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chaos and blood angles


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Reading the BA codex leads me to believe that some successor chapters of the blood angles will turn to chaos even the great mephiston will some day join. I dont know what people know of this and any thing people do know i would love to read. I love the idea of some day Fielding a chaos blood angles army.
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lood angels hate chaos because of the flaw. more so than most chapters. they can however go renegade, like the knights of blood. oh and noone believes the words of deamons so...

Some of the Knights of Blood seem to be chaos (though it could be two groups called Knights of Blood).


The Eldar seem to have interest in Mephiston's survival, which they probably wouldn't if he was turning chaos.


Sure, some BA turn. Some chapters may turn. But I don't think there is much official fluff for it.

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Some of the Knights of Blood seem to be chaos (though it could be two groups called Knights of Blood).


The Eldar seem to have interest in Mephiston's survival, which they probably wouldn't if he was turning to chaos.


There are 2 Knights of Blood; the warband and the renegade chapter. Have a look on Lexicanum if you're unsure.


Sure, the eldar seem to be interested in Mephiston, but that could just have been coincidence when they helped at the battle for the Hives of Hollonan. Also, I suspect the eldar would be very interested in Mephiston if were turning to chaos (since they've been battling Chaos, probably, longer than humans have been around, and that Mephiston is an extraordinarily powerful Psyker).


However, there is no current evidence that shows that Mephiston is going to turn anytime soon.

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lood angels hate chaos because of the flaw. more so than most chapters. they can however go renegade, like the knights of blood. oh and noone believes the words of deamons so...

i do not think the knights are as bad as people think they came to baals aid (codex page 17 the darkest hour)

yes mephiston is extremely interesting i love his fluff i just wish i knew more!

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...Also, I suspect the eldar would be very interested in Mephiston if were turning to chaos (since they've been battling Chaos, probably, longer than humans have been around, and that Mephiston is an extraordinarily powerful Psyker).


Dude, that sentence don't make much sense.

But it was Eldrad Ulthran himself that watched when Mephiston was dragged from the rubble. Either Mephiston is the saviour of the eldar or he would have turned into a deamon prince if he had died. We'll never know...

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Not to reopen old, and thankfully long dead topics, but the very concept of a BA chapter falling to Chaos didn’t stand until after those crazy Swallow books were published.


From the fluff in Codex: Angels of Death (a must read for any BA enthusiast), in certain cases, BA do have a sinister reputation that haunts the glory do them as heroes of the Imperium. This is derived from their fixation on blood & blood sacrifice, imbibing blood and all that other vampirism related material. (My apologies for not have the source material on hand for quotation.)


Back in 3rd/4th edition there was the constant comparison between BA & Khorne berserkers but that was totally unfounded in the fluff. BA are much too conscious of their appearance to be wearing bunny ears in the heat of battle.


Sadly, the real taint came when the Deus novels made chumps of the noble Blood Angels. But if you take that as canon then also consider: Any given Inquisitor might just actually be a daemonhost so it’s therefore inevitable that the entire Ordo Maelus will fall to Chaos right along with the Blood Angels.



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Reading the BA codex leads me to believe that some successor chapters of the blood angles will turn to chaos even the great mephiston will some day join. I dont know what people know of this and any thing people do know i would love to read. I love the idea of some day Fielding a chaos blood angles army.


The current army book does have BA chapters like the Knights of Blood who have been declared renegade and others like the Flesh Tearers who are on the brink but the thing to note is that these chapters are not on the chopping block because they are falling to Chaos. They are suspect because they have a habit of being unable to distinguish friend from foe on the battlefield. Nobody is worried that the BA are going to open a portal for a greater daemon to come in but they are worried that they will slaughter innocents and allies while fighting enemies of the Imperium.


My personal take is that it is unlikely for BA chapters to fall to chaos simply because they lost so much at the hands of chaos when they defended Terra from Horus. It's not likely that they would go over to the side that murdered their Primarch and killed off huge portions of the original BA legion. It also seems unlikely because of the flaw that they must constantly guard against or lose their minds. Such personal will power and level of introspection and scrutiny of all actions would make it difficult to corrupt a BA unknowingly.

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My personal take is that it is unlikely for BA chapters to fall to chaos simply because they lost so much at the hands of chaos when they defended Terra from Horus. It's not likely that they would go over to the side that murdered their Primarch and killed off huge portions of the original BA legion. It also seems unlikely because of the flaw that they must constantly guard against or lose their minds. Such personal will power and level of introspection and scrutiny of all actions would make it difficult to corrupt a BA unknowingly.


Or...that is just the reason for them to fall. The sacrificed more than any other chapter (in their eyes) and now the High Lords dare to declare them renegades? Thats a situation that chaos loves! A little whisper here, a promise there...

The Lord (of chaos) works in mysterious ways.

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My personal take is that it is unlikely for BA chapters to fall to chaos simply because they lost so much at the hands of chaos when they defended Terra from Horus. It's not likely that they would go over to the side that murdered their Primarch and killed off huge portions of the original BA legion. It also seems unlikely because of the flaw that they must constantly guard against or lose their minds. Such personal will power and level of introspection and scrutiny of all actions would make it difficult to corrupt a BA unknowingly.


