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Rhinos and Razorbacks


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I'm nearing my goal of having Rhinos for all of the squads on my company, and I have come upon some issues that I figure someone here might have an answer to. We have six tactical squads and two dev squads, each of which need transports, then two assault squads (with jump packs) so no transports there, and then a command squad/honour guard (with jump packs) which don't require transports. This leads me to believe that 8 rhinos is all I need for the company. That said, how do Landraiders and StormRavens and Razorbacks fit into the grand scheme of transports? I've read in some older fluff that Landraiders are primarily for the 1st Company of veterans, so using them for assault squads (without packs) doesn't entirely make sense.


Anyone have any light to shed to this topic?

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Well in the codex Land Raiders and Storm Ravens come under the armoury section - whilst rhinos and razorbacks aren't mentioned. So I would say Raiders / Ravens are not part of a company organisation but are assigned to a unit for a particular mission / campaign and then put back into the pool of vehicles after that mission / campaign is complete.


On another note - Your Assault and Command Squads could have a Rhino or Razorback assigned to it if they are not jump packing so you could add another 3 rhinos if you wanted.


Also Raiders may only normally be used by the 1st company in other chapters, but as BA we have more than other chapters and can give them to normal squads as dedicated transports, so that cancels that argument in my eyes.


Hope i helped..




Edited for clarity :)

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you need a minimum of 9 transports to transport a full company, though if you even take the assault troops without packs, then you would need more, also, you can have any number of landraiders sprinkled in there as well, and storm ravens.


razor backs are weird, as in game terms, a squad can only take one transport, but if a squad were going to be mounted in razorbacks, you'd need two for the unit.

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Fluff wise, each squad has access to a Rhino or Razorback or Drop Pods as required by the situation and all three would probably be used in a single engagement.


Tactical Squad drop pods in as the rest of the equipment is landed.

They then need to travel 100km on ground so they mount up in the rhino.

Then maybe they have a dearth of heavy armour, so deploy razorbacks as a mobile fire station, or split the forces so that some combat squads are redeployed elsewhere in their razors.


As far as space marine equipment goes, Rhinos, Razors and Drop Pods are up there with Bolters and Bolt Pistols as easily replaced, repaired and maintained.


So, my tuppence for what its worth - a rhino will be designated to a squad, every squad, in the battle company complete with squad markings. After that, razors and pods will be used, probably without squad markings or maybe temporary ones, as and when the situation demands it.

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Thanks everyone! So to me, it's sounding like I need to have 11 Rhinos to make the company complete, although since I don't plan to ever use RAS or HG without jump packs, 8 is enough for now :D And then Razorbacks and Landraiders will be more "support" than actually a part of the company. That works out well as I'm pretty certain that I have 8 Rhinos now and thus can create a company. Very cool.
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No, Razorbacks are still in the company organisation. The Armoury helps out with Landraiders and Stormravens. I guess the Razorbacks are more of a mobile fire support platform, or maybe a quick reaction unit, but they are still "owned" by the company that uses them.
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The only hard numbers I've ever seen for a battle company armoury is the 3rd edition vanilla codex which listed the breakdown of the entire Ultramarine chapter, with the 4th company noted as being at full strength with:

15 Rhinos

25 Bikes

5 Attack Bikes

5 Land Speeders

5 Land Speeder Tornadoes

5 Land Speeder Typhoons

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Man, Vodunius, that's a lot of vehicles... I don't think I'd be able to go that far with my Blood Angels. I guess I'll just have to consider my company as not being at full strength.


I'm thinking that I'll paint up one Rhino per tac and dev squad, with markings for them, as well as a Razorback for a command squad (since I only have one Razorback) and then just paint up my pods, raiders and a Stormraven (when I get one or two) as part of the Chapter but not necessarily with company or squad markings.

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