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Good Idea?


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Hello all!


My Warband, the Eternal Marauders (a given name, not a one they have taken) can be seen in the Liber section. Anyway, i am here to discuss if the Chaos Lord of my force would fit into well, the established norm, while being different.


He's a survivor of the Horus Heresy, an ex Emperor's Children that has - roughly on and off since that time - been attempting to ensure his own Immortality. He attempted gene splicing and other crazed experiments to no success, even enlisted the help of Fabius Bile on occasion, and still, nothing - at this point he does not wish to defile himself by becoming a favored and being mutated gradually. So, he settles on a planet along the eastern fringe roughly in M33, and finds a whole bunch of hidden stasis pods deep in the planets crust, lost to time. So he brings his most trusted followers, and goes off to sleep.


When he wakes up, he realizes something is wrong. He runs some tests and realizes that not only are his advanced organs slowly failing, the same is slowly happening to the others in his small band. He is frustrated by this, knowing full well unless he turns to more radical methods he SHALL die - so he begins to pray to Slaanesh. His prayers are answered, and through a very long, hard bargain, it is agreed if he can deliver enough souls in Slaanesh's name, he shall be acceded. And so he turns to the others and tells them he was gifted while in stasis with a great vision, that one day he and the others would ascend to the Warp and become immortal, unable to be killed by the dogs of the false emperor so long as they do what he commands. Many of his original cohorts fully rally behind him, and the ones gained shortly before they went into sleep are less sure of the truth. They are massacred in the ensuring argument.


Now, to gain the trust of the remaining utterly, he promises this starts today. And thus, the entire 70+ force march up to the surface and massacre the colonists they find there. He promises this has gained them the start of their journey, and the entire warband go back underground for several more years. It is in this period that he hatches a plan.


What he plans to do is lead an entire regiment of Imperial Guard to this world after finding a way to utterly absorb the planet - so the regiment and all of those who settle there, and then turn on his followers and slay them too, so that he may ascend to Daemonhood; the final stepping stone, so to speak. He realizes they are all dying anyway, and yet he wishes to ascend alone.



Do you think this is good?



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I don't see why not. Makes complete sense to me if a particularly onerous Warlord with a doomsday clock ticking away behind him would contrive a way to betray even his own people for the chance at ascension. On the other hand, if The Hunt For Voldorius was any indication, the number of souls he'd have to harvest to gain daemonhood might be a wee bit higher than an IG regiment and 70 or so Chaos Marines. . .but that could be part of the story, too, that he's been led on by Slaanesh, who has no intention of ascending him without a much more substantial sacrifice than what's been negotiated thus far.


The part about "leading" an IG regiment to the planet is a little shady, though. There are other ways of drawing the attention of the Emperor's goon squads than that; a distress signal from the colony ought to be sufficient enough to lure the unsuspecting worms to their dooms.

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Thankyou very much, Khestra!


Indeed, Slaanesh has no intention of ascending him for such a small issue - although i am sure he as wracked up quite a tally anyway before hand - in fact, its going to be more a lesson of "Do not play me for your own games." type message from Slaan. In fact, though he does eventually get his wish, Slaanesh goes one step further by making him little better than an animal once he is ascended, mentality wise - a slave to his base desires. A fitting end to him, i think ^_^

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