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BA and Bikers!


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I am wondering if there is anyone out there who has tried a bike heavy list?

I would believe it would look very cool onthe table with a load of assault marines and bikes with attack bikes.


Since the bikes are tough as they are, and with priests closeby, they should be able to make the game very, very flexible and fast moving.


Have anyone has any experience with this kind of list:


Assault Squads


Attack Bikes

Maybe a flying dread




And land speeders with flamers!

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Google Blood Rodeo (I don't remember which 40k blog discussed the bike/assault list).


Also Morticon has some experience with bikes in BA lists.


Personally, I don't own any bikes except attack bikes, so I've never run bike heavy.

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i ran an bike squad way back in the pdf times. havent used one since then though, but PF biker with 2 plasmaguns for example is a nice firebase and is nice in assaults :devil: they even more nice with FNP though so thats why im waiting till i get my SP biker up and ready :D
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Sounds good! Blood Rodea looks awesome to be honest!


Called a friends and im going to borriw his 12 bikes, 4 attack bikes(already have 3, but the more the better), and 3 land speeders!


I get backt you how they work out :tu:

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After reading the 3++ forums it actually sounds pretty decent!

The idea of bringing 2x10 bikes+attack bikes who turbo boosts to get 3+ cover save and wants to be be charged is cool, we all know how pesky plague marines are, but bikes are fast and have 3+ cover save!

The second wave of 2-3 assault squads with priests(who jumps behind) who are the force enhancer and a squad of 5 termies with th/ss as third wave deep striking to clean

hard stuff up, makes sense in my eyes!


Its so many models! So much feel no pain! So much attacks and so much meltas/plasma...

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