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DANTE: Sanguinius has cast his baleful glare on the vile Swarmlord. He is now weakened by the righteous anger of our Primarch. Erm...Mr Chaplain, would you mind awfully nipping over there and giving him a smack for me please?"


Dante's appearance on battlefield weakened the Swarmlord, and so smart Mr. Chaplain quickly rushes to kill the bug. Kinda like this. :P


If only it were possible. Swarmlord is not an IC.

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DANTE: Sanguinius has cast his baleful glare on the vile Swarmlord. He is now weakened by the righteous anger of our Primarch. Erm...Mr Chaplain, would you mind awfully nipping over there and giving him a smack for me please?"


Dante's appearance on battlefield weakened the Swarmlord, and so smart Mr. Chaplain quickly rushes to kill the bug. Kinda like this. :P


If only it were possible. Swarmlord is not an IC.


Crikey! You're absolutely correct. In fact, upon looking through the codex, it seems the only IC in the Tyranid book is the Tyranid Prime.

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What Dante does for you:


Nerfs one enemy HQ -> -1I, -1WS, -1A, -1W

SG count as troop choices

Hit & Run

No scatter deepstrike


He works perfectly with a DoA army. I like to use him with one squad of SG and two assault squads as the core of my army.


If you cant take advantage of those, well then try razorspam... :P


G :P

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well hit and run is for one unit and as it was said before he aint realy good in hth . true he does make sang guard troops and for people that play armies around those it is important . But a sang guard army is not tier 1 and taking dante too take 1 squad of sang guard in a BA army just costs too much.


the scater on deep strike doesnt realy matter for BA as it is very hard to not be in range when they dont scater like normal sm to begin with.


Aint bad per se but compering to the utility a mefo or even sang brings he aint worth the points. unless of course someone wants to build a sang guard based army , but then he has no other choice .

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Join him with a JP DC unit with Lemartes. Precision landing that unit, being able to HnR out of combat with anything thrown at it to hold it up, and you have a DC unit with full rerolls that can charge everytime it's able. Expensive? Yes, but on the other hand, it's a Death Star that will hurt your opponent hard. Remember, there is nothing in Rage saying you have to HnR towards the closest available squad, which gives you quite a measure of control over them.
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What Dante does for you:


Nerfs one enemy HQ -> -1I, -1WS, -1A, -1W

SG count as troop choices

Hit & Run

No scatter deepstrike


He works perfectly with a DoA army. I like to use him with one squad of SG and two assault squads as the core of my army.


If you cant take advantage of those, well then try razorspam... :P


G :P


Are you implying razorspam is point and click? :lol:

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What Dante does for you:


Nerfs one enemy HQ -> -1I, -1WS, -1A, -1W

SG count as troop choices

Hit & Run

No scatter deepstrike


He works perfectly with a DoA army. I like to use him with one squad of SG and two assault squads as the core of my army.


If you cant take advantage of those, well then try razorspam... :)


G :lol:


Yeah I agree, Dante is the man... I always enjoy fielding him.

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Dante isn't good in CC?


WS6, I6. (he's usualy going to hit first and hit on 3+)


4 attacks base, 1 for pistol, 1 for charge, 1 for Chapter banner. So that's 7 attacks re-rolling one miss for the master craft.


Str 4 (5 if you have furious) average str I grant you but the trick with dante is to target thins with T4 or less (hint: power armoured troops).


Factor in the attacks from his squad and you have a steamroller unit. Do not beeline Dante towards the other guy's elite uber-unit, use Dante to wipe out the rank and file. You pick his deep strike so you land behind cover and then pick your targets.


It annoys me when people look at characters like Dante and because he hasnt got maxed out stats he's apparently "no good in combat".

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DANTE: Sanguinius has cast his baleful glare on the vile Swarmlord. He is now weakened by the righteous anger of our Primarch. Erm...Mr Chaplain, would you mind awfully nipping over there and giving him a smack for me please?"


Dante's appearance on battlefield weakened the Swarmlord, and so smart Mr. Chaplain quickly rushes to kill the bug. Kinda like this. ;)


If only it were possible. Swarmlord is not an IC.


