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Frag Cannon


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They're pretty badass.



I had a recent very close game against Chaos, and my Dread more or less clawed me back a draw.


He took out a unit of plague marines in cover with the two frag templates and the heavy flamer template, and then ran over and slaughtered the normal chaos marine unit making a rush for the objective.


Slaughters infantry like no tomorrow, really. And strength 6 rending means if you're lucky you can take potshots at tanks, if you keep the meltagun on the bloodfist instead of the heavy flamer he's pretty good at it.

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You can only change ONE arm to a frag.


I prefer keeping the melta arm and adding a magna grapple. It's MUCH better versus medium (6-10) and small units (1-5) of tougher models... and can rip through tanks. Versus large units, it's unlikely either way you'll kill the fist(s).

Further, in my opinion, blood talons are a better anti-infantry/anti-horde dread choice and suit a Hflamer best.

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Frag cannon + bloodfist/heavy flamer = win. 3 templates AND assault at ST. 10?! yesplease.


I have used them quite a few times and have had pretty good luck with them.


That is my sentiment as well. I think that non mech lists will see a rise in power over the next two years. A pair of Blood Talons are aces but I think there are better options such as the frag cannon.


G :)

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if blood talons wernt as goood id definately consider one... (foc makes things tight...) so many good options...


Me thinks that the Frag Cannon looks way cool and is rather effective but the concept of Blood Talons and their sheer potential makes me want to always take them over the Frag Cannon. That being said I think the Blood Talons are better suited to the Storm Raven assault role and the Frag Cannon is perhaps better in a Drop Pod roll with all the rocking templates.

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if blood talons wernt as goood id definately consider one... (foc makes things tight...) so many good options...


Me thinks that the Frag Cannon looks way cool and is rather effective but the concept of Blood Talons and their sheer potential makes me want to always take them over the Frag Cannon. That being said I think the Blood Talons are better suited to the Storm Raven assault role and the Frag Cannon is perhaps better in a Drop Pod roll with all the rocking templates.


This is exactly how i do mine. DC Dread with Talons in a raven, Frag Cannon/HF Furioso in a Drop Pod.

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I used the frag cannon exclusively for a while there. But I find it always came up short because my furioso would get bogged down in CC against even basic marines. On average you'll hit and kill 1 marine per combat with frag/BF combo... so it was too easy to get bogged down. Same with gaunts, who'd charge and keep my furioso locked in CC for the whole damn game after I shot them up :*(


Thus is why I started using talons. I no longer get stuck in CC the whole game, and I still have the potential to pop tanks. Hell, just this past weekend my furioso charged some incubi. They couldn't hurt it, so I rolled: killed 2 the first swing, then hit and wounded over and over until the whole squad was dead @_@ BT are just too powerful to resist so now I'm a firm believer in em!

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