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Angels vrs. D Eldar


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Hi all,


been playing against my friend who plays Dark Eldar. So far I haven't won a single game against him! the most I've got to my name is a draw.


So, not feeling exactly very happy atm. Hence, if anybody would be willing to impart advice and possibly a couple of hinters for tactics to help out a very beleaguered Blood Angels comrade in arms, I would be extraordinarily grateful.


Captain Maleck




(P.S. It could be to do a lot with the fact I'm not a great strategen, but any help will still be very warmly accepted. Cpt M)



For the Emperor and Sanguinius!!!!

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Care to post your list, or what you usually run? This will affect the answers, lol.


My list from what I can remember (my stuff's at my friends place) was:







Sanguinary priest with jump pack




5 Death Company with jump packs, 2 power weapons and 1 thunder hammer. Joined by Lemartes.


Death company dreadnought with blood talons


Full tactical squad with plasma gun and lascannon. Sergeant has power weapon.


Full assault squad with plasma pistol and infernus pistol. Sergeant has power weapon.



Heavy support

Stormraven with typhoon missile launcher and plasma cannons.


The battle was 1500pts.

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Just cooked up another 1500pts list. Thought I might throw it up here to see what people think as I'm going to be facing DE again tomoz.



Captain with storm shield and power weapon (135)




Furioso Librarian with psychic powers Wings of Sanguinius and Might of Heroes (175)



9 death company with 2 power weapons, a power fist, a thunder hammer, joined by Lemartes. (415)


Death company dreadnought with blood talons (125)


Full tactical squad with plasma gun and plasma cannon. Sergeant has power weapon. Squad is deployed in drop pod. (235)



Fast Attack

Baal Predator with heavy bolter side sponsons and extra armour. (160)



Heavy Support

Stormraven with typhoon missile launcher and hurricane bolter side sponsons (255)

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ya i was sittin here thinking of what i could have done differently and i pretty much came to the same conclusion that DoA marines are a bad match up for Dark eldar


but you have me intrigued zid...would you mind either sending me a pm for your list or would you mind posting it here so i can see what it looks like






Mephiston- 250




5x Terminators - 3x TH/SS, 2x LC - 215 pts

1x Sang priest - 50 pts

Furioso Dreadnaught - Blood Talons, Melta/SB - 125 pts




10x AM - 2x melta, PF - 235 pts

10x AM - 2x melta, PF - 235 pts




Landspeeder - MM, HF - 70 pts

Landspeeder - MM, HF - 70 pts

Landspeeder - MM, HF - 70 pts




Stormraven - TLLC, TLMM, EA - 215 pts

Stormraven - TLLC, TLMM, EA - 215 pts


Total: 1750


That was the 1750 tourney list I used against em. He had like 5 raiders, some reavers, cronos, and a bunch of other stuff (he was running a webway list)

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