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The Chaos Archons

Evil Alfredo

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Being my first post on this forum, I would like to say a quick greeting...


Hello! Don't mind me. I'm just here to crush you all and steal your souls. If you just ignore me, and let me feast, we'll get along perfectly. If not, I'll unleash my chaotic armies and bity hordes on you all.

Oh, and watch out for Fluffy the Chaos Dragon, he's looking a bit hungry.


Now that salutations are out of the way, I present to you all my latest Warhammer project... The Chaos Archons! (Name in progress)


Lately, I've been having family issues, and time has been limited, but throughout it all, I tried my best to finish these models, and after a few weeks of building and painting, they are finally done! I am quite proud of how they turned out, and all they need to be finished is a base and some battle experience.


To those who wish to know, this unit was converted using the Sanguinary Guard models as a base, (Some of my favorite models, by the way) and kitbashing wiht many Chaos, and even Tyranid bits. They were actually fairly easy to convert.



...So without further ado, I present to you the models, along with a quick summary of each:




And the Archons individually: (I apologize for the picture quality, you can barely see any details. I hope to find my better camera soon, so that I may take higher quality pictures.)




Here is "Marrix De'ul, the Feared", dark herald of Chaos Undivided. His deadly sword can be wielded with such precision, that Marrix can slice through swaths of opponents without a scratch. And for those pesky tanks? His Inferno Pistol can melt through even the heaviest armor.





This is "Cazzarak, the Bloodied", dark herald of the chaos god Khorne. His mighty Demon-claw has tasted the blood and flesh of many an enemy, and has emerged triumphant. A raging beast in power armour, not even death can stop this Daemon.





And here we have "Poluus Shol, the Plagued", dark herald of the chaos god, Nurgle. His axe is home to many a disease, and just his presence is enough to cause weakness in any opponent. And to the dismay of all, there is no cure for the Plagued Reaper.





And this is "Quarrus, the Cursed", dark herald of the chaos god Tzeentch. His knowledge knows no bounds, and his cunning is stronger still. The best strategist, and the mightiest sorceror, Quarrus can predict the enemies' moves, even before they know they shall enact them.





And finally, we have "Naras 'Chal, the Corrupted", dark herald of the chaos god Slaanesh. This warrior has grown tired of the normal dimension, and has found greater trials and triumphs in the Chaotic dimension. His ventures there cause interesting results on his home dimension, and he uses this ability to phase in and out of reality, much to the confusion of his opponents.




And there you have it. My latest masterpiece. I will try my hardest to get higher quality pictures up, and bases on these models as soon as my life settles down a bit.


Let me know what you think, though. I would appreciate any constructive criticism.

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Alright, so in response to a few of you, I apologize greatly for the quality of the pictures. The only camera I can use at the moment is an Iphone camera, and that has no macro mode. As far as the bases go, I believe I stated earlier in my first post that they still needed a base. I am working on those as well, but my current time is limited. As for the Blood Angels symbols, many of the symbols would have been very difficult to file down and get rid of, and some I simply just wanted to keep. The chest eagles are one of those icons that I purposefully left, although I may eventually add small chaos bits to cover it slightly.


Anyways, thanks for responding all of you, and I am working on finishing the bases and finding my camera. Although, I do have one quick question to ask: What Chaos unit would be a good starting statline to work off of? I'm thinking of using the Chaos Lord stats, and adding special rules, but I am not entirely sure as of yet.

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