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Skyrar Dark Wolves

Lone Scout

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I have been toying with this chapter for quite some time but I keep thinking they are Wolves trying to be chaos or chaos trying to be astratas.

My question is thus if I ran a SRDW army using the spacewolf codex would you take them as a serious chaos warband or would they be seen as something less?

Would you see them and say oh cool looking chaos army or just another chaos army using the spacewolf codex?



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Personally, a chaos themed space wolves army, that is actually evil space wolves rather than a random counts-as sounds pretty neat to be honest. Lots of gore effects, fit them with chain axes, mix up chaos and SW parts, would be fun to see.
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Have you ran through the Dornian Heresy version of the Space Wolves? There's a little part in their IA where a Thousand Son Warship is chasing after skyrar, and he slips through a wormhole into the dimension of 40k we all know. Just a thought, brother. By the way, I fully support your idea, could be a lot of fun to build and play. Best of luck man!
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as long as you enjoy using your army, it shouldnt matter what other people think, although Chaos wolves is certainly better then insert warband name here using the space wolf codex just because it is the best.


I saw a khorne themed logan wing army that looked awesome, and I am using the space wolf codex (logan wing) to represent my renegade first company.


Go ahead, have fun and make them look cool :P

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although Chaos wolves is certainly better then insert warband name here using the space wolf codex just because it is the best.


I've used SW dex a few times now, I don't think it's any stronger then the csm dex (I think it's "better", but I don't think it gives you more of an advantage on the table top).

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I'd wager Skyrar's Dark Wolves are a more recently gone-rogue force, so I think the equipment options of C:SW would definitely work out and there's no better way to do Space Wolves in general. I say go for it. You'll have wolf-like symbols and stuff even if they're chaos so it would be really hard for anyone to doubt that it's a Space Wolves army of some kind.
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Awesome thank you all.


@1000heatherns, the Dornian Heresy stuff is absolutly fantastic, people amaze me with there writting skill, well done to all.


@chillin, its not so much about the codex as it was about loosing interest in SW's and wanting a different flavor so to speak...that and I have wolf cavalry models ready to go :)

Pics soon


Again big thank you to all.

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The name strikes me as a little silly (Sky-rawr!), but there's tons of opportunities here to make a really fun, unique force with interesting models and background. I say take your fun where you can. :D
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...that and I have wolf cavalry models ready to go :lol:


Yeah, one of the reasons I tried the SW dex is that it let me use my old as space dirt (2nd ed. I think) jugger models again for the 1st time in years

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I have trouble taking anything seriously the moment it calls itself "dark".


Space Wolf models are killer, though. I wouldn't blame anyone for using them in their army.





LOL, dont let the boys in the Fortress hear that one ;p


You dont want to offend the skirt wearing, Emo flaoured "oops-i-blew-up-my-planet" far too old for teen-angst brethren.






.................or do you?


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I feel as if it is a cop out "I saw this cool idea in the chaos codex but i do not want to use an older and inferior codex to do it, let me use a newer and shiney one." Now I am not saying this is the idea going through your head but I been working on them myself since the chaos codex came out. With about 2 more space wolf purchases I will have this warband at standard company strength. Mine are all Khorne Worshippers,which include angry marines and beserkers as well as a dread,raptors, a flying lord and a termie lord. So you may understand why I believe your idea is a cop out.


That being said if it is decently modeled and painted it will look nice.


Now before this erupts into a internet shouting match this is not meant to insult. I am giving an honest opinion since you asked what this community thought.

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in the chaos dex which is where they appear. I am not sayingthe idea to make them isn't a good idea it's just, If a person is gonna make a chaos themed army we have a perfectly viable codex


If someone wanted to make wolf brothers the one time a wolves legion was split yes use space wolves

Unforgiven us dark angels

some offshoot of templars use templars


What I am saying is it feels like a cop out to me taking a warband listed in the Codex Chaos Space Marines and using other codices to make it. I mean it is kinda like making a dark angels successor and using thenew codex space marines before the FAQ was released. It just to me smacks of a cop out that was basically "oooo lets use the new shiney dex rather than work with the one we have."


I mean maybe it isn't but it has the appearances of it.

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well but the DA did have a point with their dex being realy bad pre FAQ. even now playing green wing makes 0 sense.


In the end it doesnt matter . SW are more flexible and with counts as one can do almost anything [would have to make winged helmets for the lords on TWC . otherwise no DP in the chaos list using same models]. oblits as 2-3 meq hvy weapon teams on Ig hvy weapon bases , then used as long fangs ? csm and GH same load out of imporant gear[the icon guy is the dude with the Mark when using the SW dex] etc etc.

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I am not saying it is a horrible idea good people of the internet I am just saying don't you see where it can be viewed asa cop out. Which is my issue is people are defending it unto death as if I went out and kicked topic starter whomever it is in the teeth and stole his lunch money for putting a constructively negative criticism of his idea.


Btw Topic starter I hope no one actually did do this and you think it was me...lol.

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