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11th's 2011 LPC thread


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Now that I found the family camera I can take some pics of my LPC vow. I present my Ven. Dread, Chaplain and my 5th Tactical Squad.









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  • 2 weeks later...

first update :) I got some silver and a bit of gold onto the dreadnought. Have yet to name him, any suggestions?




Also did a bit on my Chaplain. Started on his helmet, did a bit on the chest eagle, some detail on the crozius head and the staff. Also painted the book cover on his hip, will finish that next time.



Tactical Squad V is being manually undercoated and primed as I ran out of black spray paint. While they dry I will paint up the Sergeant.

I was planning on posting a picture of my dreadnought today, however my computer exploded. And I do mean literally. The power unit went crack and so the beast rufuses to awake :)


On a lighter note I now have my tactical squad completely under- and basecoated and ready for the details. If I can steal my brother's laptop again I will attemp an update.

  • 4 weeks later...

while finishing the last details on my Dread I took this photo of my hobby-table in my room. It contains mostly Space Marines, Dark Eldar and a Grey Knight venerable dreadnought. Anyway, pictures of my Angels of Shadow dread to follow shortly.



disarster! My venerable dreadnought had lost both it's chest-panel and shin guards due to my brother throwing them in the bin as a joke. I fear that if I cannot fabricate suitable replacements by tomorrow evening then my Vow may be unfulfilled...again.

I'm admitting defeat. That darned dreadnought bested me and took up too much time trying to repair it. I am less than happy with this outcome as it means that I have failed 2 PLC's in a row. May the gods have mercy on my soul.


In penance I vow to complete the models for this LPC, as well as two Tactical Squads, a Company Master, Librarian, three Rhinos, a Land Raider and three Deathwing terminator squads. This vow, as well as one Librarium article, will be completed before the next LPC or I will not enter.


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