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Dreadnought Army


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So after a brief hiatus from the hobby, I had a wander down to my local GW and I noticed the new Furioso Dread kit and much drooling was had. After much soul searching (i.e. wallet searching) I came away with the new kit and was soon brainstorming the possibilitys.

I came up with the following list that I intend to work too, which after some converting/digging out my Dreads;

Blood Angels 1500p list


Reclusiarch w/ Melta bombs


Furioso w/ Blood Talons, Extra Armour and a Heavy Flamer

Furioso w/ Blood Talons, Extra Armour

Furioso w/ Blood Talons, Extra Armour


15 Death co. w/ Powerfist and Powerweapon (Reclusiarch goes here)


Death co. Furioso w/ Blood Fist

Death co. Furioso w/ Blood Fist

Death co. Furioso w/ Blood Fist



Dreadnought w/ Multi Melta and Twin Linked Autocannon

Dreadnought w/ Multi Melta and Twin Linked Autocannon


I've posted this in here as I intend to use this as a log of my progress and I should hopefully have some pictures of my current progress by Tuesday or Wednesday. Any thoughts or C&C always welcome :)

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Well, the list sounds fun, but you have no scoring units in your army. That's a setback.

Then, you have 15+1 footslogging buddies that are tough but still vulnerable to anti-infantry shooting or pie plates.

And what's a "blood-claw"? I know of Blood Fists (standard Furioso Dread CCW) and Blood Talons.


I'd drop the EA on Furiosos and equip some of them with Frag cannons to get more anti-infantry and lowAV fire.

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Ah yeah, my bad :') I'll go back and edit that

As for the no scoring, it is a drawback but not unmanagable since I dont play major competative play, but I'll give the frag cannons a try on some of my furiosos

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You should check out the list I posted here (though it's 2k points);




What you could do, is reduce something and find a way to get two squads of Scouts in to just sit on objectives, if you want a slightly better chance at winning with a list like that.


Also, I most definitely would use 2x TL Autocannon or Plasma Cannons on the normal Dreads. The long range of the Autocannon doesn't mesh well with the short range of the MM. Having two of them means you can setup those dreads far away, usually in some sort of hull down position, and then have some seriously relentless fire going. Anything with AV12 or lower is in serious jeapordy against that mass of AC's, and they can even threaten AV13. If you want a shot at cracking AV 14 (or at least glancing) you could go with ML/TL AuC combo instead. That means slightly less chance of taking out lower AV vehicles, but at least a chance of touching AV 14.


PS: This should probably be in the Army List forum...

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If I were you, I'd give the Talons to the DC Dreads as those have Furious Charge and therefore get S7 with the extra attacks for each wound.


Also, I'd suggest using a Libby Dread or 2 for Shield of Sanguinius coverage to give all those Dreads some cover. What many people don't realise is that the Libby Dread gets an extra attack regardless if they use their Blood Fist or their Force Weapon. And the upside of the Force Weapon is that it can also be used to insta-kill T6+ creatures. So therefore they become your MC hunters with Shield, Lance and their Force Weapon.


Just my 2 cents though.

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If I were you, I'd give the Talons to the DC Dreads as those have Furious Charge and therefore get S7 with the extra attacks for each wound.


Also, I'd suggest using a Libby Dread or 2 for Shield of Sanguinius coverage to give all those Dreads some cover. What many people don't realise is that the Libby Dread gets an extra attack regardless if they use their Blood Fist or their Force Weapon. And the upside of the Force Weapon is that it can also be used to insta-kill T6+ creatures. So therefore they become your MC hunters with Shield, Lance and their Force Weapon.


Just my 2 cents though.


I wanted the Talons on the non DC Furiosos, as I've been kited by land raiders before, which was less than fun, however I hadn't thought of using Shield, I'll definatly try and work that into my list, thanks.


@vahouth that'd probably make the list better, but from my current experience I haven't enjoyed playing Droppod armys, however I'll probably give it a go to see how it feels with this list :teehee:

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Don't forget you can have a melta on the DC furioso. That can do a good job of taking out a LR!


Melta and Magna Grapple are both great ways to clear open Land Raiders.. and then use the Talons to clear what is inside ;-)


Yeah, I read that and died a little inside, I let myself be kited and completely forgot about my meltagun *facepalm* I think that warrents being given to the Death Company to warm them up...


