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Twin Princes


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Looking for what success players have had in regards to running two daemon princes and the upgrades that worked. I will be running a heavy troop force at the 1850 mark (3 full csm squads, zerks in a Raider, oblits) Not sure lash still the way to go..maybe Mm Nurgle..maybe just "naked"


Cheers in advance

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Yes; it works very well. Simply because they are good at their own right. (no support needed, good alround utility)


Lash is indeed not really the way to go anymore; I could give a detailed explaination of this if wanted. It's in any case not only because of the psychic protection some armies have.


Setups? Mark of Nurgle, for the reason that it means the Prince won't die easily anymore to low S weapons. This means either it lives longer or you force your oppenent to spend Heavy fire on him. (which is really good as that means less destroyed rhinos/Oblits early game). Warptime as psychic power is good here.


Running them naked (with Wings ofc) isn't bad either, same goes for MoT which is decent enough too.

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Lash is indeed not really the way to go anymore; I could give a detailed explaination of this if wanted. It's in any case not only because of the psychic protection some armies have.


Why's that Zhukov? I have never used Lash myself (nor had it used against me), but I am interested in why it isn't the super power everyone complains about anymore.


Back on topic, I usually run a Prince with warptime and wings for friendly games, but put on mark of nurgle for tourneys where I don't care as much for following the fluff. Its true, they absorb an enormous amount of fire, and any fire diversion means more intact rhinos!

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Lash is indeed not really the way to go anymore; I could give a detailed explaination of this if wanted. It's in any case not only because of the psychic protection some armies have.


Why's that Zhukov? I have never used Lash myself (nor had it used against me), but I am interested in why it isn't the super power everyone complains about anymore.


Back on topic, I usually run a Prince with warptime and wings for friendly games, but put on mark of nurgle for tourneys where I don't care as much for following the fluff. Its true, they absorb an enormous amount of fire, and any fire diversion means more intact rhinos!

The rise in anti-psyker wargear/powers is one point... shutting yoiur power down :'(


Another is the rise of mech and as lash won't work on vehicles it won't work on the units inside.

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Lash is indeed not really the way to go anymore; I could give a detailed explaination of this if wanted. It's in any case not only because of the psychic protection some armies have.


Why's that Zhukov? I have never used Lash myself (nor had it used against me), but I am interested in why it isn't the super power everyone complains about anymore.


Back on topic, I usually run a Prince with warptime and wings for friendly games, but put on mark of nurgle for tourneys where I don't care as much for following the fluff. Its true, they absorb an enormous amount of fire, and any fire diversion means more intact rhinos!

The rise in anti-psyker wargear/powers is one point... shutting yoiur power down :'(


Another is the rise of mech and as lash won't work on vehicles it won't work on the units inside.


Ah, valid points. I have never used lash, and I have never found myself wishing I could use it either. The extra point of toughness for MoN is too good to pass up in my opinion--and warptime too. It's great when you miss all your attacks then reroll and hit with everything. :teehee:

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I run Death Guard, I always have a nurgle DP with wings and warptime. In my 1850 list I have 2 land raiders, 2 rhino's, 7 plague marines inside, and 2 DP's with MoN and wings/warptime. They work great for me, I keep them hidden, one hiding between the two LR's, the other tagging with the rhinos. They're good for all around use, for any situation. I've taken out termy hammer squads with them. With an 18" threat range, T6, A5 on charge with rerolls to hit/wound, they're very hard to kill against normal peeps in CC, and you have to soak mass firepower into them to truely kill them. They will wipe out regular marines with ease. I use my PM's to get into CC, they chill there for a while soaking up punches and dishing out some pain, and if I need to CC to speed up I throw in the DP. Against vehicles they're very nice. I've popped everything from Rhino's to Wave Serpents, 18" away your opponent wont really expect it.


People usually ^_^ themselves when they see them. It's a 4W CC beast thats eternal, whats more to love?


I refrain from using lash, I never liked it.

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Lash is indeed not really the way to go anymore; I could give a detailed explaination of this if wanted. It's in any case not only because of the psychic protection some armies have.

Why's that Zhukov? I have never used Lash myself (nor had it used against me), but I am interested in why it isn't the super power everyone complains about anymore.

