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VN's Vintage Chaos

Vomikron Noxis

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Wow VN, what a blast from the past this has been!! I remeber oogling over many of these models that you have lovingly painted up for us to enjoy!! Keep up the great work, I for one am excited to see where this goes!!


End of Line

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  • 2 weeks later...
Awesome collection of great old toys you have! And painted to a great standard, too! I love your army, have to bookmark this thread. Keep up the good work. Blood for the bloodgod!
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  • 3 weeks later...

Evening chaps,


Not really an update as such, but I was just sorting out a few models and thought I'd give you a look-see at my "still-to-be-painted" Legionnaires...


(The terrifying thing is that this isn't even the complete collection...)




A quick description, from the top:


In the bags (top left) are old school Noise Marines, and top right are a couple of old Nurgle guys (the one in the bag is the Palanquin-riding Meltagun wielder)

Next row are a bunch of Slaanesh renegades.

Next row down are a bunch of Tzeentch renegades and disc riders.

Third row down are a variety of Khorne renegades/World Eaters/Chaos Champions.

The penultimate row are a bunch of generic renegades, including a Meltagunner and Power Fist.

And the final row... Chaos Squats!!


I literally cannot wait for 6th edition and the new Chaos Codex so that I can make use of all these guys (and more)!!

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  • 1 month later...

Good evening to you brothers!


I have the smallest of updates for you (so don't get too excited)....


With the advent of 6th edition, I decided to paint up another objective marker for the World Eaters (given that sometimes you will need 6 primary objectives, and I only had 5):




That's right, it's a lovely warm bowl o blood! I like to think of my troops anointing themselves in the blood of a powerful daemon or champion to gain their prowess.


That's it for now I'm afraid... I'm eagerly awaiting the new codex so that I can expand the army to Apocalyptic proportions!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hail brothers! Another quick update for you (I'm STILL waiting for the new codex before I do anything too serious)... I did another objective for my WE, since I have commandeered the Bloodthirster statue for my Daemons... Now I've replaced it with a statue of our beloved Primarch, who freed us from the shackles of the false Emperor...




Let me know what you think!

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Congratulations, brother. You won't be surprised if I tell you that I bought this tome and it's sister "The Lost and the Damned" in my local game store the year they were published, will you? ;)


Do you still have them brother? If so, never part with them!! I'm on the hunt for a sensibly priced Lost and the Damned, but I think I'm gonna be searching for quite a while!

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Certainly I still have them. Though I'm 45, I still am a 40K-maniac. :lol: I push thumbs that you find the lost and the damned, too. It's a great book, and the 40K fluff contained there really caught me back then.
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  • 2 months later...



Hail brothers!


Well you'd be forgiven for thinking that I'd forgotten about this army, but that certainly isn't the case! With the new codex in my (daemonic) possession, you'll be seeing a lot more activity from me over the coming months! Just to prove it, I have a little taster for you:




Yup, that's a whole bunch of renegades on my painting table (and that isn't even all of them)... I sure have my work cut out for me!

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