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Huron Blackheart.


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I'm not sure about 'popular'.


I am. One is a low-key Chaos Marine series, the other is a Space Marine Battles novel, and the latter massively outsells the former. It will reach many more eyes, and will almost definitely be closer to the kind of situation the majority of the readership wants to see the special characters showing up in.


In one, he'll be a major (I assume) character in one of his biggest canon moments, dominating on the battlefield, being awesome. In the other, he has a couple of fairly subtle cameos, in front of several characters that aren't impressed by "the thin-blooded renegades who missed the real war".


Just take the compliment, S. I'm on your side.

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Ah, you see, wrong kind of popular. I meant as a character rather than as part of the story... ;)


I'm pretty confident that I haven't exactly written him in a style that will make people set up shrines in his name. Or erect monuments that say 'Huron Blackheart Woz 'ere'.


But I am, indeed, taking the compliment... and thank you.



And look! Look! Now I have my own Silver Skulls icon! The interwebs is an amazing place!


I need to get out more.

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Ah, you see, wrong kind of popular. I meant as a character rather than as part of the story... :(


I'm pretty confident that I haven't exactly written him in a style that will make people set up shrines in his name. Or erect monuments that say 'Huron Blackheart Woz 'ere'.


But I am, indeed, taking the compliment... and thank you.


Don't be too surprised if the opposite of what you suggest occurs. Well-constructed and well-written bad guys tend to become venerated here, so long as they're not boring. ;)

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I'm not sure about 'popular'. By the time I'd finished the first draft I wanted to pound him into the ground with something very, very heavy. But yes: The Gildar Rift has Huron Blackheart 'out there kicking ass', thus giving him a literary opportunity to show off just what a cunning type he is.

Ack. Another book to buy. Eventually, this sort of thing is going to start cutting into the budget for things like my cat's fancy wet food. I'll wake one night to the metallic *click* of a 9mm's slide-action. The look on the cat's face won't be one of anger or sadness, but the mild irritation of someone who's forgotten to buy something at the grocery store. Not the kind of expression you expect on a cat who's brandishing a pistol at her owner, but, hey, anything can happen.


"W...why?" I'll ask, trying to ignore the sweat that's beading on my forehead. "What did I do? Whatever it is, I'll stop doing it!"


"Too late," she'll purr (oh, the irony). "We all make decisions. You made yours. I've made mine. It's been real."


Then there's a flash of light, and the smell of burned cork, and that's all there ever will be.


I guess what I'm saying here is that your book might cause my cat to murder me. In a good way, though.

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I'm not sure about 'popular'. By the time I'd finished the first draft I wanted to pound him into the ground with something very, very heavy. But yes: The Gildar Rift has Huron Blackheart 'out there kicking ass', thus giving him a literary opportunity to show off just what a cunning type he is.

Ack. Another book to buy. Eventually, this sort of thing is going to start cutting into the budget for things like my cat's fancy wet food. I'll wake one night to the metallic *click* of a 9mm's slide-action. The look on the cat's face won't be one of anger or sadness, but the mild irritation of someone who's forgotten something mildly important at the grocery store. Not the kind of expression you expect on a cat who's brandishing a pistol at her owner, but, hey, anything can happen.


"W...why?" I'll ask, trying to ignore the sweat that's beading on my forehead. "What did I do? Whatever it is, I'll stop doing it!"


"Too late," she'll purr (oh, the irony). "We all make decisions. You made yours. I've made mine. It's been real."


Then there's a flash of light, and the smell of burned cork, and that's all there ever will be.


I guess what I'm saying here is that your book might cause my cat to murder me. In a good way, though.


Lex, give up on the IA and write a story about a murderous feline assassin who is adopted by their marks.. You'd make a killing with a Grimdark Puss In Boots.

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I guess what I'm saying here is that your book might cause my cat to murder me. In a good way, though.




Oh dear.


I'm not sure I want be responsible for any ownercide. Although, it's something of a juxtaposition to my attitude to my own cats at the moment. Because I could quite happily borrow the 9mm and put out the tiny cat brains that suggest 'bladder trampolining' is a suitable 4am sport.


With regards to Huron Blackheart, I like to think that I've written him as a lot more than Just The Generic Bad Guy. I would expect nothing less from anybody who was given him to play with. He has such depth of background and so much history that it's hard not to actually 'see through his eyes' every now and again.


It's a bit scary, that view though. And a bit wonky.



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With regards to Huron Blackheart, I like to think that I've written him as a lot more than Just The Generic Bad Guy. I would expect nothing less from anybody who was given him to play with. He has such depth of background and so much history that it's hard not to actually 'see through his eyes' every now and again.