Crikey! You're absolutely correct. In fact, upon looking through the codex, it seems the only IC in the Tyranid book is the Tyranid Prime.




The parasite of Mortrex is also IC, i only know because ive had to kill it so many times.



Dante, however expensive he may seem, is an almost pricless character - in particular circumstance.


Pinpoint drops, hit and run and SG as troops can raise a great army to a near impervious death machine.Ive taken a 3 sg army twice now, and theyve just been unstoppable against Nids, Chaos marines and rogue gaurd.


Usually however, i will just add Astro to an assault squad or tycho to a forward tac squad.

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Dante isn't good in CC?


WS6, I6. (he's usualy going to hit first and hit on 3+)


4 attacks base, 1 for pistol, 1 for charge, 1 for Chapter banner. So that's 7 attacks re-rolling one miss for the master craft.


Str 4 (5 if you have furious) average str I grant you but the trick with dante is to target thins with T4 or less (hint: power armoured troops).


Okay, let's assume MEQ opponents. Dante has 6 attacks on the charge, hitting on 3+ with one re-roll (that's ignoring FC and Chapter Banner as these are external factors and will not always be present). So let's assume that re-roll hits and we therefore have 5 hits on average. S4 means 50% wound so again we'll be generous and assume that's 3 wounds. Hardly a combat monster, even against rank and file. Against anything with an invulnerable save and/or high toughness or multiple wounds then it's a damn good thing he's got Hit & Run or he'd be bogged down the entire game! Plus of course, he's T4 with no Eternal Warrior so there's plenty of stuff out there that will instant kill him.

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yea but hes hardly on his own is he? also if hes close enough to charge then theres also a melta shot too, and the rest otf the squads shooting. 3 dead normals may not sound alot, but against say grey hunters thats what 9 less attacks back?before their initive. and still the rest of the squad has to attack even if they dont have furious charge(which would be silly on your part one way or another.) and if you have say a 10 man assault squad with him outfitted with 2 melta guns there souldnt be much to attack back after dantes attacks hit... its kinda the point of having a high initive character...
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I've been running an all DoA list for the last few months. Dante is agreeably not great in combat. In fact he's barely more than average. However, you always need to bring the right tool for the job. He does wonders for DoA lists. I drop him with an HG with 4 meltas, PF, 2 SS. A squad that is fairly durable due to having 3 models with Invulns and FNP on all. They usually get dropped near an important transport like a Landraider to crack it so my VV units can get to the gushy meat on the inside. After the target, whatever it may have been, is destroyed his unit will inevitably take some fire in my opponents turn. This is assuming your other units haven't already killed, tied up, blocked line of sight with combats, or weakened anything nearby that could shoot. If you're going to run an all DoA list he isn't necessarily a must but he's close to it. It all comes down to personal preference. Does he have the longevity of the Sanguinor or Mephiston? No. Simply put. Then again if you want an HQ that is that survivable take one of them. Don't expect a model thats T4 with no EW to stay in combat with a Wraitlord for any more than a couple rounds of combat.



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I run Dante with the following setup:


Sanguinary Guard - 2x melter pistol, power fist & Chapter Banner

Sanguinary Priest - power sword


Together they are a monster unit and can do it all 24/7.


G :(


ohhh think i might run that one..



simply put, if you want a stand alone character then no, Dante isn't it, Meph, Sang... but dante lends a synergy to the right units if you play that stile...

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I run Dante with the following setup:


Sanguinary Guard - 2x melter pistol, power fist & Chapter Banner

Sanguinary Priest - power sword


Together they are a monster unit and can do it all 24/7.


G :HQ:


ohhh think i might run that one..



simply put, if you want a stand alone character then no, Dante isn't it, Meph, Sang... but dante lends a synergy to the right units if you play that stile...


You hit on a major point here. The Internet-At-Large has never understood synergy and force-multipliers. That is why Tyranids "suck now" ...which is of course absolute BS.

