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Primer and Blood Angels


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I thought I would paint up three Blood Angels so we could all see step by step how various primer's effect the final result. I normally use gray or white for my primer. This time I will use white, black, red, and eventually gray. Here are the first three guys.








I'll keep posting to this as I make more progress. I am really curious about the black and the red. I know how the white should turn out. Anyhow more to come soon.

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I think the primer work looks very grainy, its often done when you spray them with spraycans at a too long distance from the models.


I would get just the cheap airbrush from GW, its not the best, but sufficient for priming your models.

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Don't know about that... I'm on my 4th GW spray gun and it's still a defunct piece of crap tbh. The first one had the hose explode whilst in use. The second one just stopped working to the point water wouldnt even pass through it (had the GW staff scratching their heads), when putting together the replacement for that one I found the thread on the propellant adapter was deformed, so the hose would not attach. I'm now on my 4th... and unless the paint is the consistency of water... it has problems passing anything through it. Its shocking and I'm surprised they're allowed to sell it tbh.

I originally bought it to basecoat my tanks with mechrite and blood red as I didnt like the brush strokes on my finished models but I've since moved onto the army painter's Pure red primer, which I have to say is awesome.

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I've just bought the GW spray gun but I intend to use it purely for washes, having just purchased a shedload of vehicles. Army Painter Pure Red basecoat, Baal Red wash with the spray gun then paint on highlights and details, treads etc.
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Really interesting !

Once finished, I think it would answer the frequently returning question : "Which color should I prime them ?".

I will be following this !

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Go to a place that has a large selection of rattlecan primers, like auto specialists or paint shops. I found a shade of red that's just perfect for my fleshtearer's. It's not a replacement for a proper airbrush but having a can that gives me a good primer and nice, even, red basecoat in one go is a life saver for the rank n file stuff.
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Don't know about that... I'm on my 4th GW spray gun and it's still a defunct piece of crap tbh. The first one had the hose explode whilst in use. The second one just stopped working to the point water wouldnt even pass through it (had the GW staff scratching their heads), when putting together the replacement for that one I found the thread on the propellant adapter was deformed, so the hose would not attach. I'm now on my 4th... and unless the paint is the consistency of water... it has problems passing anything through it. Its shocking and I'm surprised they're allowed to sell it tbh.

I originally bought it to basecoat my tanks with mechrite and blood red as I didnt like the brush strokes on my finished models but I've since moved onto the army painter's Pure red primer, which I have to say is awesome.


I just got one after seeing the results of my brother's work with it and I have found it works great. Granted right when you are done you need to blast some water thru it to clean it as the paint pipe is tiny and the paint can dry on it in not time at all. I got a bunch of minis based in no time at all using the paint gun with a great even coat. Once I get some of the non-red details done I am going to use it to wash em before I do the final coat in the form of a dry brush to make them nice and shiney red. Well as shiney as you can without red ink, stupid GW canceling the bright red ink and replacing it with a dark red wash. And if you are worried about brush strokes you are not watering your paints down enough. I have never used spray paint on my vehicles, just a big honking brush and there are no visible brush strokes, and I am pretty horrible at painting.

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Actually I have been sculpting for a bit. I will get to work on this this weekend and I will post something this Sunday. The truescale has taken up so much time due to my unwillingness to enjoy my own work. I also ran out of my red primer and the red marine is being re-positioned. This Sunday I will post the work and the colors used. Still debating the format though. Step by step or finished models, one model at a time, or all three at the same time. What would be more helpful to all of us? I am thinking step by step, all three at the same time. Let me know what you all think and sorry for the delay. I have been sidetracked. At least my LPC is complete.
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I just got one after seeing the results of my brother's work with it and I have found it works great. Granted right when you are done you need to blast some water thru it to clean it as the paint pipe is tiny and the paint can dry on it in not time at all. I got a bunch of minis based in no time at all using the paint gun with a great even coat. Once I get some of the non-red details done I am going to use it to wash em before I do the final coat in the form of a dry brush to make them nice and shiney red. Well as shiney as you can without red ink, stupid GW canceling the bright red ink and replacing it with a dark red wash. And if you are worried about brush strokes you are not watering your paints down enough. I have never used spray paint on my vehicles, just a big honking brush and there are no visible brush strokes, and I am pretty horrible at painting.


Ha dude, I also use their old red ink because thats how their old paint guides suggested painting the BA, so I've been trying to keep my army uniform looking by buying every last pot I could find off the interwebs B)


As for the spray gun, I just dunno... are you using propellant or compressor? I'm not happy with it at all... I press the trigger, sometimes I get paint come through, sometimes I don't. Other times huge spatters come out and just ruin the model. This seems to be the case from watered down slightly to more or less water. :S

I consider my painting ability 'good tabletop standard' i suppose, so anything less just won't do and the 'fairy power spray' makes plenty of appearences when it comes to the spray gun.

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I LOVE that old red dye. I have one pot left, but it goes a long way, I mean unlike the washes you water the heck out of it. I am just going to reserve it for use on my terminators. And maybe we just got lucky with the paint guns. I mean, I have an x-box 360 elite that survived the dust of Iraq and has been going strong for three years now. My younger brother has gone thru six x-box 360s and will never buy another one. Luck of the draw I guess. I use the propellent cans that GW supplies and I can get a couple of squads based with one can and I have not gotten splatter, but I pretty much never fully depress the trigger as I find that is just send too much air thru. Eventually I am thinking of getting an actual compressor based system, but that is pretty far in the future.
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