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Biggest Army Speed Paint Project Ever!


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All right gents, I have a tournament next weekend I need your help to keep me on track to getting my army ready.

Need to Build-

Tactical Squad





2x RAS

1x Tact.

2x Tank



Finish SG

Finish Librarian


I have my Army Painter Primer ready to go, I will be posting every day as best as I can with pics. Wish me luck

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You can do it so long as you don't get bogged down in the details. Get basic colors going on all of them, then work your way back through to do more details as time allows. Unless of course you are wanting to win Best Painted or something similar.
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It should be doable.

I painted ~6000 points worth of Alaitoc Eldar in less than 2 weeks, so you should manage if you just put some sweat, blood and tears* into it.

(Sweat from the hard work of having a steady hand when painting, blood from the frustration you get when you've painted for 8 hours straight and realize that you've painted the entire days work wrong and hence stab yourself in the foot, and tears or happiness when you're finally done.)


Anyway, GL with the project mate.

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I built & painted a 2K ork army and won best painted in the tournament a three day span. (Built them when I got them thurs. Painted on Fri. Played on Sat.)


So I think its definitely possible but then marines are a touch more complicated to paint then a bunch of Kanz.

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All right gents, thank you for the encouragement. Right now I have the Tact. Squad done and all the parts lined up for the HG and DC. I have started base coating the RAS and have a few of one of the squads painted up. The vindicator is all red and is now being detailed. I'll get some pics up tomorrow for you guys to see.


As they say, keep on happy painting

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Thanks for the support.

Highborn Mergula- Yes those are free hand, thanks


captain maleck - Here is what I used- Basecoat of shining gold over skull white spray, followed by a wash of brown ink, then touch up with shining gold highlight up through burnished gold and then mithril silver. I then went back and darkened the stark lines with a scorched brown/ chaos black mix. Hope this helps.

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Huh, those new vindicators are interesting. I am not sure if I like them more of less then the old models. Granted with the old ones, if the gun does not kill what you need it too, the model can be used in place of a half brick to knock them out so you can remove the models anyways.


Edit: Forgot to add, great paint job man. Doublely impressive given how quickly you are doing it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

LPC = Librarium Painting Challenge


It's a board-wide "competition" in which members of each subforum (ie Blood Angels, Dark Angels, etc) vow to paint X number of models before a given date, in this case 31 March, and the board with the most completions win bragging rights. Work in Progress and completed pics must be posted to the boards in order to count.

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