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Flying with Angels


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Hi, everybody!

So, at last, I started my new Blood Angels army. After a very long pause in modeling and painting, I got back to the hobby.

The progress will be slow, as my work and studying take plenty of my time, but I'll try to keep up my modeling and painting work.

Now, to start with, I'd like to post images of my DIY Chaplain. This nice guy is made mostly of Death Company bits, and his Crozius is made of Command Squad's standard shaft and top. I've wanted to make my Chappy a bit BA-esque, and thus he wears a death mask instead of regular chappy skull-helm. I've decided to make him look like the Chappy on the cover of Codex: Angels of Death.

So here he is:


And there's another model for today, it's Assault Squad Sergeant with a powerfist. I'm gonna use magnets to make his backpacks interchangeable, but for now he has none (as my magnets are coming to me after I bought them on E-bay).

As with my Chappy the inspiration for this guy was taken from this image (I hope you'll find any similarities).


That's all for now. I hope, I'll be able to make more guys during the next week, but most likely it'll happen on next weekend. I plan on modeling my guys first and then (after my hands remember what to do :D) I'll go to painting them.

Please, leave any comments or critique, I'm open to any constructive feedback and your opinions. Cheers!

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Hello again!

I've managed to do a bit of modeling today, and a few Sanguinary Guards are done. Their poses are similar to what you can see at GW site and on their box front, but I think I could add a bit dynamics to them. There are not many images, so I'll just post them for you to see and comment.




The lightning in these images is not the best, but they were taken with my Nokia 5800, so I find them pretty good for a phone camera.

That's all for now, I hope I'll be able to finish the other 2 Sanguinary Guards soon and go to my DIY Vanguard Veterans (I've done the metal ones, but you all saw them for hundreds of times;))


Thanks for the relies, guys!

I've removed the mold lines on the Sarge. He still awaits his magnets to arrive so he'd finally got his backpack.

AS for now, I've finished my Sanguinary Guard. I must say they were a bit difficult to model, as their large weapons sometimes prevented me from giving them the desired poses... and the wings... they tend to fall off :tu: But luckily I've managed to glue them fine. So here my Sagnuinary Guardsmen :P

The guy with the axe that was attached to the other guy, but I decided to swap their weapons


The Chapter Banner bearer. I'll glue the Banner after I paint it


And the sword guy, whose pose is the most dynamic and menacing :)


And the group shot


And something more. I've done two DIY Vanguard Veterans (with the bits from Assault Squad, Death Company and Assault Terminators :) )

Here the one with power weapon. I must say I love his Mark IV helmet and breastplate.


And the guy with the Lightning Claw. I've cut the one from the terminator arm, while the power armor shoulder was taken from the Plasma Pistol hand (well, I don't need it anyway :woot:). The termie arm's cable is unattached (I want to keep it), so I plan on using green stuff to fill the gap.


That's all for now. Cheers!

P.S. now when I look at the photos I see there are some mold lines, although I tried to remove all of them (gently though). Well, they're still my WIP :)

P.P.S. does anyone know how to reduce the images' size when I post them? Or do I have to do it manually on my PC?

The reduction is based upon the original size of the picture, I recall.. Certain sizes are reduced by certain percentages, so you'd need a smaller original size to get the right reduction.


Which is probably all wrong, since it's years since I dealt with the subject.

I see. Ok, now I'll post the smaller images.

After posting two Vanguard guys, I've managed to do another one, and I'm about to post him.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's Hammer Time!



The hammer is from Death Company sprue, as some other bits. The chest is regular marine's one with Aquila. The funny thing is that the space between the hammer holding hands is less than the chest's width (the DC chests are really smaller than the regular ones), so I had to remove a few mm from both sides of the chest (the reason is that I wanted this guy to have Aquila on his breastplate, and none of DC ones have it). As a result I really like this guy, I think that I've managed to give him a dynamic pose - he's preparing for the blow, and at the same time he's holding the hammer high to control its weight.


Having done a few Vanguard Veterans, I've decided to take a break from doing close-combat experts and do instead a shooter. In my all-jump army the shooters will be my Honor Guard, who'll be equipped with PlasmaGuns. 4 PlasmaGuns falling from the sky... that's scary... There is something I like about this weapon - I remember deadly plasmaguns in Quake, Fallout Linkgun in Unreal Tournament - what good weapons they were....

Oh, back to reality. ;)

Again, I was inspired by Mr. Blanche's art. Now this one. And I decided to do something similar... And I think I did it. So here's the first from my four Plasmagunners:



This guy is not fully done - I still need to add some purity seals and parchments to make him more "honorable" ;)

The power cables were hell to do. I've chopped some wire, plastic details from my old marines, everything was unsuccessful, and finally I found an office clip. It worked well - it's hard enough and once it is properly bent it retains its form. I'm gonna make at least another similar guy, now that I know how to it :P

That's all for now, folks. Please let me know what do you think. Cheers!


I've done the second Plasmagunner. This time I tried to make his weapon with coil down. It looked fine, and allowed me to attach "power cables" differently (compared to my first plasma-guy). I drilled the slots in the gun and plugged the clip, so it was much easier to glue it. So here he is:



Both of them:


I think I'll remove the exessive decorations on my second gunner. But still, I think they both look very good :)


And another thing for today.

My magnets have arrived and I tried to work with them. They are TINY (3mm x 1mm). It was my first time, so my hands are in super glue at the moment, but I am satisfied with the result :)

Remember the Sarge from Mr. Blanche's art? So now he finally has his backpacks.




I want to make 15 another interchangeable backpacks for my Assault Marines, and a pair for Sanguinary Priests. Wish me luck! :lol:

That's all for now, folks!


  • 2 weeks later...
I have only just realised how the pose of that chaplain is almost exactly the same as Corbulo aside from the arm they hold up and and the way they lean...Almost like ying/yang...Chaplains & Priests...The 2 oppsites of the BA mythos maybe, without even realising it would come to be that way in the future when the models were made.
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, everybody!


After some time I finally have an update to post! :cuss


It's my take on Razorback with twin-linked heavy flamer. After I got two HFlamers left off my Baal, I decided to use them to build Flamerback.

I did some search over the web, and found this tutorial. I've looked fo the basics, but made some things differently. You'll see the differences in the images.


So, to cut long story short, here's my (still unfinished) Flamerback:










That's all for now. Let me know what you think, mates.



It would be better to have the turret towards the front of the razorback as its doubtful the flamer will reach much from the back :)

True. The top panel is not glued yet, so it's not a problem to move the turret to the center


As for Immolator - I don't like how it looks. IMHO the converted version suit Razorback style better.

  • 1 month later...
Looking good, you might attempt thining your paints a little to make it go smoother! Also try cleaning up the chest eagles edges a bit that bugs me the most. Otherwise great painting!



Thanks! There are some mistake needing correction, eagle's edges are among them. I'm refreshing my skills, and the next guys should be even better :D


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