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1750 Tourney Report


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Howdy all,


So this past Sunday we had a small tourney at one of our local FLGS's. 1750 pts, $10 entry, copy and paste from the BRB.


Heres a rundown of the spread:


3 Blood Angels

1 Dark Angels

2 Ultrasmurfs

1 Chaos Space Marines

1 Dark Eldar

1 Tyranid

1 Tau

1 Ork

1 Black Templar


So the field was varied and challanging! I was surprised (like many others) our resident IG players didn't show up (one of which I lost to at the last tourney by a nosehair!).


I was playing my BA as I wanted to pit my new stormraven list against my foes! Heres what I took:




Mephiston (riding in 1 SR)




5x AT's- 3x TH/SS, 2x claws

1x Priest

Furioso w/ Blood talons, melta/sb




10x AM's w/ 2x melta/pf

10x AM's w/ 2x melta/PF




Speeder -- mm/hf

speeder - mm/hf

speeder - mm/hf




Raven w/ AC/MM/EA

Raven w/ AC/MM/EA


Battle 1


Game 1 - Ultravehicles


HQ - Libby, Null Zone, Avenger - TA, SS

5x termis - 4 TH/SS, 1 claw - LRR ride w/ MM

10x Tacs - plasma/mm

10x tacs - melta/mm

10x tacs - melta/ML






Obj: Seize ground, DOW


I won the roll and chose to go first. Neither of us started with anything on the board.


Ultramarines T1: He comes on in a castle formation. Speeders in back, rhinos and raider in front.

My T1: I deploy all 3 speeders, using LOS blocking terrain to hide. all 3 move flat out.



My T2: I make ALL my reserve rolls. Both ravens move flat out, one on my left, one on my right. One speeder flats out, the other two move 12". One of my combat squads w/ 2 meltas DSes right next to his vindi in back, one by my objective, one behind the tower, and one to the right of his other vindicator (had 1 melta). Shooting sees me wreck his back vindi (it didn't smoke), my raven on the left whiff on the raider, and my raven/squad on the right popping the demo cannon off the other vindi.

His T2: everything moves up. His useless vindi tank shocks my 5 man combat squad, making it run 15" into the building I pass dangerous terrain. His raider pivots, and his terminators get out. Shooting sees his meltas either miss or fail to pen/glance, his typhoons whiff or I make cover on the ravens. The termis decimate my 5 man squad



My T3: Everything moves up 12". My combat squad moves and spreads around my objective. Terminators and furioso get out of my grey raven. Combat squad rallies and moves up, losing 1 to dangerous terrain Shooting sees my furioso dominate the rightmost rhino, one MM take out one speeder, and 8 AC shots into a speeder sees me not even glance it once MM fails on the LR again. Furioso makes his terrain test and dominates the tac squad from the rhino. Termis charge and wreck the rhino in the middle with help from my 4 man squad.

His T3: Termis climb into the raider and it moves 6". His remaining mobile rhino moves up 6". Speeder moves behind the ruin. Raider kills a few termis and wrecks my furioso. The tac squad whiffs its melta; the typhoon fails to do anything to my grey raven.



My T4: Crunch time! I have him completely on the defensive now! Hes got 1 tac squad on his obj, his termis, and 1 tac squad in a rhino; plus a speeder. Easy peasy! Meph gets out and moves up to assault the 10 man squad on his objective; as does a 2 man squad (what was left of one of my squads after the raider). My other 2 combat squads and termis surround the last rhino; 2 speeders move behind his raider, and 1 moves up to take a side shot at his typhoon. Shooting sees me... wreck his raider, typhoon, and rhino. The termis get pinned, so I take more shots at them with flamers and meltas, killing 2. In assault meph kills 4 marines, takes 1 wound, and they hold. The termis and marines slaughter the other tac squad.

His T4: He moves his vindi around a little, tries to tankshock the termis and I pass. Assault sees meph kill 3 more marines, take 1 more wound, they hold.



T5: Short and simple of it, I kill off his vindi and he conceedes. His lone termi libby if facing down a whole lot of hate


I control 2 objectives to his 0


Win for the BA!




