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Descent of Angels and Skies of Blood at Genghis Con


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Day one ends with a win versus Tyranids and Necrons. First game was kill points - lots of Tervigons spawning termagants, played a bit of keep away from the Nidstar (Swarmlord, Tyrant Guard and a Prime). Second game was Capture and Control - the dice were very kind to me for my saves, thank Sanguinius.


G ;)

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Day one ends with a win versus Tyranids and Necrons. First game was kill points - lots of Tervigons spawning termagants, played a bit of keep away from the Nidstar (Swarmlord, Tyrant Guard and a Prime). Second game was Capture and Control - the dice were very kind to me for my saves, thank Sanguinius.


G ;)


Nice to hear! Keep us posted

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Congrats on your victories! Could you please post a copy of your list... I have been running a DOA list for quite some time and have never used Dante or The Sang (Hersey I know...lol) in favor of a regular Libby with SoS and FotD. I would be very interested in how your list is constructed and the synergy between the units on the battlefield. Thanks!
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Here is my army list:






Sanguinary Guard:

Banner, 2x melter pistol, power fist


Sanguinary Priest x2, jump pack & power sword



Jump pack, infernus pistol & meltabombs



Power fist/stormshield, 2x power sword, chainsword, Thunderhammer


Assault Marines:

Melta/flamers, Thunderhammer & stormshield


Assault Marines:

Melta/flamers, Thunderhammer & stormshield


70 players there.

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One thing I like about my list is the plethora of characters. I can mix and max units each game depending on the army matchup and mission objectives. The last game versus NidStar I deepstruck Dante with his Sanguinary Guard, a Priest and the Chaplain on top of a building. The next turn they assaulted, multi charging and destroyed half the Tyranid army. Epic.


G :)

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Here is my army list:






Sanguinary Guard:

Banner, 2x melter pistol, power fist


Sanguinary Priest x2, jump pack & power sword



Jump pack, infernus pistol & meltabombs



Power fist/stormshield, 2x power sword, chainsword, Thunderhammer


Assault Marines:

Melta/flamers, Thunderhammer & stormshield


Assault Marines:

Melta/flamers, Thunderhammer & stormshield


70 players there.


Any particular reason you use PWs on your priests instead of LCs?

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