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DC Tycho


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Trying to figure out the best way to field DC inducted Tycho. Hes a beast in combat but not being able to attatch him to a squad sucks the big one. I thought of buying him a Razorback and then fielding dc in a rhino right behind him. Or a stormraven with him in it and a DC furioso dread hanging of the back. Dunno, any ideas???
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You can't buy him anything but a Stormraven, really, as he doesn't have dedicated transport options.

He's really just a bad choice, which is a real shame.


BUT were I to have to field him (in an apoc game, maybe) I'd give him either a Stormraven or screen him with vehicles and troops. It only takes two or three lascannons to reduce the mighty berzerker to pulp, so the less they can see of him the better.

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