Afterthought: The key to this game was taking out the vindicators early. My combat squads woulda been mushed otherwise The dealbreaker was pinning the termis after I blew the raider; that saved meph from a rather unpleasent visit from the terminators!


my apologies but the next 2 battles I didn't take pics at the end of every turn


Game 2 - Dark elfdar


HQ - Archon - all decked out

HQ - Hemunculous

4x trueborn w/ venom - 4 blasters

4x grotesques - some upgrades - raider

8x incubi - upgrades - raider

10x wyches

9x warriors - raoder

10x wracks

6x bikers w/ heat lances

1x ravager

1x cronos


Obj - Annihilation, table quarters


I won first turn and gave it over to him. He deployed all 3 of his raiders on the board, using LOS blocking buildings to hide behind. I reserved my entire force.


DE T1: He moves around some. His archon w/ grotesques disembark to drop webway portal. His warriors get out of their ride and jump into a building (we counted all of them as buildings). His incubi stay put hiding behind a large building.

BA T1: nothing


DE T2: His wyches, ravager, and cronos come in. The wyches hide in the building closest to my deployment zone. Grotesques hop into their ride and move toward my board edge. Cronos hides. Ravager hides on his table edge behind a building.

BA T2: I get in my termi raven, 1 squad, and 2 speeders. My speeders come in on the middle of my side, my raven and squad hug the left board edge. In shooting, my raven fires 2 blood missiles and immobilizes his ravager (facing in the wrong direction even!). The speeders both flamer the building, killing all the wyches!


KP: BA 1, DE 0


DE T3: He moves his grotesques + archon from their ride toward my speeders. The grotesques ride jumps onto the building for a clear shot at my raven. Both of his other raiders move to shoot the raven as well. This turn he gets in no reserves. Shooting sees him shake the raven. Assault his grotesques fail to even glance my speeders!

BA T3: I get in my other raven and troops. I bring in the AM's on my right board edge, hiding behind a building (I didn't want to get too close to the stupid incubi raider until it was dead). My other raven comes in 12", unloading meph. One speeder flat outs behind his ravager, the other hops behind the raider on top of the building. My AM's/raven on my left move forward a bit, the marines staying within 6" of the raven and behind the buildings (again, trying to stay out of the incubis range). Shooting sees me weapon destroy/immobilize the raider on the building. I also wreck the incubi and warrior raiders. In assault meph does nasty things to the grotesques, instakilling the squad and running down the archon.


KP: BA 5, DE 0



DE T4: his bikers and venom comes in. His venom moves in 6", the bikers come in from the portal. The incubi roll horribly for difficult terrain, so they stay in their crater. In shooting he immobilizes my speeder on the right and stuns/weapon destroys the one behind his ravager. The venom does a buttload of wounds on my left AM's but I make all my saves!

BA T4: My left raven moves up 12" and lets out the furioso (NOMNOM INCUBI!). Meph moves up to kill the bikers. My right raven pivots, aiming at the cronos. Both AM squads move up summore. In shooting my right raven unloads his MM, AC, and all 4 missiles into the cronos, turning it into paste. Meph kills 4 bikers and they hold. The furioso molests the hell out of the incubi, dominating them.


KP: BA 7, DE 0



DE T5: his wracks come in on his table edge, looking to fight my AM's. His venom shuffles. Nothing else to move. Shooting he wrecks my speeder and 1 raven. In assault his wracks cause 3 wounds (all saved) and I kill 3 back, running them down. Meph finishes the bikers.

BA T5: he concedes.


The total was BA 13 to DE 2.



Afterthoughts: This was my first fight against the new DE and, while his list was not optimal, I had my reservations. This guy beat my buddies razorspam BA in the first round and I figured I'd be mincemeat if he got in toe to toe. Luckily, through splitting his forces and forcing him to play on my terms, this was an easy win. My army was mobile enough to stay away from him, while being able to take apart the parts of his army that really threatened me. I really enjoyed this game and he was a great opponent!



Automatically Appended Next Post:

Round 3 - Finals!


Game 3 - Taus still around?


HQ - Crisis commander w/ drones

2x units of 3 suits w/ 3 drones - all decked out

2x units of 2x broadsides w/ drones

2x units of 6 firewarriors

1 ion cannon vehicle

2x devilfish

~10 kroot w/ 10 kroot hounds

2 pirahna


Obj: Capture and control, pitched battle


I won the roll off and chose to go first. I deployed 2 speeders with 1 combat squad on my left, 1 combat squad in the middle to babysit my obj. 1 combat squad on my right. 2 ravens, 1 combat squad, and 1 speeder directly in the middle.


Plan of attack: get into CC ASAP


He deployed all his stuff on his table edge, minus kroot which he deployed ~ 18" in, denying me a full 24" turbo due to the ravens size :(


He failed to seize and off we went!




