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Best way of spending pounts on death company


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Whoa, dude... there's like literally untold millions of combinations of wargear and squad sizes that can work... care to be a little more specific?

Like, how many points for a unit? How many units? Asotorath and multiples? SRs as rides for the jumpers? Boltguns or CC?

Need them in multiples of 5 for DC dreads? how much melta in the rest of your army? Etc etc... et-bloody-c.

Go on... give us a clue! =)

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A good rule of thumb is one thunder hammer per unit. One Power Weapon per 5 men. And preferably a Chaplain or Reclusiarch if you can afford one.


And if you take them with jump packs (which is probably a bit too expensive to be worthwhile however) always take Lemartes.

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I run 5, 4 with power axes, a single melta pistol, 1 with a thunderhammer and bolter, always with a CHaplain. They fulfill a very select role in my army, the "I lack power weapons and want something to go the Hell away role." Usually in a Rhino.

And lately, after people have seen what they do, they cause dumb target selection for firepower from the enemy. 355 points I believe. But I love the lil buggers!

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My rule of thumb is 2 thunderhammers per model and jump packs.

I like having 5 guys each holding a Thunderhammer in a pair of PowerFists ;)


Seriously though, I'd stick to what Sama said. I run 7-8 guys in a Rhino with 1 TH (+Bolter), 2 PW with a Chaplain.

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My question is what does the DC offer that others cannot?


-3 to 30 models in one squad



Thus, I don't have to spend anything on them because the standard DC model comes with a Bolter allowing me to capitalize on the relentless rule letting me add more models to the squad.


Plus, if you upgrade the Chapy to a Reclusiarch you gain a two for one deal by gaining an HQ and DC leader with liturgies of Blood.


The only expensive part is the delivery system.


He’s what mine looks like:


1x1 Reclusiarch w/ Storm Bolter

15x DC

LR: Crusader w/ MM


That’s 48 shots within 12" and another 48 attacks in CC.

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3 men, jump packs and powerfists. Deepstrike them into the enemies squishy parts half way through the game and laugh as they punch thier way through devastators, whirlwinds and whatever before their inevitable glorious death.
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I agree with the above. With all the options, its easy to go overboard and get expensive quick. Thing is, DC are pretty killy as is, so you can be conservative on the wargear and still have a dead killy squad.


I run


10x DC

---6x BP/CCW, 3x PW, 1x PF


Typically in a Storm Raven W/ a DC Dread. Much Success. With just the DC Squad, i have wiped out a 30 man ork squad in one round of assault before they ever swung.

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I have a hard time seeing the benefits of Power Weapons on DC who are accompanied by a Chaplaing (why would you ever take them without?). Look at it like this;


For the cost of five more points, you get another DC marine. That's 4 extra attacks on the charge, each rerolling to hit and to wound. The number of attacks that hit and wound the enemy will mean that while he is allowed armoursaves, he will have to take to many of them, and eventually fail.


Example: 10 DC Marines with no PW (200), led by Chaplain against 10 MEQ models;




Attacker Group 1 vs Defender Group


Calculations by Heresy Combat Calculator™ (powered by HAMulator™)






Attacker Group 1

Attacks: 40

Hit Chance: 88.89%

Hits: 35.556

Wound Chance: 88.89%

Wounds: 31.605

Saved Wounds: 21.07

Unsaved Wounds: 10.535

Models Killed: 10.535

Options: Reroll Hit, Reroll Wound






Defender Group

Hits: 35.556

Wounds: 31.605

Saves: 21.07

Wounds Lost: 10.535

Models Lost: 10.535 / 10 (105.3%)

Kills in I order:

I:5 10.535




Heresy Combat Calculator™ (powered by HAMulator™)



5 DC Marines w PW (195), led by Chaplain against 10 MEQ models;




Attacker Group 1 vs Defender Group


Calculations by Heresy Combat Calculator™ (powered by HAMulator™)






Attacker Group 1

Attacks: 24

Hit Chance: 88.89%

Hits: 21.333

Wound Chance: 88.89%

Wounds: 18.963

Unsaved Wounds: 18.963

Models Killed: 18.963

Options: Reroll Hit, Reroll Wound, Ignore Armour






Defender Group

Hits: 21.333

Wounds: 18.963

Wounds Lost: 18.963

Models Lost: 18.963 / 10 (189.6%)

Kills in I order:

I:5 18.963




Heresy Combat Calculator™ (powered by HAMulator™)



While they certainly kill off all the models (and more) in the second scenario, you don't actually want to kill all the models on the charge, as that's certain grounds for you being shot to pieces in the turn after. Then keep in mind that the first group also has five more wounds to take before being killed, as well as a LOT more damage to deal to things with invulnerable saves (weight of attacks > PW in that case) and low armoursave troops (orcs, guardsmen, eldar etc) and I think it's a clear win. Overloading them with weapons is just overkill, and not necessary.


My setup for DC would be a semilarge group (8-10 depending on wether I want one or two DC Dreads) with a TH, led by some form of Chaplain and ideally deployed via SR.

