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Descent of Angels and Skies of Blood at Genghis Con


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One thing I like about my list is the plethora of characters. I can mix and max units each game depending on the army matchup and mission objectives. The last game versus NidStar I deepstruck Dante with his Sanguinary Guard, a Priest and the Chaplain on top of a building. The next turn they assaulted, multi charging and destroyed half the Tyranid army. Epic.


G :sweat:


I agree, looks pretty flexible like that. Wasn't it risky deepstriking that unit on top of a builing? Wouldn't that invite dangerous terrain checks? Either way it sounded like a great move B) . Thank's for the updates.

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Did you enjoy the pure DoA list more, or do you like the 'Raven + Furioso additions to the DoA style? Which do you think fairs better against the Nidstar? Nids are the only horde army that I've had trouble with using pure DoA.



I'm having fantastic luck with my Stormraven. My Furioso with Blood Talons took about a GIANT mob of orks, a Warboss on a bike, and half a tactical squad in our Apoc game yesterday.

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I would rather take a multi wound force multiplier. The Chaplain costs some points but basically it allows us to take the Marine equivalent as an elite, so you have another strong assault HQ in your army. He is expensive but in the right list I think he's well worth it.


G :lol:



If I follow BO's teachings...he would put the chappy in the group with the Sanguinors super sargent. Making the unit as a whole into a mini deathstar.

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Congratulations on 7th place. The top ranked guys are often separated by terrain on the table or dice. Very well done.


I am looking forward to the batreps. I am always interested when something that bucks the fashion, Mech in this case, and your jumpers certainly do that.


I was hoping for some SR love but I guess I'll have to wait for that....?


I'm hoping for at least two in your 2.5k Ard Boyz lists ^_^


Batreps, batreps, batreps! *drums table* :)

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Hey, grats on the tourney success!


I noted on your blog that you took a relatively toned down version (pointwise) of your usual VV. Only one with a storm shield instead of 3-4. Any particular reason? Were you trying to fit more in your list elsewhere or do you think that that unit was capable of doing what you essentially want without the resiliency of the storm shields?

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At 1850 points I just dont have the points for more stormshields. For a five man squad I think one is good enough as they will die to a volley of rapid firing bolters. The unit did great every game indeed. They pretty much won me the game versus SW by holding up a squad of ten terminators - crazy .


G :)

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