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Avatars of the Gods


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As much as all this fluff is interesting, I don't think this answers the OP's question... which I'm not sure there is one, if i understand it myself.

I don't think there are any "Avatars" of the gods in the same way as the Eldar do for KMK. All Greater Daemons are individual beings of the warp, and the Daemon Primarchs again are individual beings in their own right. OK, all of these GD's, Heralds, D-Primarchs, D-Prince's and even CSMs mentioned are great champions of their gods, but really, there aren't avatars of chaos in the same way as the Eldar have theirs. Not that I'm aware of anyway...

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im just waihing for them to get off their dammed throns and do some fighting themselves...lazy gits... if they did they would probably get a fair bit further into the imperium than abbadon has...


I know it's hypothetical, but can you imagine the amount of sacrifice or psychic power it would take to get them from the warp into physical universe entities? You're probably talking about an amount of sacrifice equivalent to wiping out every living being in the galaxy a few times over...


I'm pretty sure if they could, they'd have done it already...

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Don't forget that Lorgar has been in meditation or prayer for a few thousand years, he isn't off fighting wars in other galaxies or anything. I'm sure when the "End Times" climax, Lorgar will return to his sons and lead them once more.


Same with the other Primarchs still alive (loyal and traitor).

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