I find it far easier to think in terms of an evil mastermind, which is worrying. The trouble with Huron is that he is far above even some of the Legions and other renegades, but there still seems to be that whole "Were you at Terra?" thing in terms of hierarchy.


If you fail though, well, I can be irrational in my hatreds :tu:


I like evil characters, evil is good.. But I like unaligned evil characters.. I find that, in some cases, alignment to a Chaos God can provoke authorial - I'm pretty sure I just made that up - laziness of the "Well, it's Chaos, isn't it?" kind.. Not that I'm casting aspersions on anyones work, much.

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I find it far easier to think in terms of an evil mastermind, which is worrying. The trouble with Huron is that he is far above even some of the Legions and other renegades, but there still seems to be that whole "Were you at Terra?" thing in terms of hierarchy.


I like to see Huron Blackheart as Grey. He's in that peculiar zone between evil and Chaos. Hopefully that makes sense written down. It makes perfect sense inside the terrifying confines of my brain.


If you fail though, well, I can be irrational in my hatreds :tu:


I shall bear this in mind. Thanks for the early warning. Also-:woot:



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It's a bit scary, that view though. And a bit wonky.

See, I understand the colloquial use you're going for here, but the first-order definition in my own mindspace caused me to hope, for perhaps just the briefest instant, that your novel consisted of Space President Josiah Blackheart and his trusted Chief of Staff trying to hammer out a trade agreement with the Eldar, featuring a minor subplot about Brother Lyman and Brother Seaborne trying to set up a surprise birthday party with a Gilbert and Sullivan theme.


Then the dream was gone. :tu:

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I find it far easier to think in terms of an evil mastermind, which is worrying. The trouble with Huron is that he is far above even some of the Legions and other renegades, but there still seems to be that whole "Were you at Terra?" thing in terms of hierarchy.


I like to see Huron Blackheart as Grey. He's in that peculiar zone between evil and Chaos. Hopefully that makes sense written down. It makes perfect sense inside the terrifying confines of my brain.


This is what I discovered when reading Soul Hunter - yeah, I'm another one who'll bring that book up, sorry :tu: - that I don't actually like Chaos.. I like evil without tentacles, so Talos is a character I can identify with.


Huron in my mind has always been - despite my actual brain being able to offer proof - the tentacle kind of Chaos bad guy.


So, I'll await the book eagerly hoping I'll regret my intial thought of "Who the hell is she? :huh"


EDIT: "Wonkfest" is my new favourite word.

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So, I'll await the book eagerly hoping I'll regret my intial thought of "Who the hell is she? :huh"


I think that every morning when I look in the mirror. If you find out the answer, do let me know.


EDIT: "Wonkfest" is my new favourite word.


It is a splendid word. Well done. Have a cookie!

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So, I'll await the book eagerly hoping I'll regret my intial thought of "Who the hell is she? :huh"


I think that every morning when I look in the mirror. If you find out the answer, do let me know.


On the InterWebs, thats an invite to stalking. Luckily, certain motive issues prevent such, though now I'm extrememly curious though.. Damn you woman!


EDIT: "Wonkfest" is my new favourite word.

It is a splendid word. Well done. Have a cookie!


Was I supposed to feel patronised then? 'cause I had this incredible mental image of you patting my head and rubbing my stomach, like I was a clever hound.. That's not to say it wasn't enjoyable..


Oh look, there's that line I crossed :tu:

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On the InterWebs, thats an invite to stalking. Luckily, certain motive issues prevent such, though now I'm extrememly curious though.. Damn you woman!


Apparently, curiosity killed the cat. Given my earlier statement about the two Evils who think they own me, that might be useful. Be curious! I actively encourage this behaviour!


Was I supposed to feel patronised then? 'cause I had this incredible mental image of you patting my head and rubbing my stomach, like I was a clever hound.. That's not to say it wasn't enjoyable..


Oh look, there's that line I crossed :tu:

Heavens, no. I was merely offering you a cookie for coming up with the second word today that's made me chuckle. The other was 'zomgoose'.




Apologies for the off-topicness.


Personally, I think that his illustrious Blackheartness is actually nails hard. He is completely self-serving and has an incredibly strong sense of self preservation. He has no moral standards and doesn't think twice about sacrificing anybody so he can achieve his ultimate aims.


There's a dark, dark bit of my heart that admires that ethic. In a world where you get nothing without taking a stand, he maintains an air of menace that nobody's ever been able to quash. And yet... it's not fun. There's no satisfaction in it.


Beaten into near annihilation by the hammer and forge of the Imperium, the Chapter's livelihood depended on hit and run tactics. They struck at their targets with deadly accuracy, took what they needed and retreated. No more for Huron Blackheart the satisfaction of making an entire world his own. Old hatred welled up in his gut. But he knew the Corpsemaster's words, however maddening, were right. They may experience success, but true victory would elude him for eternity.
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... doesn't think twice about sacrificing anybody so he can achieve his ultimate aims.


