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VN's Vintage Chaos

Vomikron Noxis

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Greetings brothers,


Got a small update for you today, got my Battlescape finished and also splashed a bit of paint on some obstacles from the old Battlefield Accessories set:


Battlescape 1



Battlescape 2



Battlescape 3






Currently working on the second DP, so look out for him soon!

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Evening all, a little update for you guys....


Got the second DP finished:




And here he is next to his brother:




And lastly, some updated pics of all my painted World Eaters, including the new units...


The mighty warhost, the Scions of Skalathrax:






Let me know what you think!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks once again for the kind words brothers!


Been working on something big recently... my Realm of Battle board!


Here it is in all its glory (with my terrain too):


RoB 1:




RoB 2:



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Now that is a nice looking board, looks great with all of your terrain. (I bet it looks even better with your World Eaters storming across it!) Of course that doesn't seem to be the only treasure you've got lying around. *eyes the Hero Quest box*
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Now that is a nice looking board, looks great with all of your terrain. (I bet it looks even better with your World Eaters storming across it!) Of course that doesn't seem to be the only treasure you've got lying around. *eyes the Hero Quest box*


Thank you very much brother! And you've got a good eye there, that is indeed a Heroquest box! Sadly it's a very incomplete set that I'll probably be flogging on eBay soon...

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  • 3 weeks later...
The wheel chair of khorne!!! I keep seeing old school stuff on ebay and thinking about this army. I would hate see the price tag though. :devil:


Haha! Wheelchair of Khorne made me smile! I dread to think of the astronomical amount I've spent on this army... I've picked up a few good deals mind you, but it's still rather staggering! Of course, that doesn't take into account the amount of blood (for the Blood God), sweat and tears that have gone into its creation...

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  • 1 month later...
Are you thinkiing of adding any of the new FW retro gear, or are you keeping it proper 'old skol'?


The armys coming along well, and looking impressive!


Whoops, I totally forgot to get back to you on this! Tbh I'm not sure what I'll be adding in the future.. I love the look of the new FW stuff, so I can pretty much guarantee it'll find its way into the army at some point, but it all depends on what the next codex brings...

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Greetings brothers, it's update time!!


And as promised, some of the terrain I've been working on:





Arcane Ruins:



Temple of Skulls 1:



Temple of Skulls 2:



You literally would not believe the amount of Devlan Mud I've used on all that terrain... An expensive way of doing it, but it's quick and dirty and gives a great effect.


That's all for now! I'm currently working on a Battlescape and the Khorne DP I posted before. Let me know what you think!


Take a look at Vallejo's range if you need acrylic wash in large amounts as they sell 200ml bottles of black and sepia wash for £6-£7 depending on where you get it. The sepia wash is close to GW's devlun mud but the formula is even more concentrated so you can thin it and make it go even further - bonus :D


When you consider that GW sell you 12ml of wash for £2.20 the Vallejo stuff in 200ml bottles is a bit of a bargain :tu:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hail brothers!


Got a little update for you tonight... got the Blood Slaughterer finished:








It's a right weird little model, but I think that adds to its charm and it really epitomises old school Chaos!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got a small update for you tonight: A third reconditioned Khornate Rhino, courtesy of the Dark Mechanicus (or eBay to you and I...)




Put a bit less conversion work into this one, mainly because it arrived in pretty good condition. What do you guys think, does it need more added to it, or does it work as is? I'm definitely one for keeping my vehicles fairly simple mind you. Let me know your thoughts brothers!

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still watching still loving...


The wheel chair has turned out great by the way. where to next, I wonder.. your running out of classic miniatures to get your hands on!!


Thank you again brother! You're kinda right about where to go next... got some more renegades and some Terminators in the pipeline, plus an interesting update coming up (hopefully) tomorrow....


After that, the world is my oyster! Kinda depends what the next codex brings really, whenever that may be... Oh and then there's forge world :D

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Evening brothers! Thanks once again for all the positive comments, it really keeps me motivated. To prove it, I have an update for you....


Got my "counts as" Abaddon finished, although he now goes by the name Akilleus Bloodglutter:




Fairly minor conversion work done to him, although I did file down the Black Legion symbol and sculpt a more fitting World Eaters symbol for him:




Finally, here he is hanging out in the warp with his buddies (i.e. the rest of my HQ):




Hope you like him brothers, let me know what you think!

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As a fan of the older models (i'm reconditioning many of my second edition models for my Blood Angels), I have to say I love this thread. I know it all really depends on the new Codex, but perhaps a Juggernaut and some old Teminators? Also the classic mix of Khorne Daemons would set this off nicely in my opinion.


(Quickly withdraws before being accused of associating with heretics...)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hail brothers! Another update this way comes...


I finished off the third Rhino for the army:








I'm going to take a short rest from my World Eaters to finish off my Daemons and make a proper start on my Ogres, but with a new codex on the horizon and a bunch of awesome FW stuff out (Blood Slaughterers & Decimator in particular), I doubt it will last too long! And there are still those Terminators sitting on my desk... As always, I welcome your comments!

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Guest Vortex

A very nice army you've put together. I like the vibrancy of the red you've done them in, and I do so love some of those older models, particularly the Land Raiders and the Bloodslaughterer (one of which I own myself, though yours looks much nicer). ;) Can't wait to see more.


Also, a little off-topic here, but...




Is that a Marmite jar I spy in the background? Apparently models aren't the only thing you have good taste in. :P :P

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