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VN's Vintage Chaos

Vomikron Noxis

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  • 3 weeks later...

Phew it's been a while since an update! Got some work done on the army though, so it's a quick update for now, and then another one in a couple days...


First up, I finished the Daemon Prince (aka stupid ugly dogface):






I think I've managed to improve him somewhat, but I'll let you guys be the judge of that! To follow soon, the rest of the Berzerkers!


Edit: I could do with some advice actually... Does the DP need blood effects on his axe, or does it look better without? I'll post a better picture of the axe for you to decide...


Edit 2: Here's a better pic of the axe, let me know what you think about blood effects or not:



Ah, love that axe. I seriously recomending claiming the skull of that Bloodthirster, though, and replacing it. It's messing with the model, and it has such a beautiful paint job, it doesn't deserve that ugly face :)
  • 2 weeks later...

Hail brothers, it's update time!


Got my 2nd squad of 'zerkers finished, now my brave warriors are ready to fight the evil and oppressive Imperium in the name of the true gods :lol:


First up, a group shot:




And individuals:







The Champion, Sapir Redwolf:



And now the whole squad together:



Also finished one objective marker:



Phew! Enjoy.... Plenty more to come in the not too distant future!

Greetings brothers,


No replies just yet then hey....


Just a brief update on this fine evening...


Had a bit of an eBay spending spree and put a 3rd Berzerker squad together:




The 'zerkers are all old WE assault troops, and the champion is put together from a bunch of different bits, including a bare arm from a real old school plastic Necromunda Goliath. Enjoy!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings brothers!


Well I've not been able to get too much done on this army recently as I've been travelling a lot for work, and been a little preoccupied with my Daemons... I did manage to get 3 more objective markers finished though:




That's all for now!

  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings brothers!


Another minor update for you (still working on my Daemons I'm afraid...). Got the last of my objective markers finished...




All of them together:




Enjoy, and please do comment!

  • 1 month later...

Greetings brothers,


Well it has been quite some time since an update, but I'm now back working on my beloved World Eaters!


Fist up, got a few more Berzerkers finished:




And also been working on a certain unstoppable badass to lead them (still WIP):




Also made some headway on the restored rhino to cruise around in (still VERY WIP):




Lastly, a little teaser... My forthcoming Abaddon in World Eaters colours:




Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

Only one thing to say - keep updating :lol:

Yup, this.


The lack of comments probably means you leave peeps breathless ;)


Awesome army, really funny looking in the retro way :D


imho the hair on dogfaces' back looks weird as it's the same colour as the 'skin' on his wings, just saying...



Cheers fellas, it's always nice to hear that people appreciate all my hard work :P


imho the hair on dogfaces' back looks weird as it's the same colour as the 'skin' on his wings, just saying...


I'm gonna blame my shoddy photography skills for this one; IRL the fur is quite considerably darker than the skin, trust me!



A few more pics for your perusal... got the Rhino finished and varnished:




And just to remind you, this is what it looked like before:




Something of an improvement??


Also, I snapped a few pics of my WE and DG getting stomped by some BA at the weekend.....


Misguided followers of the corpse-Emperor:



My brave freedom fighters:



A little scuffle with Mephiston:


Degenerated into this (he had to resort to fisticuffs):



When the dust had settled……


BA dead pile:



Chaos dead pile (both raiders and rhino not pictured....):



A somewhat one-sided affair, but plenty of blood was spilled across the board, so the gods were pleased nevertheless!



Enter Khârn!


Ehhhxziiit Light, Ehhhnterrr Khârn, Take my hand, we're off to VN's old-skool land.


Looking good VN.


Haha that did make me smile! Cheers brother!

Love the old school minis. Do you basecoat then dip your models, then do top colours again. If so it is a very good tecnique.





Yup spot on there mate! I basecoat, dip, and then go back and highlight (where appropriate). Works for me!

How do you get the dip so even on the large models like tanks?


I'm using Army Painter dip on my LoTR minis and I've tried the brush-on method on a troll and bat swarm. I found that you don't have much time to remove the excess dip before it starts to go a bit tacky and you risk introducing air bubbles, maybe I'm brushing too much on. Anyway, how would you go about dipping a dragon?

How do you get the dip so even on the large models like tanks?


I tend to dip the larger models in sections. For example, I'll do one side of the LR and leave it to completely dry, before doing the next 'section'. Seems to work for me! I also use quite a large brush (but not too large) to ensure good coverage.


Are you going to paint up one of these cute little doggies for this army?

I've got one that I'd really rather like to paint, but tbh I'm not sure... I really have no idea what to use it as (being as Khorne lords on Juggers are pants since they can't be transported)! Any ideas for a good counts as?

Are you going to paint up one of these cute little doggies for this army?

I've got one that I'd really rather like to paint, but tbh I'm not sure... I really have no idea what to use it as (being as Khorne lords on Juggers are pants since they can't be transported)! Any ideas for a good counts as?


Do you want to win or do you want to look good? Paint the doggie :)




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