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Stormraven WIP Picture Heavy


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Giving a go at posting pics of my two Stormravens that are WIP.


Here is what I have so far done.


Model Built and Magnetized:


Top Turret is detachable and side guns are magnetized for weapon swap. Side Armor plating is also magnetized for swap as well.

Side Hatches and Hurricane Bolters are magnetized for swap. Doors are magnetized on right side (Front Facing) while Bolters are magnetized and held via tension lock with bar run through middle made from sprue...(Worked quite well actually)


Front Twin linked wpns are still blu-tacked for the moment... still trying to see what I want to do as far as magnetizing these.


All Hatches open and fully working.



Magnetized Turret



Magnetized Weapons and Armor Plate



Magnetized Hurricane Bolters Loose



Will Post more pictures!



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More Pictures showing WIP



Side Doors Removed for Sponsons



Hurricane Bolters being installed



Bolters installed and turret with Plasma Cannons



Bolters Removed, Side Doors installed, armed with Lascannons


Will update with more pictures as I get more painted... Currently have Black Basecoat and 1 primary coat done of Mech Red.



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Here are the details on the magnets


I used a couple of different sizes for various things.


The top Turrent where the weapons and armor are mounted are all


1/16" x 1/32" or approx 2mm by 1mm


The bigger ones that mount the Hurricane Bolters are 2 sizes


The ones on the sponsons are larger at 1/4" x 1/32" or approx 5mm by 1mm ( I went with a larger surface area to allow for some flexibility attaching)


The ones on the rod on the inside of the ship are 3/16" x 1/32" or 4mm by 1mm (this size was the nearest size surface area to a sprue, which is what i cut to run across)


On a side note... I have become addicted to magnets and I am magnetizind almost every changable option in my army list so if you want to see other pictures for ideas, let me know and I can post them...


To date, I have magnetized the turrets on Predators, Side doors on Rhinos and Sponsons, Arms on my marines for weapon changing to fit the needs of the army, and all my backpacks so I can swap Assault Marines from Jumppacks and such.


You spend a little more up front and more time modeling invested but will save me a ton down the road in less units I have to buy....


Happy Hunting,



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yes please do post pictures or link to them. I am in the process or trying to magnetized a battle company + armoury to make it changeable and save money.


Where do you get your magnets from?


For the stormraven front mounted weapon, try trimming the push fit tabs off and magnet the bottom. Then place magnets where the front holes are. That way weapons are interchangeable.

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You know, your method of using a bar in between the hull to hold the doors in place is a great idea. I have to take a similar approach as it looks cleaner then adding mounting points for magnets in the door frame. Great work there.


Edit: Just a thought for the front mounted weapons, as this is what I was plannign for my razorbacks. I plan on mounting the weapons on plasticard trimmed to fit inside the housing of the turret, or in this case the front weapon mount. Just thick enough of plasticard to hold the magnets in place and then the weapons mounting onto the plasticard. That way I can switch out whatever weapons I want without needing a whole new turret. They will likely protrude an extra small bit, but I don't think it would be enough to cause a significant appearance issue.

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