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oxidization on metal minis

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I'm not really sure how you've managed to have oxidization occur on metal models.

Last I checked the metal doesn't oxidize naturally without a catalyst.


Chances are whatever funky business is going on can be dealt with by taking the mini's for a bath and scrubbed down with a nailbrush.

But that should be standard practice for any miniature that's been in storage for a while.

Pewter oxidation won't bother anything so long as you prime the model before painting. Just put a drop of hand soap on an old toothbrush, run the model under some warm tap watr, and scrub. Rinse thoroughly, allow to dry, then prime as normal.

Unless you've got sort of major surface issue, you're fine. Pewter doesn't rust. It's 98% tin. Nothing in modern minis degrades under oxygen. Super-old minis fromt he 70s could be prone to lead rot, but nothing GW has made in at least a decade has had any lead in it.

If you're concerned about a specific piece, take a pic of the damage and show it to us.


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