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Painting Competition


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Greetings battle-brothers,


I am going to enter the "Lage Landen Schilder Competitie", the Golden Demon award in the Netherlands and Belgium.

I am planning on entering in the Warhammer 40.000 Squad competition with a Sanguinary Guard (including Dante) and a Death Company (including a Chaplain). Does anyone know if it is permitted at the Golden Demon (because the rules and categories are the same) to include a vehicle in the squad? If so I want to add a DC Rhino.. I also want to enter in Duel.. I was thinking of an Vanguard Veteran facing a Tyranid Gargoyle and/or Griff Oberwald versus an Orc Blood Bowl player. Let me know what you think about it, if you have any suggestions etc.


Many thanks.

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how over the top are you planning to go? having their black paint scratched showing some of the paint from their previous armour colours could be cool (bit of knee pad her, helm there etc...) and if you can get some greenstuff work into there somewher too...
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Hmm I like the "showing of armour" but aren't they given a new armour when they join the DC.. Otherwise wouldn't there be Death Company Terminators? I'm not that great with green stuff but I'm thinking about using the "Duel" category as an excuse to practice a bit with it... I was thinking about making a small battlefield section with dead Orks and Guards as base..... Gonna be one hell of an expensive project xD
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unless its been retconed the chaplins repain th armour on the eve of battle. id assume they cant risk the loss of a relic such as terminator armour and so the vets jus have their regular suit of power armour on instead( as far as im aware they can deployed in either so must have enough powerarmour suits available too...)
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Hmm seems only logical... I was thinking about a Chaplain with Powerfist, and a 5-men strong DC 3 armed with Chainswords and pistols 2 armed with Bolters all with ordinary backpacks... Perhaps I'll also equip one with a heavier weapon like a meltagun and show a bit of blue underneath his armour..... I still have 2 hours of school but I'm going to get started this evening ^_^ For duel I was thinking about a Assault Marine with or without Jump Pack (with weatherd armour, kinda like the ones in the latest White Dwarf) facing an Ork Stormboy... I can then use the rest of the Ork kit to make casualties for the Death Company base...
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