BA T1: Everything of mine turboboosts as far up as it can. 2 combat squads move up, one behind the LOS blocking rock, one up by the bridge. In shooting I wreck 1 devilfish.

Tau T1: minimal movement, the suits pretty much move up. In shooting he lowers my left ravens cover save to 6+ :( shooting sees him wreck it. He also wrecks my middle speeder, and one left speeder, as well as stuns my last speeder. He kills 2 terms that popped out of the raven :( His jump moves see 1 crisis team move back, and 1 move forward. Hes using 1 team to bait my furioso so he can wreck it T2.


BA 3 obj, Tau 2 obj



BA T2: My still functional raven moves up 12", pooping out meph. My mid combat squad moves up. The termis move toward the kroot. Shooting sees my raven whiff hard. In assault my combined termis + AM's kill all 10 kroot hound, losing 1 marine in return. The kroot are ran down. Meph kills a crisi team, the furioso noms the other. Woot!

Tau T2: He moves the ion thingger to his right, as well as the broadsides, making them ~ 24" from meph :( His remaining devilfish moves back some. His crisi commander moves up, aiming to get in my backfield to kill marines. His piranha move behind the furioso :( Shooting sees him pen the furioso with 3 shots, and rolls all 1's! he blows the weapons off my last speeder and immobilizes my other raven :(


No pic sorry :(

BA 3 obj, tau 2 obj


BA T3: Meph moves 12" toward his left broadsides. Termis/AM's in mid move toward the pirahna. My speeder flats out to get between the broadsides and my dread. Shooting sees my raven explode the ion vehicle! Meph then fleets 6" into the crater, woot! I fail all my other shooting lol... In assault meph rolls a 2, 6, and 3 for his DT and makes it to the broadsides! He slaughters them, consolidating 4" toward the devilfish. 3 termis and 5 assault marines, on the other hand, fail to even glance the piranha :(

Tau T3: All his firewarriors + broadsides shoot meph, causing 0 wounds. Pirahna fail to destroy the furioso. He concedes as there is no salvaging


Sorry no final pic.


Afterthoughts: Andrew (my last opponent) is very skilled with his tau. He typically plays against dual ravens and wins consistently vs the other guy at the shop. But he said he really didn't see hope after T2, and I really don't blame him. Tau just wasn't built to take on that kind of punishment so quickly!


heres the breakdown of the rankings:

Me - 3-0-0

BT - 3-0-0

Tau - 2-1-0

BA 1 - 2-1-0

Nids - 2-1-0

Dark Eldar - 2-1-0

Chaos - 1-2-0

BA 2 - 1-2-0

Orks - 1-2-0

UM 1 - 1-2-0

UM 2- 0-3-0

Dark Angel - 0-3-0


Me and the BT guy split first as the tourney didn't build in any tie breakers (the TO didn't know he was TO until the tourney was about toi start...). The guys who scores 2-1-0 and stayed until the end of the tourney walked away with prizes as well. Overall, was a great turnout and a lot of fun!


As for some of the other lists, heres a breakdown from memory:



Fabius bile

3 oblits

1 raider

3 rhinos filled with guys

some possessed marines


Dark angel guy

Lots and lots of termis.... and a raider



Dual ravens

furioso libby

furioso w/ talons


~30 jump marines

Honor guard

2 or 3 priests


BA 2


4 razorbacks filled w/ 5 marines and a priest, 1 melta, 1 pistol, 1 pf, TLLC

1 razor w/ TLAC, 5 marines w/ melta

1 HB razor w/ 5 marines


drop podding furioso w/ talons




20 or so genestealers


2 hive guard

tons of gaunts

2 zoanthropes

Some other stuff



Mad doc

big mek w/ KFF

2 or 3 mobs of 25 boyz

1 mob of 10 lootas

5 stormboys

2 deff dreads

3 killa kans

trukk filled with boys


UM's 2

2 predators

Lysander w/ 5 termis in LRC

bunch of rhinos filled with tac squads



Emps champ

2 vindis

4 TLLC razorbacks w/ 5 marines w/ pf and melta inside

1 venerable dread

1 rhino w/ a bunch of dudes that acompanied the champ

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Next weekend is an 1850 tourney. Nova format, 3 games. I'll be participating and posting the rep up as well! I'll be using a modified version of my DoA. I was going to take Daemons, but I doubt I'll be able to build my fiends and get a DP and crushers before it :lol:
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