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Angels Sanguine Predator Tank


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Modeling continues at a fever pitch at the OMG household. Here's the latest; the first of two Autocannon/Las sponson Predators (weapons magnetized).














After I complete the other pred and a second razorback, that will almost look like a respectable tank column.


+++Forgot: Here's a WIP shot of the other 2 tanks mentioned:




Comments always welcome. Cheers, -OMG

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Very good!


I love the red. What do you use and do to get it so bright?


The stuff on the back, from a Baneblade?


On an unposted note, the Land Raider. I love the script on the top. You might see something like that on a Templar Raider. Though perhaps in four years time :lol:

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I love the red. What do you use and do to get it so bright?


The stuff on the back, from a Baneblade?


On an unposted note, the Land Raider. I love the script on the top. You might see something like that on a Templar Raider. Though perhaps in four years time :P

My shortcut to bright reds is working from a white undercoat. That's the only way I've been able to keep it consistent (my hats off to you guys who can do so starting from black however you do it!).


Yes, that rear bit is from a baneblade - as an aside; when you pick up the Forgeworld variants you get a replacement part for that one which is a lot cooler. It features the same Ad Mech shrine but the exhausts are a lot bigger. So nice to be able to put the plastic bits to good use.


And, you can see the script on the LRR in that pic? Nice eyes sir. And BTW: They are custom decals, very easy to work with. Here's a close-up so you don't have to squint.




And the script decal:




My only criticism is the crewman isn't wearing a helmet. Sanguine angels never go bareheaded.


:lol: No comment.


Cheers, -OMG

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The "never go unhelmeted" thing comes from an off-hand line in the first two Swallow books on the Blood Angels and should be taken with as much salt as the rest of the books' contents. It's a rather meaningless retcon, and the army the tanks in this thread belong to predates it.



OMG, great work as always. Love the yellow markings on the Predator, gives the whole vehicle life. The tank commander dual wielding a melta pistol and a hand flamer had me chuckle a little, though. :whoops:


On another note; try as I might, I can't get used to seeing people build their Predators with "cross" armament. When I started out with 40K, Predators came as Annihilators or as Destructors. I still feel that that is the "right" way to go, don't ask me why. The AC/las variant seems to work well on the field.


Edit: Grammar

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Thanks AG but, with a short paragraph describing the successors in the new Codex; AS never taking off their helmets is now, very much so canon. So as difficult an assertion as that is - it stands as official GW fluff. Not that it has to dictate my modeling choices, obviously. My army gets a grandfather clause.


What? You don't like the gun slinging tank commander? Since I'm not a big fan of the rules (really the point cost) of either weapon I had plenty of extra to work with.


And, I hear what you're saying about the Pred load-outs and feel the same way. But, point costs being what they are, these kinds of odd-ball variants are more efficient from an army building perspective. If only all point costs were created equal!


I very much appreciate the comments - and I'll continue following your thread; even if you do keep painting those "lesser" angels along with your exquisite BA.



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Ah, I know the hidden faces thing is canon now with the new codex and I wouldn't even mind the idea in itself as it's a nice piece of flavour. I simply resent it for where it came from originally, petty as that makes me sound.


I love the commander. He's as much 40K and Space Marine as you can put into one model and that made me smile. I love how the guns look but I haven't found a squad to put them in yet either.


About the DA - you know I stray, but I never stray too far. :whoops:

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The "never go unhelmeted" thing comes from an off-hand line in the first two Swallow books on the Blood Angels and should be taken with as much salt as the rest of the books' contents. It's a rather meaningless retcon, and the army the tanks in this thread belong to predates it.


It's confirmed in the latest codex, that's what I tend to go by when it comes to fluff. Like I said MY only criicism is the bareheaded crewman, if people don't like criticism why post on a public forum?

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The "never go unhelmeted" thing comes from an off-hand line in the first two Swallow books on the Blood Angels and should be taken with as much salt as the rest of the books' contents. It's a rather meaningless retcon, and the army the tanks in this thread belong to predates it.


It's confirmed in the latest codex, that's what I tend to go by when it comes to fluff. Like I said MY only criicism is the bareheaded crewman, if people don't like criticism why post on a public forum?


Kezef, I meant no criticism to you in person. My personal dislike makes your opinion no less valid.

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The "never go unhelmeted" thing comes from an off-hand line in the first two Swallow books on the Blood Angels and should be taken with as much salt as the rest of the books' contents. It's a rather meaningless retcon, and the army the tanks in this thread belong to predates it.


It's confirmed in the latest codex, that's what I tend to go by when it comes to fluff. Like I said MY only criicism is the bareheaded crewman, if people don't like criticism why post on a public forum?


Kezef, I meant no criticism to you in person. My personal dislike makes your opinion no less valid.


No biggy


When all is said and done the tank in question is pretty much sheer awesome. A minor fluff thing doesn't change that.

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A minor fluff thing doesn't change that.

Don't get me wrong Kezef: I asked for comments sincerely and I appreciate any and all. I wasn't being critical of your criticism; more so I was being critical of that particular element in the fluff & how's its changed over the years.


I've been slowly building this army since 3rd edition where the AS were merely a picture of a painted model & a Chapter name. That was even a downgrade from the few sentences they got in the preceding Codex: Angels of Death. So today they get a few sentences & some references in the Swallow novels which completely contradict the C.S.Goto writings on the AS which came before the Swallow novels. <_<


But despite all that; I agree; official codex = canon & I very consciously deviated from it. Yet, something tells me that I'll continue to do so.


And thanks for your kind appraisal regardless. :)


Cheers, -OMG

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A minor fluff thing doesn't change that.

Don't get me wrong Kezef: I asked for comments sincerely and I appreciate any and all. I wasn't being critical of your criticism; more so I was being critical of that particular element in the fluff & how's its changed over the years.


I've been slowly building this army since 3rd edition where the AS were merely a picture of a painted model & a Chapter name. That was even a downgrade from the few sentences they got in the preceding Codex: Angels of Death. So today they get a few sentences & some references in the Swallow novels which completely contradict the C.S.Goto writings on the AS which came before the Swallow novels. ;)


But despite all that; I agree; official codex = canon & I very consciously deviated from it. Yet, something tells me that I'll continue to do so.


And thanks for your kind appraisal regardless. :)


Cheers, -OMG


I hear you there mate, been playin for 20 years. Tend to get annoyed with all the bloody ret-cons at times.


Wish I could come close to your painting skill, I'm very much a gamer and not much of a painter

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Excellent stuff OMG; and they really look great together ;)


Off topic - Here is an idea for all your helmetless Angels; put them all together for one photo and sticky it in the FAQ thread or post it every time you get asked!!!!!! I have lost count the number of times I have seen it questioned and I am still relatively new to the boards

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What method do you use for the chipped paint effect on the black areas?

It's actually easier than it looks. It's more a question of brush stroke than anything else. After base coating and darkening up the shadows, I wet brush on a few different shades of gray with a quick downward brush stroke. I purposely make it uneven and let some streaks come lower than others. Then the chipping is mostly just thinned Mithril Silver. Again, stippling and strokes that mimic the direction of scuffs & scratches lend toward a more realistic appearance. If I make a mistake and put down too much it's easy enough to go back over it with black or a darker metallic color to either correct or add to the effect.


Thanks for the comments all, -OMG

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