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Today Abaddon killed...


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In contrast with the 'Abaddon dies pathetically after running away' topic, and because Ahriman/Khârn/Typhus/Lucius has one, I thought I'd start a similar topic in our warmasters great honour!


Today (well, yesterday) Abaddon's tropyrack got added with the following heads :


Pedro Kantor.

5 Sternguards.

4 Tactical Marines.

3 Assault Terminators.


He was going after Lysander but the game ended in turn 5.

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Not today, but in the past Abbadon has been a wrecking ball in the current dex. I haven't run CSM in a very long time, but when we had an Apocalypse Game when the system first came out, I fielded Abby in a Chaos vs. Tyranids game, 8000 points a side.


2 Hive Tyrants. Trygon, innumerable numbers of warriors and gaunts... had one wound left at the end of the game. He's a monster... The only good character/HQ in that book, and he's a beast. Easily the top killing ability HQ in the game imo.

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I fielded Abby in a Chaos vs. Tyranids game, 8000 points a side.




No pics sadly. This was from a long time ago, I know the group made some pics, but sadly I never got copies :rolleyes:


I think we have pics for the giant Ork vs. Marine game we just did, but thats off topic now, so I will speak no more of it (Orks won, WAAAGH!!!)

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I wouldn't field Abaddon in anything less than 2000 pts, especially since you essentially need a CLR for him, and that's more than 25% of the army right there.
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Hmmm, all this talk of abaddon is making me want to take mine out for a spin, got a 2000 game set for sunday and was going to bring my logan wing, might surprise them with an Abaddon led chaos force (I was the guy who made Abaddon lose his combat and run away pathetically in that last thread -_- ).


In the past the few times I've used him he has done well, this codex around he has rolled a few ones, and killed a few IC's and a fair share of squads.


Think I shall field him on sunday for sure, and bring back a tally of his kills (or pointless deaths).

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Field him in any Cult Troop (pref. with Khorne Berzerkers) and he won't run away...ever.


Or you could just dispatch him from his squad after you disembark and charge two different targets, anyway, Abaddon remains fearless! :)

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Well, the best ive seen him do is against my Blood Hawks - he killed;(in one game mind you)


18 Assault marines (after surviving 3 meltas and a plasma voley)

1 Reclusiarch

8 Death company (impressive!!)

2 Rhino and finally (and most galling to myself)

3 terminators (after Khârn blew up there Raider).



SIngle handedly won the match, 2800 pts at 7 turns.




The best moments from my use of him were;


Killing Marneus Calgar in 1 round of combat

butchering thunderwolves and associated Hammer lord

sticking a slaanesh DP in the heart

blowing up a shadowsword superheavy and finally, and the bestest.


Taking off the last void shield from my opponents Imperial class titan (many relieved sighs after that, er i mean FRENZIED CHANTING!!!).




Best character ever.

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My best moment with ol abby,


Apoc game, ran him in a LR with Khârn and typhus (was a rather funny expression on everyones face)


the setup:


Baneblade rolling up the field, Biotitan walked up to it.

Biotitan got some bad luck with rolls, only destroyed half movement and took out most of the guns.


I ran the LR up to the baneblade and unloaded abby


everyone: ^_^


me: :huh: Khârn has 2D6 pen... ^_^


everyone: :huh:


me: oh and typhus can glance it -brings him out as well-


everyone: :lol:


Tyhpus: -immobilizes it with breath-


Abby: -makes it blow up-


everyone: :o


Impy guard player: :angry: :cuss

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-4 Sanguinary Guard

-6 Assault Marines


Then the enemy decided to never get close again in that game, so Abaddon and his 2 terminator pals hung out with 3 oblits and watched some long range shooting.


We played with 3000pts each. The only time I've run Abaddon, but I would enjoy fielding him again sometime.

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Today Abaddon:


Killed an Avatar in one combatphase.

Wrecked a Demolisher-Russ.


Should be noted that he suffered a wound from his daemonweapon while assaulting a immobilized hellhound, got hit in the neck by Khârn, took a wound from a lasgun before the match finally ended...not really impressive.

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  • 11 months later...

Last week I swept 2000 points of Grey Knights. It was truly a glorious day for the Ruinous Powers.


Abaddon and his retinue of 8 Chosen (4x LC and IoT in a LR) drove up the middle, parked their Land Raider, and then took Inquisitor Coteaz, his psyker retinue (designed to launch the large blast template psyker power), and two kitted out squads of Paladins and stomped them into the dirt. None of my other troops even dismounted, Khârn composing haiku inside his Land Raider while the two CSM squads played "I spy" over the radio.


(though I was myself tabled by the GK player and his henchman menagerie immediately after in a 1250 point rematch.)


The week before that I used Abaddon for the first time, and tabled a 1250 point Salamander Drop Pod army that included Vulkan.


This dude wrecks serious face, and I do believe I need to use him more often :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

After Abaddon killed Mephiston (sacrificed 4 termies) I used himagainst a friend's Daemons and Abaddon killed:


Nurgle Daemon Prince,

5 BloodLetters,

5 BloodLetters

All while in CC with the Great Unclean one (with 1 remaining Termie). He died, but scored two of Unclean's remaining 3 wounds and he died on the fearless hit. Awesome.

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