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You know your a chaos marine when...


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You know you're a chaos marine when your assult cannons, drop pods and land speeders mysteriously disapear when you cross in to the eye

Pretty sure Assault Cannons and the Current Speeder Chassis are post-heresy developments?


But considering the codex is technically supposed to be about renegades( :lol: ), wouldn't it make sense that the renegades would bring the assorted missing wargear with them?

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But considering the codex is technically supposed to be about renegades( ;) ), wouldn't it make sense that the renegades would bring the assorted missing wargear with them?


Amen to that... a wasted print run if ever there was one... :angry: :cuss :wallbash:

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...you ask a fellow gamer at your LGS whether the GW army shader will make your Word Bearers look more chaosy and evily - and he confirms that the product is specifically made to make CSM look more chaosy and evily.


...your dogs of war GO IN! THEY GO IN AND THEY KILL!


...you suck so hard that even with an overwhelming application of naval, air, and ground assets at one system in the Imperium you are beaten because of convenient warp time travel allowing the Emperor's lapdogs to arrive just in the nick of time and kick your butt. In addition, due to some strategic oversight a Necron vessel happens to be drawn to the very system you're in and unleashes a C'Tan God amongst your ranks which butchers your soldiers with wreckless abandon. Your only response being to send in over 100 terminator veterans, veterans of the Horus Heresy and arguably irreplaceable members of the Legion, and beat it to death in melee. Despite taking horrendous casualties and not recovering a single suit of armor from the fallen your claim victory and leave but not before allowing one of your fellow Chapters to be utterlly obliterated in some pathetic power play.

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...you suck so hard that even with an overwhelming application of naval, air, and ground assets at one system in the Imperium you are beaten because of convenient warp time travel allowing the Emperor's lapdogs to arrive just in the nick of time and kick your butt. In addition, due to some strategic oversight a Necron vessel happens to be drawn to the very system you're in and unleashes a C'Tan God amongst your ranks which butchers your soldiers with wreckless abandon. Your only response being to send in over 100 terminator veterans, veterans of the Horus Heresy and arguably irreplaceable members of the Legion, and beat it to death in melee. Despite taking horrendous casualties and not recovering a single suit of armor from the fallen your claim victory and leave but not before allowing one of your fellow Chapters to be utterlly obliterated in some pathetic power play.


Wow...someone isn't a fan of the 'Dark Apostle' series... :lol:

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You know you're a chaos space marine when... you like your baby back ribs to be from actual babies' backs.


You know you're a chaos space marine when... you pray to Dark Gods to aid you and they screw you instead.


You know you're a chaos space marine when... you have victory within your grasp, the Imperial Palace breached, the Emperor of Mankind on the verge of death, then your Warmaster dies and you say "Uh, our fearless leader is dead, we're gonna leave now..."

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..... you despise very humane thing you see and curse every thing not chaos.


..... you kill the oposing player in a play fight and take there skull, then demand a new pathetic challenger.


..... you burn down a church and place the body of the priest upon a spike and then say; 'they did not yeild to the true gods!'.

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... your most reliable units are blood crazed loons with chips in their head.


... the guy behind you keeps howling and trying to behead you with an axe, what's left of the guy in front is dripping on your shoe, the .... thing to the left is both sickening yet also so damn hot, and the ... other thing to the right looks like someone got all the components for a human, threw them into a blender, then poured the remains into power armour.

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...you suck so hard that even with an overwhelming application of naval, air, and ground assets at one system in the Imperium you are beaten because of convenient warp time travel allowing the Emperor's lapdogs to arrive just in the nick of time and kick your butt. In addition, due to some strategic oversight a Necron vessel happens to be drawn to the very system you're in and unleashes a C'Tan God amongst your ranks which butchers your soldiers with wreckless abandon. Your only response being to send in over 100 terminator veterans, veterans of the Horus Heresy and arguably irreplaceable members of the Legion, and beat it to death in melee. Despite taking horrendous casualties and not recovering a single suit of armor from the fallen your claim victory and leave but not before allowing one of your fellow Chapters to be utterlly obliterated in some pathetic power play.


Wow...someone isn't a fan of the 'Dark Apostle' series... ;)



Wasn't the Undying one just a fancy Necron Lord?

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You know you are a Chaos Space Marine when...


... you chew on your own eyeballs so you can see nothing but oblivion.


... a case of the plague makes you tougher.


... you get your horns caught so much in the top of the Rhino you have to exit from the top.


... you trade your soul in for power and all you get is access to 4 crummy psychic abilities.


... you fantasize about letting an otherworldly beast inside your mind, letting it shape your body to it's liking, then running around in a frenzy.


... your sword wants to eat you, your dreadnought wants to shoot you, and the only way that greater demon is getting on the board is through you.


... the furthest you can shoot is 24 inches, your only artillery comes out of something's belly, and the most chaos-y looking thing on the board is mindless, slow and purposeful.


... some Ork shows up to the fight using the same epithet.


... half your models become useless each time they put out a new book.


... some suit in England trying to sell more models wants to rebrand you as a renegade instead of the hellraising, devil worshipping anarchist death machine you are.

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You know you are a Chaos Space Marine when...


...... your sword wants to eat you, your dreadnought wants to shoot you, and the only way that greater demon is getting on the board is through you.

HA! I love it, that's great man! :) I hope you don't mind if I sig that?

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You know you are a Chaos Space Marine when...


...... your sword wants to eat you, your dreadnought wants to shoot you, and the only way that greater demon is getting on the board is through you.

HA! I love it, that's great man! :) I hope you don't mind if I sig that?


This! Well done.

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