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When I look at DC I see them as similar to Khorne Bezerkers. I usually go with 1 TH/Fist, and that is all. PW wounds tend to get buried by the other wounds they cause and get stacked on one model. Perhaps put in a chaplain/Rechlusiarch. (or lemartes in the squad if they are riding in a storm raven.)
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5-8 guys. 1xthunderhammer or powerfist. 1-2xpower weapon.


Best points you can spend on DC are a transport and a chaplain/reclusiarch.




I like around 8 guys, and 3 upgrades. I tend to go 2 fists (I saved my thunder hammer bits for squads like Vanguard and HG and an RAS) and a power weapon, with a chaplain providing another power weapon. This goes in a rhino, though in a large game could go into a Storm Raven or Land Raider


Also bolters on the guys with fists, as well as 1 guy with bolter and chainsword for wound allocation purposes.

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The best thing you could do would be to *not* give them jump packs. 15pts per model on a squad of 1W marines that you can't control is ridiculous. I accepted 35pts back when they had rending, but now you have to equip them on top of the 35.


My favorite composition is 8-10 DC (1TH,1PW), Lemartes, in a Stormraven.

This is the Death Star unit.


Second would be a Reclusiarch with a PF and 5 Death Co. (1TH,1PW) in a Razorback.

This is the distraction unit. It can take on full squads of non-elite units, but don't try to throw it at a tough squad, it'll crack. I also like it for killing MCs.

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The best thing you could do would be to *not* give them jump packs. 15pts per model on a squad of 1W marines that you can't control is ridiculous. I accepted 35pts back when they had rending, but now you have to equip them on top of the 35.


My favorite composition is 8-10 DC (1TH,1PW), Lemartes, in a Stormraven.

This is the Death Star unit.


Second would be a Reclusiarch with a PF and 5 Death Co. (1TH,1PW) in a Razorback.

This is the distraction unit. It can take on full squads of non-elite units, but don't try to throw it at a tough squad, it'll crack. I also like it for killing MCs.

I'd happily pay the 35 points each for Jumpy DC even without rending (but with the options for fists/power weapons) if they were controllable they way there were in the pdf.

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packs cost too much. take a 10 man squad, thats 150 points on packs alone. well on your way to a raider or raven there. 5 men 75 theres a razorback with extra weapons. everything else is gravy. against toughness 4+ with 4+save or better or less than initive 4 bolters arnt something id give everyone. (always give them to fist/hammer guys) dont bother with pistol upgrades unless its an all dc army and you need infernus to get at squishy contents. with the number and quality of attacks (presuming you have a chaplin as youd be silly not to have one in a squad)power weapons arnt nesiary but can help with artificer armour and the like. fists and hammers good to have one for really tough stuff(wraith lords and mcs) and dreads. id have 1 just in case.

bolters vs extra attack... well if your figting eldar they sure can help as you hit on 3s and wound on 3s and sometimes ignore armour, but not only that they take those wounds before you charge so its almost like being initive 10 with those 2 shots. so means youll get less attacks back. and so when youll attack the stuff that are faster than you theyll have fewer models to spread your wounds accross. now as stats change this matters less. ie higher armour the less effective the shots, the higher the toghness too. lower initive you get also means your more likely to do more damage with the extra str 5 cc attack. personaly id go for a mix just incase your stuck facing a rhinos rear armour somehow so you can dakka it a bit. and if they take any casultys id take a bolter guy off cause the less you have the less time you should have to wait to get into cc...

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Best load out for DC is just more DCm and a Chaplain.


There amazing as-is, drop them out of a SR or rush tehm in a LR, theres really no need for anythign apart from a hammer.


Its expensive, but sometimes i run my full 30 DC (lots of the older models) and just let them rampage, being so large, i can always get into combat with what i want.

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My question is what does the DC offer that others cannot?


-3 to 30 models in one squad



Thus, I don't have to spend anything on them because the standard DC model comes with a Bolter allowing me to capitalize on the relentless rule letting me add more models to the squad.


Plus, if you upgrade the Chapy to a Reclusiarch you gain a two for one deal by gaining an HQ and DC leader with liturgies of Blood.


The only expensive part is the delivery system.


He’s what mine looks like:


1x1 Reclusiarch w/ Storm Bolter

15x DC

LR: Crusader w/ MM


That’s 48 shots within 12" and another 48 attacks in CC.


48 shots within 12" and 48 attacks in CC.... isnt that a little overkill? Think you are burning points you could spend elsewhere to make your army more effective... Just my two cents worth but if you disagree would love to hear more about what you target with this. Lately been using small 5 man force with just bolters for harrasing softer targets... Dropped in by a SR and watch the oppenent freak out as I shoot and charge using relentless... If they get wiped, I am only out points spent for 5 of the nasty buggers while the rest of my army chews up theirs.

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That Crusader squad sounds pretty funny(awesome) to me.


Last tourney I used 6 DC with Astorath, Jump packs, 2xPW, 1TH and Bolter, 2 Bolters, 1 BP+CCW in my DOA army.


They ate face, and MVP plenty of times.


Don't get the crying about jump packs, they go a LONG way to negating the rage rule, hence 15 points each. Played 6 games and rage was an issue in none of them.

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