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Libby DoA Question

Lord Captain Sam

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If your gonna run a libby w/ pack with an HG I'd recommend going CC then. Take rage and shield and blow things up.


If your gonna use shooty HG (4 plasma or meltas), don't put the libby with em. He doesn't really help them at all other than giving them a 5+ cover

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dante? but even then, just for the right on target DS. i wouldn't run a character with them, but then again, i don't think i'd take a HG kitted like that at all. i don't know. i really don't think they need or should have a character.


if you have to give them a lib, and they are going to be tank hunters, sword of sanguinius and shield are my votes.

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On one hand the examples above could be seen as a complete abuse of RAI for an HG by using them independently of the HQ choice that allows selecting an HG. :angry: But on the other hand, they are a brilliant example of using a "free" FOC unit either as CC juggernauts (TH/SS) or Duke Nuke 'Ems (4 MG or PG). :RTBBB: :ph34r:
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Remember he doesn't have to actually go with the Honour Guard.


But yes, an Honour Guard with 4 Meltaguns is great.


I quite like the Librarian with Shield and Blood Lance. However Librarian with Shield and Unleash Rage is good for making your Assault Marines turn into an elite assault unit.

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As said HGs are not retinues. The only marine codex with actual retinues anymore is the Black Templars.


There is no reason the character must go with them, and if you want a 4 melta HG, send the Librarian to a different squad.

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Fear and blood boil(/shield/Urage) are pretty good. Take your pick, kill the fist or scare them away... OR... DS behind their lines and use Fear to bring them closer (/to a buddy unit if shooty). Kinda like ghetto lash. 2 libbies, double your fun!


Works best with SRs though as the libby(/Ldread) can disembark out of coherency of the unit, stand behind for cover save and still use fear at full strength (24") allowing shorter range weapons of the cargo unit and raven on their shoot (& assault) turns

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