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Quick Question


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I believe GW errata-ed it to state that the unit, so long as at least one model is within 6" at the time the attacks are being dealt, so you cant have a unit 5 inches from a priest charge 6" away and still have FNP and FC. Sucks, I know, but GW hates gamers who complain. That is way we still cant rhino rush any more.
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Thanks for replies...interesting, hadn't thought of second point (unit gets FC if they finish their charge, in contact with enemy within 6" of priest) so they may not have been furious when they started out. :rolleyes:


I have just finished a couple attack bikes... Anyway the model has (what looks like) bolters set into the handlebars. The codex only seems to mention the rider having a bolt pistol though. Can someone point me in the right direction again pls?

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Thanks for replies...interesting, hadn't thought of second point (unit gets FC if they finish their charge, in contact with enemy within 6" of priest) so they may not have been furious when they started out. :rolleyes:


I have just finished a couple attack bikes... Anyway the model has (what looks like) bolters set into the handlebars. The codex only seems to mention the rider having a bolt pistol though. Can someone point me in the right direction again pls?

In the wargear description, bikes have built in twin-linked bolters.

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