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Lamenters Storm Raven


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Just finished her a good few minutes ago.


Nice and weathered for the table and ready to wreck some shop!






-Matt :cuss

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Wow... That is really cool :cuss


Any conversions you did on this baby? (It seems that the turret has been changed)




Now, I like the kit, but I wasn't too big a fan of the turret, the weird little spoiler on the back, or the ridiculously large air duct. That, and the lack of a cool looking Dreadnought carrier hoist in the back. So, like any hobbyist, I improvised.


I took the base of the servitor turret, the lascannons and covers, a Cadian Vox Caster(Cut down), and some plasticard to make a new turret with a much more sleek profile. Its as simple as laying the lascannons down onto a cut down turret bottom, throwing the cut down Vox in between, and overlaying the front gap with plasticard. Following that, I cut down the air duct by about 50% with a the humble Hobby Saw, and them into place.


Now, as we move to the back of the Storm Raven, I decided to copy an idea I saw photoshopped onto the Storm Raven when it was first announced. I wanted it to be more in line with a Landspeeder type of spoiler, while still looking like a big 'ole flier. To remedy the situation, I took some plasticard, cut out a pair of squares, and then cut them diagonally across and attached them for a much more sturdy appearance in the back.


Lastly, we have the Dreadnought Carrier System (DCS). To make the DCS, I took a pair of extra mid-toe joints leftover from my pair of Warhounds and slapped them into place along the weak little tow cable system to beef out the back of the Storm Raven, in addition to making it look like it can actually carry a Dreadnought without it falling off mid-flight. I was initially going to do the exact same system with a pair of cut down Sentinel legs, but the extra Titan pieces gave me an excuse to save money.

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Hah, thanks for the positive responses guys.


Oh, and the flash washes it out a bit, but the Aquilas are actually lavender/light purple with a mix of Liche Purple and Skull White, washed by Leviathan Purple.


And Angry; the top view is pretty damned similar, but the thickness of the turret, the wig tips and the air duct are different.

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The purple eagles are nice if you ask me, being complementary to yellow, but the slightly sloppy purple wash around the eagle on the nose of the SR takes a little bit away from the model. That said, this is one of the best, if not the best, SR's I've seen.
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Pretty dang awesome. You sir, have some talent. I love your giant flying school bus from hell...that would be one heckuva ride. I'd really like to see someone use one of these things in a game. I don't think any of the gamers at our local store have one of these yet. You have done an outstanding job. Maybe some shots of her in action some day? Keep it up!
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The purple eagles are nice if you ask me, being complementary to yellow, but the slightly sloppy purple wash around the eagle on the nose of the SR takes a little bit away from the model. That said, this is one of the best, if not the best, SR's I've seen.


Hah, the fudging up around the nose isn't actually purple. It's bad line highlighting I made a little runny, and the battle damage next to it doesn't help. I'll have to fix it later. ;)

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