I find this interesting, especially as he is one of the only Chaos Space Marine characters to be outright humbled and left completely to the mercy of others, helpless and utterly broken. If the above statement were true, Huron would have been booted out of the proverbial Astrotrain (think original 1986 transformers movie) by those very sacrificial lambs he lorded over, while a heaping ruin of melted flesh and bone.


"Oh, how it pains me to do this."

"Wait! I still function!"

"Wanna bet?"

- Starscream as he throws Megatron out of Astrotrain


Sorry, I had to.


Back on track: He had to be something more than feared, evil, and utterly selfish to the core, to not be killed after Badab, especially during the period of physically shattered - to - surgery - to - recovery. That in itself is an active decision on the part of the remaining Astral Claws, to keep a fallen king (who was a word away from death), and the motives of why they chose it, serve as a good question. His current appearance being as much of a reminder of his Chapter's second chance given to him, as it is a reminder of his own loss against the Imperium.


I suppose the loyalty of a pirate only runs so far, and there can only ever be one captain, but every captain among cut-throats has his fair share of ambitious rivals who must be kept happy ... lest mutiny.

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I agree. It's not that he's selfish, really. It's more that he's practical. He has a good grip on his view of the universe, without things like vengeance or anger clouding his though processes, unlike certain Chaos minions I could name(cough Black Legion cough).



(who was a word away from death)

Everyone is a word away from death. That word is 'fire'.

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I agree. It's not that he's selfish, really. It's more that he's practical. He has a good grip on his view of the universe, without things like vengeance or anger clouding his though processes,


This. Very much so.


He believes that what he's doing is quintessentially right; that his opinion of what he considers to be the Imperium's lies is absolutely correct. Any loyalist who has even a chink of uncertainty in their armour of righteousness is a potential recruit. That charisma is what sends others flocking to his banner. Let's not forget that it isn't just Astral Claws who make up his number. Disparate dregs of other Chapters drift to him all the time. That's gotta be some magnetic personality right there.


(When Astartes Go Wrong... He probably has an advert running on Imperium TV. "Are you sick of your goody goody battle brothers? Do you want to see what it's REALLY like inside the Maelstrom? Call your local Red Corsairs recruiting office today. Be the best. Would you like to know more?"


He is a great leader. He can command a rag-tag mish-mash of a Chapter and get the best out of them. He's not out to take revenge on the Mean Ol' Imperium. He's simply trying to mete out what he believes is his view on the world.


Just don't get in his way.


Edited to add


I typed all that whilst half-asleep. I have discovered a new skill. Semi-conscious conversation. Must add to CV.

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To me, I guess, I always thought of him being one way before losing everything at Badab (the talented, charismatic leader, capable of binding the fates of entire chapters to his whims), before becoming a pained, hateful, revengefully ambition driven monster, who has such a deep clarity of purpose burned literally into his flesh, it allows him to foccus and "do", while only trusting and relying on what he builds with his own (now rebuilt) hands. This purpose separates all, and it is what sets him apart from almost all of his peers, thriving inside of the Imperium itself, he makes his own previous Legend more than tale, and adds to it a frightful reality, fighting with strength against direct equals outright.


Corsairs seek him and his ilk for very different reasons, than turning outright over to the dark powers. He brings something very unique to the table, that all astartes have in common. Tradition, discipline, a place of strength through power, renewal, and a sense of one's worth in it's primal form. Badab was the biggest loyalist astartes conflict to occur since the Heresy, only a mere 100 years since the current 40k time.


When you say:

He's not out to take revenge on the Mean Ol' Imperium. He's simply trying to mete out what he believes is his view on the world.

What do you see his "view" being? During Badab, I can see the later in that sentance. Post Badab, I'm curious what your views are during his 100 years of raiding, other than hatred/revenge and the collection of war meat and materials.

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(As I steal work time...)


I like to think that he's largely driven by twisted and distorted thoughts. Somewhere deep down he probably feels that everything he does is totally justified. Probably not that deep down either.


He was ultimately driven nuts by his own insatiable lust for power and greatness. To be denied that and to now have to survive on whatever the Red Corsairs can steal or appropriate must be the ultimate frustration. The Imperium have beggared him. It's a never ending degradation.


Hang on, now I start to feel sorry for him...

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Pyro and ADB, have you drawn any inspiration from the IA9 and IA10 books?


A little, but in accordance with the universe and its infallible law of irony, I'd written most of it before I could afford those books... :P



Good to know. There may be some "disconnect" then, depending on how much you delve into his past.

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