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All-flame Baal

Deschenus Maximus

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Anyone here have experience with a Flamestorm Baal with HF sponsons? I'm thinking of doing a list with TLHF Razors supported by a FSC Baal, but I'm wondering if I should put the HF sponsons on it. I'm going to have a ton of Heavy Flamers from the Razors anyways, and the sponsons would mean that I would have to slow down to Combat Speed, which will make the Baal more vulnerable to getting popped in assault.



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Anyone here have experience with a Flamestorm Baal with HF sponsons? I'm thinking of doing a list with TLHF Razors supported by a FSC Baal, but I'm wondering if I should put the HF sponsons on it. I'm going to have a ton of Heavy Flamers from the Razors anyways, and the sponsons would mean that I would have to slow down to Combat Speed, which will make the Baal more vulnerable to getting popped in assault.




I dunno if they are the most efficient for maximized lists and all that... but I love them. I hear what you are saying about combat speed, but people are also less likely to get near a tank with so many heavy flamers.


In normal games of 40k it is not always the best option, but in Planetstrike, Cities of Death, Spearhead and if you get Power stations in a (PE) campaign where your reserves are improved, it is an amazing tank, outflanking or otherwise.


With the free scout move and smoke approach you can usually make use of this configuration and with a successful outflank it is awesome.

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6 of one, half a dozen of the other. personally i think sponsons cost too much, especially when you consider how hard it is to get 3 templates firing at once. also using them means you are in melta range. i can see more merrit to using them outflanking with just the flamestorm cannon to kill devs etc in cover. sponsons, id prob take heavy bolters if anything incase you get immobilised away from the action...

but then i use 2 dakka baals...

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I hate you all!




This thread has the lyrics

infecting my mind now.



^^ You too huh? I keep hearing a scott brown mix though.



All flamers is fun, using scout ability really fun...but if you get an "I AM STUCK!!" result...you can just sit there and flail about as troops move around and away from you. You just need to think about what kind of opponent you are going up against...if its mass troops...bring all flamers and scout on the side...if its a marine player...bring heavy bolters...or nothing at all and a hunter killer.

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I have been running two Baals with TL AC and HF side sponsons for two years and have come to the conclusion that Flamers on a Baal have just a psyvhological effect on Ork and Tyranids players as they will be overly careful on where they move their troops. All my new Baals have TL AC and YHB side sponsons as they simply cause more kills.
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Well, to me a Baal with TL AC and Heavy Bolter sponsons would be better at killing infantry, but I think if you outflanked a Baal with templates, you could toast a lot of infantry, but your ability to kill light vehicles would be compromised (you will have to move right next to those vehicles to hit them).
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Your doing a coin toss with a flamey Baal. On the heads side you make back your points and more, as ive done a fair ammount. On the tails side however, it is a very big target and attracts a lot of fire, which can be a good and bad thing. It does have the chance of dying early and I've had it explode turn 1 many times, and as long as you can work around it being a big target go for it man
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Your doing a coin toss with a flamey Baal. On the heads side you make back your points and more, as ive done a fair ammount. On the tails side however, it is a very big target and attracts a lot of fire, which can be a good and bad thing. It does have the chance of dying early and I've had it explode turn 1 many times, and as long as you can work around it being a big target go for it man

everything in a blood angel army attracts alot of fire.

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