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VN's Vintage Chaos

Vomikron Noxis

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Are you going to paint up one of these cute little doggies for this army?

I've got one that I'd really rather like to paint, but tbh I'm not sure... I really have no idea what to use it as (being as Khorne lords on Juggers are pants since they can't be transported)! Any ideas for a good counts as?

A Dreadnought?


*Attempts to keep a straight face, and fails badly.*


On a more serious note, you could probably get away with using it as a Terminator lord, it's probably about the same size of the modern ones? Or, using it to lead a terminator squad. If you were using the older ones you could measure from the Doggie since the metal ones are smaller. Could help keep LOS better as well.


Or just paint it and keep it at the back of your army as a cheerleader. :ph34r:

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I tend to dip the larger models in sections. For example, I'll do one side of the LR and leave it to completely dry, before doing the next 'section'. Seems to work for me! I also use quite a large brush (but not too large) to ensure good coverage.

Cheers VN, I had a feeling that may be the way to do it. Nice to see it works so well.


Any ideas for a good counts as?

An Obliterator. I can imagine the doggie breathing fire (or melta or plasma) all over it's enemies. The guy on top may be a Khornate Techmarine, somebody has to keep the Land Raiders operational.

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Some good ideas thanks guys, I need to slap some paint on it and see what fits best.


In the mean time, here is an update for y'all to show you what I've been up to....


Vindicator WIP:




Still very much WIP, got about 40 more rivets to add... goody good!


Edit: A little pic of my faithful Flesh Hound too:



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Oooooh, I got one of those off ebay a couple of weeks ago (the vindicator, not the dog). It was caked in multiple layers of crudely applied paint. I've nearly finished it now though. Next up...........an '80s land raider.


I think if your army ever fought mine the sheer amount of concentrated old-skoolium would tear a hole in the fabric of time. Or at least make causal observers very confused.

"Are you guys playing 40K.....really.....what the hell are they........and that.......a land raider, are you joking....why are all your models wonky....my head hurts now."


Your dog looks suitably Khornate in that pic. Blood for the Blood Dog.

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I think if your army ever fought mine the sheer amount of concentrated old-skoolium would tear a hole in the fabric of time. Or at least make causal observers very confused.

"Are you guys playing 40K.....really.....what the hell are they........and that.......a land raider, are you joking....why are all your models wonky....my head hurts now."


Haha that's a game I'd love to see! Pure old school awesomeness...


Well on this fine evening, I have a minor update for you all.... Got the Vindicator finished! All that remains now is to slap some paint on it, and it's ready to demolish the enemies of the False Emperor! Let me know what you think....



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Greetings brothers!


Tonight I bring you a little update! Finished off the last of my Berzerkers tonight :P


2 Zerkers



Zerker and custom champ



All the boys together



That's all the Zerkers for the army done (for now...) I'll get a group shot at some point soon. In the mean time, let me know what you think!

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings all!


Not much of an update, just a quick shot of my Death Guard and World Eater combo before their long overdue outing at the weekend:




It's been a while since I played 40k seriously though, so we'll see how they get on.....

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VN- Just looked through your thread again, been awhile since I last checked on it (August I think) and saw your game vs BA. I noticed Khârn wasn't amongst the slain. Does that mean he survived to reap the rest of those scummy loyalist skulls? :lol:


Anyways I do agree with DAT about the DP's ugly doghead, I'd suggest maybe replacing it with something else to go with his awesome paintjob.

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Edit: A little pic of my faithful Flesh Hound too:




I love the very realistic dry brushing on the fur and the nice glowing eyes effect. Great paint job. :blink: :D


PS: Great looking army as well :P

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VN- Just looked through your thread again, been awhile since I last checked on it (August I think) and saw your game vs BA. I noticed Khârn wasn't amongst the slain. Does that mean he survived to reap the rest of those scummy loyalist skulls? :HQ:


Sadly Khârn was among the fallen... Although he did take plenty of skulls with him (both loyalist and traitor....)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hail brothers,


Got a bit of a treat for you today... I've been busy finishing off my World Eaters! Finished the second LR, and took some pics of the whole force together. Check it out and let me know what you think:














I'm not gonna do much more to the army for a while I think. There's not much more I can do with the current codex, however there are whispers of a new codex on the horizon.....

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I'm not gonna do much more to the army for a while I think. There's not much more I can do with the current codex


Remember when I said this? I lied!






In an effort to make my beloved World Eaters more "competitive" (how I hate that word when applied to toy soldiers...), I'll be adding a few more bits in the coming weeks. First up are some slightly dodgy pics of my 2nd Daemon Prince and Rhino. The more observant among you may recognise the Rhino as what used to be my Vindicator.... I'm afraid it paid the price for being so rubbish in-game. Look out for some old-school Obliterators in WE colours in the near future too (guns in mouths!!)....

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Thank you once again for the comments brothers!


The addition of blue on the Land Raider is surprisingly nice.


I'm glad you like it! I started adding a little blue to the army when I painted Khârn and it provided a nice contrast to the red, so I tried it out a bit more!


And now (drumroll please!), it's time for an update.....


I've finished the 2nd Rhino:






Let me know what you think!


I've also been painting up a whole bunch of terrain (not Khorne-themed, but pretty cool nevertheless...), so I'll post some pics soon!

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Pure awesome.


I wasn't around for the late 80's - early 90's 40K, but I do have the RT rulebook and have seen a number of the models. Following this thread and seeing what can be done with more "modern" painting techniques really gives those old models the treatment they deserve.


Thank you for sharing all of this - truly impressive!

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Greetings brothers, it's update time!!


First up, some of the worst models GW have ever made (perhaps a bit harsh, they're not as bad as the old metal possessed...), but I'm rather fond of them...


Old school Obliterators (in WE colours of course):


1st squad:



2nd squad:



Guns in mouths ftw! These guys make up the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th old school Obliterators that I've painted... phew! Not that I'd ever use them all at once of course (well, up to nine of them anyway)....


And as promised, some of the terrain I've been working on:





Arcane Ruins:



Temple of Skulls 1:



Temple of Skulls 2:



You literally would not believe the amount of Devlan Mud I've used on all that terrain... An expensive way of doing it, but it's quick and dirty and gives a great effect.


That's all for now! I'm currently working on a Battlescape and the Khorne DP I posted before. Let me know what you think!

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