacts the earth at tremendous force, the soundwave generated would be quite enormous :) So yes, this Vindi drops some sick bass B)


Kojo this is some great work, can't wait to seem more ;)

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Thanks guys, you rock! Yeterday I finnished my second Dreadnought, but realised that it was missing the leg plates ;) I've been looking around some bitz places but out of stock everywhere. Do you have any ideas where I could find pair of those?
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I managed to get some iron clad dread shin pads from www.letthedicedecide.co.uk, but depending on where you are in the world that might not be a great site for you. Also the venerable dread kit comes with 2 sets of shin pads.


I love the models and painting style, very bright, but suits the army wonderfully.



Keep up the good work!

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This army is pure awesome to the eye sockets. ;) Well done! I love the Slaan, they just look like they're going for a cruise.


Very well executed theme. Might not be to some people's liking, but it reminds me of the good ol' days when GW painted garish colors on everything and tongue was firmly planted in cheek. ;)

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Hi all, and thx for the comments again! Finally got some new models ready! Here are my Chaos Havos with Autocannons:




They were so annoying to paint (those metallic autocannons...) so you don't even know how happy I am now that they are finally ready to rumble ^_^


Still trying to find those Dradnought leg plates but no luck so far. I guess I should buy that SM Dread that comes with 2 different pairs of plates then...


Macorrie, Bebop and Rocksteady would be cool to do :lol:


And Brother Caedrius, two metal pipes goes from the jetpack to the base. Then lots of static grass glued together to make it look like smoke. I also used watered glue to make it firm. I found a tutorial from da internet but can't locate it any more...

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Just finished three more Chaos Raptors. Two with Plasma Pistols and Champion with Icon of Slaanesh and Power Fist:




I still have four more Raptors assembled but won't be painting them for a while. Need something else for a change...

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Good Lord is this thread fun.

I'm in love with the tank and the Daemon Princes.


We must have more! Incidentally, I knew there would be lizard men bitz the moment I clicked on the link, but I didn't think there would be so many garish colors (which work surprisingly well).


Or a Demon possessed vehicle modeled as a dinosaur with guns on it

Do you by any chance mean this?

Dinosaur with guns

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:eek ^_^


Its...well its just....saints be praised I LOVE IT!!!!


At first I was "what the hell?" but the colours, the modeling, the love and original ideas - possibly the most original pieces ive seen in years!!!!


They remind me so much of the earlier material (RT, 2nd ed.) and the colours are just so crisp.


Also, the Dinoriders idea is a good one Nomish.

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Love these - it's like the Salamander's answer to Wulfen. The customization options for individual soldiers is huge too; just take a dinosaur almanac and pick the parts you like! I like the dread, but I'm thinking it needs some more "lizarding" - a stegosaurus/ankylosaurus tail would be great. Excellent work so far, and I look forward to new madness!


Oh, and Dinoriders was the zenith of all 80's cartoons - we'll never see it's equal in this world again.

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