Or...that is just the reason for them to fall. The sacrificed more than any other chapter (in their eyes) and now the High Lords dare to declare them renegades? Thats a situation that chaos loves! A little whisper here, a promise there...

The Lord (of chaos) works in mysterious ways.

they might grow resentful, and hell even completely renegade (secessionist blood angels :( ) but they would always fight against the forces of chaos as a whole.


and in the swallow books, the companies didn't fall per say, only the command segment and an unsuspecting brother who was litterally infected by the tumor (best way to describe it i think) of chaos. many of the ordinary brothers were returned to duty, but they just had to wear penitent marks or something such.

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oh i dont think all the blood angles to go to chaos just a large part. im very interested in what happened/will happen to mephiston

also brother corbulo can see into the future and in the codex it says he saw something that will happen to the blood angles that will be so bad that they cant stop it

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oh i dont think all the blood angles to go to chaos just a large part. im very interested in what happened/will happen to mephiston

also brother corbulo can see into the future and in the codex it says he saw something that will happen to the blood angles that will be so bad that they cant stop it

for all we know it was a vision of the invasion of baal and it's after effects, that could mean any of a million things. possibly the death of dante, since if i remember correctly it says dante himself has had visions of a golden figure doing battle to save humanity or some such, and that he's only lived so long so that he may full fill his vision.



after rereading the entry, dante believes that he is the golden figure spoken of in an ancient prophecy from sanguinius, and it is believed that's why he has not given into ennui

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Sadly I can see the whole invasion of Baal being the End of Sangys most awsome children :HQ: I would Guess some sort of heroic last stand or a Lets follow the Chaos Scum through a Warp Portal and Kick their asses on their own turf where Seth beats Khorne and takes his throne as Spoils of war.

lol i like option 2 better. :P


but it does seem to me that GW is going back to the 'grim dark' theme a bit more with these two inferences as well as the the bit about the throne failing.

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Lets follow the Chaos Scum through a Warp Portal and Kick their asses on their own turf where Seth beats Khorne and takes his throne as Spoils of war.


likes this^^^


I just don't see BA going Chaos, they have their own demons and a fanatical devotion together. No room for Chaos to squeeze in there, plus most don't live long enough to worry about it.

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I tend to believe that like the spacewolves there flaw stops them from really turning to chaos in large numbers.

how does the wolf flaw stop them from falling in large numbers? for the most part inconsistencies in the gene-seed are thought of as something that makes it easier for a marine to fall...hence the strict tests that they're put through every so often by the mechanicus.

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Pride is a weakness that chaos can exploit. Don't think that we are immune to Chaos my brothers. Stay vigilant, guard your brother as if he was you. The moment we let our guard down is the moment our rage overcomes us. But if we focus all our mind on keeping the rage in bay, something much more dangerous may take us. The rage is both a curse and a blessing. To be a Blood Angel and live without the curse is a challenge greater than anything. Stay vigilant my brothers!
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I tend to believe that like the spacewolves there flaw stops them from really turning to chaos in large numbers.

how does the wolf flaw stop them from falling in large numbers? for the most part inconsistencies in the gene-seed are thought of as something that makes it easier for a marine to fall...hence the strict tests that they're put through every so often by the mechanicus.

The wolf is a seperate Consciousness (in alot of the fluff) and not susceptible (like orks or nid or any other bestial intellect are) to being corupted and if the spacewolf is being corupted it rebelles and he would start turning into a wulfen. hence why the 13th company can spend so much time in the warp.

Apart from the 1000 sons who were forced into chaos. All of the heritic legions had pretty stable geneseeds and i think its a big part in why some chapters dont tend to fall to chaos.

If the forces of chaos were messing about with a blood angels mind i think he would just would start slipping into the black rage, sort of as a defence mechanism.

This is just my theory and is largely just a interpretation of stuff i have read.

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The Flaw simply is the major reason that the Blood Angels as a whole will never fall to Chaos.


Just consider what the Flaw itself actually does.. it forces visions of their Primarch fighting and dying against Chaos in their minds as if they were experiencing it themselves. These visions and experiences are things the Angels have to fight at every turn of their existence. That makes it very hard for anyone to really say: Yeah, let's join those monsters that have been fighting and killing me in my dreams and visions for decades because my human friends (which my Primarch died to protect) aren't so friendly any more.

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The Flaw simply is the major reason that the Blood Angels as a whole will never fall to Chaos.


Just consider what the Flaw itself actually does.. it forces visions of their Primarch fighting and dying against Chaos in their minds as if they were experiencing it themselves. These visions and experiences are things the Angels have to fight at every turn of their existence. That makes it very hard for anyone to really say: Yeah, let's join those monsters that have been fighting and killing me in my dreams and visions for decades because my human friends (which my Primarch died to protect) aren't so friendly any more.

i understand what you mean but something is going on with the blood angles even if it's not to do with chaos something dark is ahead for them countless things lead me to believe that GW are going to make something really bad happen to them, what it is i dont know

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well done, the ba are dying out... thats the secret...

and personally if chaos came an offered its hands to the ba, most would hack it off. sure the whole blood for the blood god, lets see how he looks in pieces scattered over his throne room... like in those movies where someone tries to black mail someone only to be directly attacked by the 'victim' :D

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