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Apocalypse fluff question


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I'm trying to put a 8000pts chaos army as fluffy as I can

Its going to be word bearers without a doubt. But I want to have demon ally's with them, more specifically Tzeentch.

I was just wondering if their is any fluff to support a thousand son - word bearers alliance. Any names, legions, locale, basically anything you can add will be a massive help

thanks in advance

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According to The First Heretic, Lorgar's closest brother was Magnus. Of course, that was 10,000 years ago, story time, they parted not on the best of terms, and Chaos (not to mention an eternity of war) diminishes any kind of fraternal sentiment, but there it is.


For more Word Bearers/Tzeentch goodness, read Anthony Reynolds's Dark Apostle, Book I of his Word Bearers series. Jarulek, the Dark Apostle in the book, cruises around on a Disc of Tzeentch and summons Horrors (among other kinds of Daemons, really. It rather covers the gamut). Pretty Tzeentchy.


8000 points of Word Bearers would be awesome. I play Word Bearers and Thousand Sons together all the time, so let me know how that works out for you.

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I'm trying to put a 8000pts chaos army as fluffy as I can

Its going to be word bearers without a doubt. But I want to have demon ally's with them, more specifically Tzeentch.

I was just wondering if their is any fluff to support a thousand son - word bearers alliance. Any names, legions, locale, basically anything you can add will be a massive help

thanks in advance


Technically, fluff isn't relevant in an Apocalypse game anyway, but yes, Word Bearers and Daemons would fit nicely together. I recommend many Lords of Change. You don't even need the 1K Sons to field them.

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Fluff is always relevant if you want it to be and is never relevant if you don't want it to be.


People need to stop seeking permission to invent fluff. The universe is yours as much as it is Games Workhops' as long as you are mindful of putting it all into context. It is certainly yours as much as it is any novelists' writing for the Black Library.


Your game, your fluff, your rules.

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Fluff is always relevant if you want it to be and is never relevant if you don't want it to be.


People need to stop seeking permission to invent fluff. The universe is yours as much as it is Games Workhops' as long as you are mindful of putting it all into context. It is certainly yours as much as it is any novelists' writing for the Black Library.


Your game, your fluff, your rules.


Agreed. I'd also add that anything is possible through magic or technology.


Word Bearers and Thousand sons make a great pair, they're the thinking legions!

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Wee little apology for jumping the gun on the whole permission thing :).

I just meant to convey, albeit in the wrong thread perhaps that people put too much stock on fluff written by others :).


To answer the actual question posed, Frater Uriah pretty much answered with the only piece of fluff I know of. That being the closeness of bonds between Magnus and Lorgar. Hope you have a wonderful game of Apocalypse with whatever you decide to gel together at the end :).

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