Well as said already it's partly because of Psychic protection some have and partly because of units sitting in Boxes. The last one needs to be analysed a bit more though: Princes die quickly; this should be clear. When we generally only have 6 Oblits who do the long range AT-job, they spend the first turns to de-Mech an oppenent. After those turns either the Princes or the Oblits are already dead... So Lash + Plasma Cannons won't happen anymore against a lot of normally speaking. Leaves Lash to hopefully charge with the Princes or Berzerkers, but the chances that this will happen or also low. (cause of Princes either being dead or Powers not going off or throwing to low on 2d6) Overall the times Lash will be good is too low for me to call it 'good'. It's not horrible or something though as it's too cheap for that.

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Does no one care for the fluff implications of having two Princes in the same warband?! ;)


I prefer MoT over Nurgle, but that's also mainly a fluff thing. Both are fine choices. Neither of their god-specific powers are better than warptime or wind.


Also: am I the only one that now has that Spin Doctors song "Two Princes" stuck in my head?

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Does no one care for the fluff implications of having two Princes in the same warband?! :)


I prefer MoT over Nurgle, but that's also mainly a fluff thing. Both are fine choices. Neither of their god-specific powers are better than warptime or wind.


Also: am I the only one that now has that Spin Doctors song "Two Princes" stuck in my head?


I did... from the minute I saw the topic title...

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Does no one care for the fluff implications of having two Princes in the same warband?! :cuss


Actually I do, I think DP's (and chaos lords) should be 1 max (I also think that DP's should be more powerful and customizable like they were in 3.5 (but with limits on how much stuff you can give them) or like hive tyrants are now), but this codex is so lame that I've resigned myself to the fact that fluff is gonna suffer.

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I use a Slaanesh D. Prince with Lash of Submission, the MoS also gives a +1 initiative, so you're gonna hit first unless you play against Eldar, then you hit at the same time. I also use another D. Prince with Mark of Nurgle, +1 T, and I give him Doom Bolt for shooting. At AP 3, Assault 3, a Space Marine killer. Both Princes with Wings, move 12", assault 6. My freinds hate this combo. I've pulled a Space Wolf Dev squad down from buildings and chop them up with both Princes. Try some practice games with them to work out your tactics. Then again it surely is up to how well you roll. Good Luck.....K
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More and more I'm thinking Mark of Tzeentch is the way to go. With the number of High strength, Low AP weapons, that 4++ can be invaluable.
To an extent yes, but with a decent gaming board, a 4+ cover save should be quite easy to get.
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More and more I'm thinking Mark of Tzeentch is the way to go. With the number of High strength, Low AP weapons, that 4++ can be invaluable.
To an extent yes, but with a decent gaming board, a 4+ cover save should be quite easy to get.

Still, if you're a nasty Monstrous Creature, carrying your own cover around means you don't have to play hide and seek.




I hate DP's. They're the only thing i truly fear in my friends Chaos army. >_>

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To an extent yes, but with a decent gaming board, a 4+ cover save should be quite easy to get.


On most boards I have seen this is not the case if you want your DP to get into CC (you can use rhinos to give yourself some cover, but again this limits your versatility.), in addition the biggest threat in CC to a prince is the Power fist, so the 4++ helps in that case.

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MoT and MoN both have their merits on a Daemon Prince. It really just boils down to whether you want more protection against being nibbled to death by small attacks, or if the big guns are more of a concern. Well, that and whether or not you want to use two psychic powers in a single turn.
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Do you know of any other way of playing , because all the other HQs are not viable .


I've never had a problem with using a Sorcerer Lord/Lord or a single DP occassionally in my 1k Sons.


But I've begun to suspect that we actually play 40k in different dimensions, which I suppose is appropriately "chaos" .

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MoT and MoN both have their merits on a Daemon Prince. It really just boils down to whether you want more protection against being nibbled to death by small attacks, or if the big guns are more of a concern. Well, that and whether or not you want to use two psychic powers in a single turn.


I would actually rephrase this as whether you worry about S4-7 attacks that (for the most part) don't ignore your armor saves or whether you are worried about things that ignore your armor.

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To an extent yes, but with a decent gaming board, a 4+ cover save should be quite easy to get.


On most boards I have seen this is not the case if you want your DP to get into CC (you can use rhinos to give yourself some cover, but again this limits your versatility.), in addition the biggest threat in CC to a prince is the Power fist, so the 4++ helps in that case.

I am sorry but I disagree, the biggest threat to a Prince in CC is mass volume of S4&S5 hits. T5 only gets you so far and a Powerfist is 1-2 wounds max. (and you still get a 33% chance of cancelling those) :P
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