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I run Dante with the following setup:


Sanguinary Guard - 2x melter pistol, power fist & Chapter Banner

Sanguinary Priest - power sword


Together they are a monster unit and can do it all 24/7.


G :HQ:


ohhh think i might run that one..



simply put, if you want a stand alone character then no, Dante isn't it, Meph, Sang... but dante lends a synergy to the right units if you play that stile...


You hit on a major point here. The Internet-At-Large has never understood synergy and force-multipliers. That is why Tyranids "suck now" ...which is of course absolute BS.


it's how you make all commers lists with armies that arnt' steam roller... being able to have multiple synergies for diffrent armies... dante with Sang might be great in some cases, but dante with melta HG might be better in others, if you run both units you can then choose what dante shold be doing vs your opponent. (that's a small example of course)

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Brother Captain Kezef is right.


I would never play without Dante (like I'd never play without Napoleon) - he is the point of Blood Angels to me, an amazing heroic character. He should lead a jump-packed unit - we have plenty to choose from but SG or HG would be my choice, placed with precision and getting out if it looks sticky. The precision placing should be against normal things like scoring units, which he can make mincemeat of. How people can think he at the head of an elite unite is not a close combat winner is a mystery. In the HG there is the Sanguinary novitiate, at the very least to add to the fun. The guy for smashing up other terror units is Mephiston, not Dante.

The death mask has never been a lot of good to me as too many things (the Demon prince and Greater Demon in my case) are not ICs.


I do, however share the general sense of regret that in the new Codex the very similar Sanguinor has taken most of his thunder. And I am only just realising how much I depended on Rites of Battle from the old pdf Codex. Just keeping that with Dante would have made quite a difference to the nay-sayers I think.


By the way, I only play 2000 or 2500 (for planet strike). I think Dante is worth 10% of the points more or less but at a smaller points battle I would have to think very hard about buying such an expensive single character.

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WS6, I6. (he's usualy going to hit first and hit on 3+)


4 attacks base, 1 for pistol, 1 for charge, 1 for Chapter banner. So that's 7 attacks re-rolling one miss for the master craft.


Str 4 (5 if you have furious) average str I grant you but the trick with dante is to target thins with T4 or less (hint: power armoured troops).

yeah and then he is either trying to kill something like a DP or mefo , or a meq HQ which means SS . if ts a SW or someone playing WS he maybe looking at a SS and t5 , he does not strike before archons nor does he kill them in hth [archones on the other hand can kill him] . So yeah he kills hq that are not ment for hth[but a chapy does that too and he costs half the points].



but the trick with dante is to target thins with T4 or less

he still doesnt kill enough dude and he has to charge or he is striking with str 4 which realy sucks for a meq killer [he would need 11 attacks hiting on +3 with possible re-roll to be good] . A libby or chappy or mefo or sang at least can kill opposing HQs . But to be honest the whole idea of building a 600+ pts jump pack unit that cant charge [because if he does give his own unit Divine Intervention then he is a must have for a multi charge 20 man DC unit] , that lands is awesome in hth [or rather some BA players think his unit is awesome in hth] and then he gets double taped by 3 GH/csm units with a treat range of 24"+[rhino move+12weapon range+2" disembark] or eats two battle cannons or two/three melta vet units and dies .

I understand that in the states people play with bigger 2k 2500k armies . This why there using a 600+death star unit does not kill an army if it dies [because a deathstart at 2-2.5 will probably run 3-4 such units] , but in europe the games are played at 1500 . This makes dante not viable , plain and simple.

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tbh Jeske that majority of players wont be playing such huge points games nor be regular tournament players.


if he works for some people thats fine, if he doesent thats fine as well (not like were without options on the HQ department ;) )


for casual games he might work. he has a higher WS then most marine HQ's so for that matter he can quite easily kill an opposing hq before they get to strike back. sure S4 is nothing special but then again librarians, chaplains etc all got S4 as well. theyre cheaper sure but they dont bring army wide improvements, hexx your opponents IC hq etc etc. point is, hes not BAD. not in the slighest. gotta say though that unless your building a list around him theyre bound to be better options then taking ol man"get off my lawn!" Dante ;)

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