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Noise marine conversions

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I have started trying to get a balanced army and part of that is going be noise marines.

I have started converting from black reach box set (I also had some plague marines from that) and a bit of green stuff.

My first used a chain sword on a heavy bolter (some of this stuff is from the chaos battle force) to make a Blastmaster, as well as a green stuffed cape and fur collar (the collar can be seen in the article from games workshop)



I have also made a standard sonic blaster marine, first try remember! :sweat:


I've run out of Green Stuff and so not quite there, fur collar as last time. Basically a upside down bolter with the battle force lion head for the tank. had to partially drill into the guns head to fit the bolter barrel in and keep it secure.

I'm going to re-paint them from the silver-hand Black Legion to a more Emperor's Children style with more silver on the gun. Remember I did these last night before sleeping so I have not yet had time to do more, but I'll keep posting.

Happy for feedback and suggestions, and ill keep working.

-Sharkio Hereticus

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More pics and first layer of paint done on marines. Remember this is first layer and a bit blotchy. I have also included my Chaos Lord in the pictures to give a sense of past conversions.

I mixed my own paint and I have got more green stuff for proxy putty.


I have still got to fill in some gaps and repaint the collars. The gap between the arm and gun on the below image are to be fixed tonight.


I have also included the chaos lord I made and painted. (turned out better then other two marines.



He was also made from black reach (mighty useful set). As-well as a possessed arm and wings. The main body is the captain and the other arm, with the gun, is an ork arm. The head is that of a Zteentch champion and standard marine body, Only a small amount of gap filling needed.

As always feedback welcome!-Plz!

-Sharkio Hereticus

Edited by sharkio hereticus
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Hum. Seriously, I do think they are terrible. But nobody can say you weren't trying or didn't have enough imagination. Now, to be a bit constructive: I think you are trying to do too much at once. You are trying to convert, sculpt and paint on high levels, and making a mess of it, instead of going step by step. Practice helps, but you no can rush that.


I am not a hobby hero either, but let me give you a few ideas which I think might help.


First things first: practice painting cleanly, ie make sure the paint goes exactly where you want it, not into places where it should not be. If necessary, look for a few tutorials for keeping your hands steady. A neatly painted mini without any highlights and shading will not be a golden daemon winner, but it will look good, and once you can do that, highlighting and shading is not so difficult anymore. Also, simple techniques like drybrushing and washes only really work on a neatly painted miniature, as otherwise they'll just make it look even less neat, as opposed to highlighted or shaded.


Try using only a limited number of colours, as otherwise a mini will soon look untidy even if you paint neatly when there are too many colours.


On sculpting: you use too much GS (those fur collars are way too thick). Try using only tiny amounts, and only add more when you really, really must. Conversions in general will become too busy quickly if you add too many bits. Add only what serves a purpose, not anything you happen to find in your bitz box. Here, too, neatness is important. Bit doesn't fit neatly? Try to file it flat, make sure weapons align correctly and don't have twists in the gun barrel, things like that.


Now I hope this did not discourage you too much - with the amount of drive you have shown in this thread, I'm sure you'll get to positive responses in no time - just make sure you enjoy practice just as much. :wub:


Edit: oh, and thin your paints. At least half/half water-to-paint-ratio. That'll make painting neatly easier.

Edited by Wolf Priest Haelaeif
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You have some great ideas there , some of which I may try myself, makes sense to make your own sonic weaponry with the cost of those things. But I have to say some of what your doing looks a little rushed. Wolf Priest Haelaeif gives some good advise, just take your time, you may be gaming with these miniatures a long time. Some of my Space Wolves have been in use on the tabletop for twenty years!

Learn to Walk before you run. Free hand insignia! you have to be real good to try that, I still shy away from that after 20 years of painting. Done badly it can ruin a good paint job. Get the basics right, as pointed out by Wolf Priest Haelaeif and use a transfer if you want insignia.

There are a lot of tutorials out there, GW produce some good books on the subject, and when you master these techniques try others such as Darksons painting guide, real good book.

Also nice to see more painters interested in Slannesh, good choice for chaos,you gotta love the better initiative, look forward to seeing more of your posts, and good luck.

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Everyone starts somewhere. My first orks look worse.


For inspiration maybe check out this guys slaanesh thread over at warseer.



Anyways, I recommend this guy. http://www.youtube.com/user/awesomepaintjob he has heaps of videos. Looking at a couple seems to use alot of airbrushing these days.. so


Also http://www.youtube.com/user/GirlPainting The videos I actually use to watch seem to have been killed by youtube but both of these a worth a look at. If anything just to see how they paint well.


With a bright colour like pink, you will probably need to do a couple of dilluted with water coats.


Good luck



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Thank you SO much for the links I really did need them!:(

I have started making a flat blood red colour and then I am going to go into pink and blend from there.

I am trying to use the techniques from the Girl Painting link as she is very useful but I am also using the GW book, as said before


Thanks again and I'll post some pictures at some point.

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I think that GW book is pretty good for those basics, if it is the one I remember reading once. And it's really those basics that are important for a hobbyist, everything above and beyond is only really necessary if you want to get to golden-daemon-level - but that is probably a consideration for a bit later. ;) Looking forward to see your next pictures. ;)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Nice looking army Spacefrisian. Do you have the army list written down anywhere that I could have a gander at sometime please?


Like this?


Chaos Lordess:

-Mark of Slaanesh, Daemon weapon, meltabombs


Chaos Sorceror:

-Lash, Mark of Slaanesh


Chaos TDA:6

-Champion (pw/ tl bolter)

-Icon of Slaanesh, combiflamer, combimelta, Reapercannon, 3x powerfist


Chaos Dreadnought:

-Heavy flamer, add ccw, extra armour



-Champ, powerfist

-icon of Slaanesh, 2x meltagun

-Rhino: combi plasma, dozer blades


Noise Marines: 9

-Asp Champ: powerfist, doomsiren

-Blastmaster, 7x Sonic blaster, icon

-Rhino: dozer blades


Lesser Daemons: x10





-Extra armour, combiflamer, dozerblades, heavybolters


Havocs: 9

-Asp Champ: powerfist

-4x Plasmaguns, icon of Slaanesh

-rhino: dozerblades, 2x TL bolter


+/- 2000 points

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sorry i haven't been uploading i have some pics coming but i've just had a lot to do. tomorrow there should be some more pictures.

@Spacerisian, I like the look of your army, especially the defiler! the standing up stance gives it a good sense of speed( which is what you want with slaanesh) and the dreadnought head is cool.


-sharkio hereticus

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