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What to wash skull white with?

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So I'm making my own DIY chapter and they are white and a very "dark" gold (I will upload a pic tomorrow of one of the models!) my problem is I'm so used to washing my models with something to get the detail out that they don't feel finished if i don't wash them. But if i wash over the white its going to go really, really badly. So is there a way around this? my method of painting them is fairly lazy i guess i spray them all white then do the gold bits with iyanden yellow (I think thats what it is called) then paint with a mix of Gold + Boltgun metal then wash with Devlan mud. the reason i spray them white is because i like the "crisp" finish of it.
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Use a thinned down badab black wash, don't thin it too much or you start to get pooling and water marks instead of the normal wash results. Then go back and highlight with white. You could use a sepia wash or something else but they will change the color of the white where as the black looks like a normal shadow transition.


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