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VN's Vintage Chaos

Vomikron Noxis

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Greetings brothers! I've had a little blog going on Warseer for a little while now, and I thought it was about time I translated it over to here... I'm just going to condense it into something meaningful, essentially the beginnings of my WE army.... Enjoy and let me know what you think!


First up, the first few Berzerkers I finished for the army:




And 2 more:




And a classic RT Dreadnought:










And some WIP Terminators:




Next on the agenda are the last two Berzerkers for the first squad, then the 2nd Dread (hopefully both done before this time next week), and then the interesting stuff starts... got two Mk I Land Raiders to clean up and convert, plus a rag tag bunch of Khorne renegades to make up my next 2 Berzerker squads, plus those Terminators. Oh and Khârn and a DP to lead them! Busy Busy...

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I'm glad you posted this picture. I have a RT Dreadnought and it's modeled with the bottom half facing the other direction, and frankly I like the idea that nubby thing hanging down there is a tail more than... well... what I was told it was...

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Thanks for the replies so far guys, more to follow very soon!


@ Dark Apostle Thirst: The gore is actually very simple, and I nicked it from Lonewolf's excellent tutorial on this very site! You can find it at http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...showarticle=298


@-Max-: I actually did loads of searching before deciding on how to assemble the bottom half, as I've seen it done both ways. In the end I decided on this way because 1) it looks better, 2) it fits much better, and 3) in the old GW publications like the old catalogue, it is round that way!

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Are those... Khorne Berserkers?... And that one seems to have a tail... :cuss Suddenly I've developed a new love for the present-day 'Skipping' 'Zerkers.


On the other hand, that's a very nice paint job. And that gore actually makes me feel rather sick. Very nice, very nice indeed. Oh, and is that a Ork Chainsword on the Dreadnought?


Looking forward to seeing more!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings brothers!


Well it's been a while since I've updated, but I haven't been *completely* idle... Managed to finish a couple more berzerkers, as well as reorganise and assemble my first two squads to create a stronger theme and make them easier to recognise on the battlefield.


First up, two Berzerkers (one of which is a Skull Champion in my first squad):




Secondly, a WIP pic of my first squad, the War Hounds:




As you can see, to maintain a theme, they all are from the same era (early 90s) and have similar armour styles.


Next up, a WIP pic of my second squad, the Hellblades:




Again, to maintain the theme, these guys are from the very early period of Chaos (80s renegades), and they all have Bloodletter-style heads. The champion is a Fantasy model from the same era.


Lastly, a few pics to show you what will be coming up shortly, and the vast amount of work I have to do to make it a possibility... Here are a few pics of two MK I Land Raiders that I bought on eBay:








I hope that serves to illustrate the vast amount of work that they both require! Of course, I'll be posting WIP pics as I go along.


Let me know what you guys think!

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Love old stuff. Done with new painting styles and quality they look great. Really wish as a kid i'd looked after the rogue trader stuff. Love the dreadnought. Oh and the tail on the berzerker with a built in buzz saw just screams blood for the blood god.
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I love the old models, and therefore find the way you paint them really fitting.

But the blood feels really out of place with the clean paintjob that looks like it was done some 15-20 years ago by the (then) current 'Eeavy Metal team.

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I love the old figures, to the point that if I had enough money, my whole chaos army would be made of them!


Out of interest, did you paint the stain/dip stuff on, or did you do the "dip and flick" method? I have to admit it really brings out the details. I don't suppose you have any pictures before/after the staining?

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Thanks for the comments guys, keep em coming cos I need the motivation!


@ Mr.Malevolent: They really have haven't they? But the old school LRs are just so wonderfully ugly that I can't resist them!


@ -Max- : The old school models certainly aren't to everyone's tastes! The newer models are technically better in every way (and much cheaper than buying these boys on eBay...), but I just love the character that oozes from these old models.


@ Müller: I see where you're coming from, but the blood effect was something I really wanted to try, and I like the way it's turned out. It might be more suited to more weathered models, but that was a style that I deliberately steered away from with the cartoony old models!


@ Alys: My entire Death Guard army, and now my World Eaters are made of old models, and it really hasn't been cheap, believe me! The dip is Army Painter Strong Tone, painted on with a large brush, and then controlled for the first 10 minutes or so, just to make sure it doesn't pool too much (it's just a case of keeping an eye on it, and re-brushing if necessary). I've always thought the 'dunk and frantically shake' method was a bit of a mental way to treat one's beloved models, so you wont catch me doing it! No before and after pics of these guys yet, but I've got the 2nd Dreadnought almost ready for dipping so I'll post some pics at each stage over the weekend.



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I used dragon red then red wash for some blood angels and it really did work out well. Got a new found love for army painter... Might get more cans in for when i start painting mine up.
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Greetings all,


A bit of an update for you, just to show you what I've been working on when life allows it...


First up, as requested, I took some photos of my 2nd Dreadnought before and after dipping, just to highlight how fantastic Army Painter dip can be, and how little effort is required. So without further ado, pics:


Dreadnought before:








And after (still needs varnishing and blood effects):




And next up, I've started restoration work on the first Land Raider:






I've had to cover up the sides with plasticard as they were so damaged, and I've added Heavy Bolters to the hull, a new hatch on top, and what will become a brass figurehead from an old Bloodthirster. Still LOTS of work to do though... Comments are welcome!

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