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Scout army as Alpha.

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Hi, so im going to dust off my Chaos army and revitalise it - replacing all those onepose models for the newer more dynamic ones and the metal daemons for nice (not quite so) shiney plastic ones.Theres 12 years of back log sitting in that box :cuss


Im thinking that at the same time, i might attempt to make an all (SM) scout army in order to represent Alphas infiltrating nature, thoguh im not sure i might be better off with just the CSM dex taking chosen.


Would i be better off modeling chaos cultists or just secret operative types? Currently im thinking of modelling with the Catachan model range and including one Alpha Marine squad with Shrike to give inflitrate/scout.


Also, should i model teh Alphas armour darker or just leave it as is?


My last CSM army were NightRunners - chaos aligned Space Wolves with various Zerks and DG squads, i miss vet abilities, sigh.

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Would i be better off modeling chaos cultists or just secret operative types? Currently im thinking of modelling with the Catachan model range and including one Alpha Marine squad with Shrike to give inflitrate/scout.

I'd be more tempted to go for Kor'sarro, outflank would better represent Alpha reinforcements arriving.


Deploy nothing, infiltrate Scouts, 2/3 Marine squads outflank in Rhinos... I'd say that's an Alpha Legion uprising.

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Its a really good idea actually, and id like to use Kan more then shrike if i could.


Would you recommend using the CSM? im a little disapointed to see a limited amount of optimal lists.


Damned minimalists.




BTW, youre quote from Deboniar is maybe the most finely crafted line on the whole of the B+C.

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Greetings from the other side! My arch enemy runs an Alpha Legion army, with the Chosen is the main Alpha Legion infiltrators. They are modelled from SM scouts with lots of different armour (cut down berzerk helmets, spikey weapons, standard Alpha colour scheme.) It looks good and plays convincingly.
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There cen be several cool options with SM for you:

Shrike+Khan = outflank or fleet and one squad with Shrike gets inflitrate

Shrike+Scissarius = one squad with shrike gets infiltrate, second squad can pick one vet skill (including infiltrate), you get reroll attempt to seize initiative unfortunately you get fleet and cannot pick combat tactics

Khan+UM Libby (dont know his name) - outflank with abillity to reroll reserve rolls (even sucessfull ones) - just nasty

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Would you recommend using the CSM? im a little disapointed to see a limited amount of optimal lists.


I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, but I'm don't think that '10th Company' lists are considered to be optimal either.


Still, having an army available to infiltrate/outflank would definately be very Alpha Legion ;)


From the CSM side of things, Chosen are very versatile, but you can't take them as troop choices, which leaves you the basic CSM squad in that role. Not that there's anything wrong with squads equipped with IoCG, but some people don't rate them when compared with other Codecies, such as Space Puppies.


So for full infiltration/outflank armies, you are looking at C:SM.

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