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VN's Vintage Chaos

Vomikron Noxis

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Greetings all,


A brief update for your enjoyment...


First up, I finished off the second dreadnought:










And here are the two big fellas together:




Did a little more work on the LR too, added rivets to the plasticard on the hull:




And also started work on the lascannons, which are going to be in the style of the weird old sponsons:




That's all for now, more to follow soon. Comments welcome!!

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Hmmm no comments as yet.... Ah well.... I have a brief update... Been working on the Land Raider a bit, it's not nearly finished yet, but it is getting there:








It's certainly starting to take shape, gotta add a few more details to the hull. As you can see, I've assembled one of the sponsons, in the style of the classic LR, with newer lascannons. You may or may not notice in the first pic that I have been painstakingly reconstructing the damaged tracks, not an easy task I can tell you! Anyway, work continues and another update will follow soon! Comments welcome as always :D

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Hmmm no comments as yet.... Ah well....

As I said earlier I'm liking the army so far, and looking forward to seeing how you tackle the landraiders. Are you working on the blue one as well?

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Ta very much! I'm liking how your DG are coming along too btw, you're making much faster progress than I am! I'm hoping to get the first LR finished tonight, so hopefully there'll be something good for everyone to look at later. I will be working on the blue LR in the future, but atm I'm concentrating on this one as there is A LOT more work that needs doing on it...
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Greetings all,


Another brief update for you... I've finished reconditioning the first LR! Pics to follow for your perusal, if you can think of any other accoutrements that need to be added to gain the favour of the Blood God, please say so now! Btw, it still looks rougher than it will do when painted, due to the godawful old paint job on some of the bits, so do keep that in mind. Comments welcome, cheers!











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Awesome stuff bro your a great painter way better then me I love theys guys keep it up!

Gotta ask where'd you get the beserkers I love how they look.


~Inquisitor Lord Sean =][=



Thank you very much brother(s)! The Berzerkers are mostly from long eBay hunts, as they're all long OOP, from the first and second additions of 40k! I may be adding a squad of more recent berzerkers towards the end of the army, not sure yet though! Almost finished the first squad now, updates will follow soon, and then it's onto the mighty LR!

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I love this army, it's looking great and is making me all nostalgic! I have some of those old termies and a dread (assembled in the more phallic fashion) which at some point will get a better paint job than I could do back then. I also have a Mk1 Land Raider from 'back in the day' and fully intend to pimp it (for my Squats though, so lots of Dwarf icons), but I'm curious as to why you didn't strip yours before reconstruction. Mine took 2 days of soaking in Dettol to remove my crappy old paint job, but it's worth it. I was also given an old Mk1 Rhino a couple of weeks ago and completely removed the paint in under 20 minutes with motorbike brake cleaner, I sprayed it on and the paint just fell off.
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Greetings brothers!


Another little update for you... I've painted a few more Berzerkers, completing the first squad now, and taken a pic of everything I currently have completed (which looks like nothing, but there's a lot still WIP right now!). Work has begun on the LR, and it's looking soooo much better than before, so WIP (and perhaps even finished) pics will arrive later in the week.


For now however, feast your eyes on my warriors of the true gods:


Whole army so far...



Skull Champion Gurni Ironarm (named after an ancient Champion of Chaos)



Brother Cyric:



Brother Bane:



Brother Sarevok:



Brother Kagain:



Brother Bhaal:



Brother Korgan:



Brother Talos:



Edit: Forgot to mention...


I'm curious as to why you didn't strip yours before reconstruction.


Truth be told, it didnt really need it. The paint job was real crap, but luckily not too thick. A great deal of reconditioning, and a couple coats of Pure Red and the LR is good as new (well, good as old anyway...). WIP pics will follow later in the week so you can judge for yourself B)


Cheers all!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings Brothers!


Well it has been a while since my last update, but rest assured I haven't been idle! I've almost finished painting the first LR, and I've cleaned up and refitted the second one. Just a brief one for now, I'll post a longer update once the first LR is finished, but for now feast your eyes on the WIP pics:


LR 1










LR 2






Comments welcome as always!

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Cheers! The white stuff is plastic rod and the original plastic of the hull, as I removed the weapons for easier painting. Here's a quick update with the weapons reattached. It's all done now bar the varnishing :)



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  • 3 weeks later...

wow that things is kinda like my wifes dog..... so ugly its cute.... did i just use cute to describe chaos stuff??? wow. but really i like the short squat look for that LR.


where did you get that dip from? and is it a better deal than the new gw inks? i have a DG army i need to dirty up and i is scared to do it the traditional way cuz my paint-fu is not so good.

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By the gods, I have been lax in updating this blog recently, and I shall offer my own skull in penance! Or failing that, just do the first of several updates....


Firstly, thanks once again for the comments brothers, it's very motivating! Firstly, just to answer your question Jerryrich, the dip is Army Painter Strong Tone, and is available from Maelstrom games. It's great stuff, but works differently to GW washes. Check out my earlier WIPs to see what I mean.


Now on to the update:


Firstly, I started work on a Rhino for my Zerkers, restoring yet another crappy model from eBay. First 2 pics are how it came to me, and the second 2 are how it stands now (pre-painting). Let me know if you think it needs anything else...










And lastly (for tonight), some cool themed objective markers that I cobbled together:



Hope you like em! I'm gonna do another update tomorrow, as this isnt everything I've been working on, but you'll just have to wait to see the rest :D I'll also post a few group pics of everything I've got currently, painted or otherwise!

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Greetings all,


As promised, I have another update for you! It's not much, but two updates in as many days isn't bad....


First up, a Khorne Daemon Prince, possibly the ugliest model I've ever seen:



And secondly, everything I currently have painted:



And lastly, all of my old school World Eaters together (painted and unpainted):



That's all for now guys, best get back to painting....


Oh Zincite, both guardsmen are the limited edition Praetorian casualties. I don't think they're available from GW any more, but they're pretty easy to find on eBay.

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