My revised list, taking into consideration the advice given;



Furioso Dreadnought

Librarian Upgrade

Shield of Sanguinius & Blood Lance


Furioso Dreadnought

Frag Cannon and Heavy Flamer


Furioso Dreadnought

Frag Cannon & Heavy Flamer

15 Death Company



Death Company Dreadnought

Blood Talons


Death Company Dreadnought

Blood Talons & Heavy Flamer


Death Company Dreadnought


Dreadnought w/multi melta

Twin Linked Autocannon

Dreadnought w/multi melta



Now to go paint it...

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Also, in regards to kiting, remember that the only time you have to move towards the nearest enemy unit is in the actual movement phase, so running, fleeting, and assaulting are still under your control.


As for the list, dread lists are a lot of fun to play, so long as you avoid Tau ^_^

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I'd do it the other way around really... Give the DC dreads talons and give the Furioso Blood fists (or preferably blood fist + frag cannon...This will give you 1 attack less but you'll gain 2 mean template shots. 1 more attack won't matter vs an horde... a Frag cannon is mean though... and you still have some s10 attacks for breaking apart those veichles)
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Also, in regards to kiting, remember that the only time you have to move towards the nearest enemy unit is in the actual movement phase, so running, fleeting, and assaulting are still under your control.


As for the list, dread lists are a lot of fun to play, so long as you avoid Tau :)

Although if you do run, it must be towards then nearest enemy, no loophole there unfortunatly xD

@Eorek Agreed, that's how I'm going to try it :)

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Also, in regards to kiting, remember that the only time you have to move towards the nearest enemy unit is in the actual movement phase, so running, fleeting, and assaulting are still under your control.


As for the list, dread lists are a lot of fun to play, so long as you avoid Tau ;)

Although if you do run, it must be towards then nearest enemy, no loophole there unfortunatly xD

@Eorek Agreed, that's how I'm going to try it ;)


whoops, my bad. You're right about the running. It's obviously been a long time since I fielded a unit with Rage :)

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I don't get the reason why people want Lance on a Libby Dread? Anything that the Lance is good at taking out, your Str10 and DCCW would hurt a lot better. With Might, you could get anywhere between 5 and 7 attacks on the charge. That's going to hurt vehicles a lot more than the Lance I think? Plus, you can use it in your opponents turn as well. That's 4 to 6 Attacks on his turn as well. This will eat monsters, walkers, IC or anything. Not taking Might on a Librian Dread seems silly to me. If you're worried about not being able to get into combat, I would just grab Wings instead of Shield for the second power. While Shield is good, you still have smoke launchers on all of your dreadnoughts, probably covering your first turn advancing. And with Wings and 'fleet', you should only really need one turn before you start to get stuck in.


Unless your facing Eldar who are dodging you, but you would hardly get those anyway.

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Lance is good due to if you peel open a transport you can assault the squishy unit that is inside. If you rip it open with your Blood Fist you have to sit around and take a turn of shooting when if you opened it with your shooting you can be all locked in combat and not have to take shooting to your less armoured parts.
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Lance is good due to if you peel open a transport you can assault the squishy unit that is inside. If you rip it open with your Blood Fist you have to sit around and take a turn of shooting when if you opened it with your shooting you can be all locked in combat and not have to take shooting to your less armoured parts.


Fair point, but why not simply use other units to shoot up the transport and then charge if that's the case? Don't get me wrong, Lance is a good power, I just don't see the point in taking it to open transports with, especially as I don't see the point of taking on transports and contents with your Libby Dread in the first place. Isn't that more of a place for a Talon Dread? Charging a Libby Dread without Might at a MEQ unit will cause 2.22 wounds on that unit. If that's a 10 man unit, you've basically tarpitted your own Dread, hell, even if it's a five man unit, you're likely to be stuck in combat for three turns. It will probably still be stuck in combat when your next turn comes by again, and if there is a hidden PF or similiar in that unit, your Dread could be in serious trouble.


I would rather charge it at targets which holds important IC, MC's, other walkers or important vehicles, like Land Raiders. Something which is made all the more possible by wings as opposed to Shield. Taking a Libby Dread with Lance means you have a 175 point walker with an average threatrange of 14" with it's Lance, and who is only moving 6" a turn. I'd rather take a "flying" Walker who can ignore terrain, move 12" per turn and dish out a serious amount of STR 10 DCCW attacks, and leave the popping of transports to TLAutoC from Dreads.

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