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Painting competition blog


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Heya guys,


You might have seen my LPC up and about. Finished the challenge part, so I figured I'd step into my next project.


As you guys may or may not know, this march sees the first incarnation of the dutch/belgian 'golden daemon'. its called 'The Lagelanden schilder competitie' and it has all the regular golden daemon entrees.


Since I'm staff in GW Antwerp, I can only enter the Armies on parade and Open Catagories. So thats what I'll be doing!


I made this thread to show you guys work in progress shots of the armies on parade part. My open entree (NMM Sanguinor) will be added to this thread aswell.


So lets get this show on the road shall we?


Armies on parade:


We can use a 2 by 2 tile. So I got me a realm of battle boards section and set to work with some foam board. Since my bases are general grassy earthy like, I risk going for abit to peacefull a scene for my blood angels. So I need to make up for that with some nice attention to detail. I also want to include a river with a small waterfall. Just to give it alittle bit of something special.


Anyway, this wil give you a decent impression of the board. simply as is.




As you can see if started working on a hill (to add some hight to the back of the board.) and the river. Heres a close up shot of the river in progress.





The this is what it should sort of look like with the terrain placed on it.




And this will be the rough model placement




Thats day 1. Since I glued the hill on and made the basic water flow I have to wait for it all to settle. So more work on that hopefully tomorrow.


Open Category


Got ALOT done on my NMM Sanguinor. Sure, it dont look like a whole lot. but gees thats like 7 frikkin layers! :devil: Really getting along well though if you ask me!




Got ALOT of reblending to do before I start the final highlighting. Collegue made me slip :D


Anyway tell me what you think! Any comment, especially improvements on the armies on parade part, is greatly appreciated!


Cheers, Tommie

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First of all sorry bout making you slip (yes that was me) :D . But its looking great so far. I cant wait to see the non-metalic finished, partly because its becomming so cool and partly because i wanna know how good mine needs to be in order to beat yours lol. I never managed to beat you in a game so i cant let you beat me in painting dude B)


Anyway gratz on the awesome work :angry:

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First of all sorry bout making you slip (yes that was me) B) . But its looking great so far. I cant wait to see the non-metalic finished, partly because its becomming so cool and partly because i wanna know how good mine needs to be in order to beat yours lol. I never managed to beat you in a game so i cant let you beat me in painting dude ;)


Anyway gratz on the awesome work :D


ghe :angry:

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really nice jobs so far. one thing ive noticed by looking at those that place in golden deamon though, rarely does an un modified model actually win. im sure it happens(prob more with lotr models) but for 40k it seems the models that do best have had minor to major customisations on them. something that makes it stick more in the mind. not that i can paint nmm etc, but if i was a judge and saw another nmm sanguinator(for some reason id expect yours not to be the only one...) it would be purely on paint job that you would be judged. no that i would enter glden deamon but if i was to think about it i would consider repositioning him or some such in order to ain extra marks in the creation side of it. how long do you have? just something to think about...
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let me know if u need a hand brainstorming :rolleyes: gonna continue work on the realm board 2morrow. mayb start the back pack of the sanguinor to. if I finish the new savage orc boys for the shop first that is ;) rather have a busy shop (like usual) then be able to paint store minis ;)
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Great work there on the NMM. I really wish I had the skill to pull that off. I used to harrass a multiple golden demon winner that was at the GW shop I went to all the time about techniques, which she actually was more then happy to help with in exchange for help with tactics. I had just learned how to do good battle damage and rust effects when I went into the military, so never got to learn the NMM. She had a just gorgeous army, too bad I crushed it every time on the table top with my horrible looking troops. Anyways, point is, I really am in awe of people who can pull off this level of painting. Shows how much I still have to learn about the artistic side of this hobby.


Sorry about the non sequitors btw, I have no idea how to stop it, my brain was not wired right.

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Great work there on the NMM. I really wish I had the skill to pull that off. I used to harrass a multiple golden demon winner that was at the GW shop I went to all the time about techniques, which she actually was more then happy to help with in exchange for help with tactics. I had just learned how to do good battle damage and rust effects when I went into the military, so never got to learn the NMM. She had a just gorgeous army, too bad I crushed it every time on the table top with my horrible looking troops. Anyways, point is, I really am in awe of people who can pull off this level of painting. Shows how much I still have to learn about the artistic side of this hobby.


Sorry about the non sequitors btw, I have no idea how to stop it, my brain was not wired right.


Thanks for the heaps of praise :P really appreciate it. I'll be honest


This is my first attempt at nmm. never did it before. If you still have it, dig up your WD from the Blood angels launch (March if Im not mistaken) I essentially used that guide as my basis. I tweaked the mix here and there (Adding more of one colour then the other) when I felt like it but thats basicly it. The most usefull advice I can give you is:


Always thin your paints. Less layers = smoother finish and thinner lines. + it blends into your previous colour better.


Besides that its drive to make it the best you can. Whenever you feel like your slacking of, put the miniature away and continue later when you want to again. Thats what always stopped me.



With that said and done, I have another update for you guys (Which I think you'll love... I know Im excited!) I started working on his Display piece!

Now, dont forget its still a heavy work in progress. but I think it already shows really well. the proportions fit.


Before spraying:





With the basic colouring on it:



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Update time!!


first the boring stuff:


more WiP on the armies on parade display




Aaaaaand moooooooooooooooooore progress on the sanguinor open entree!!










Let me know what you ponder!

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By... the... Emperor...


That Sanguinor looks great! Loving the scenic base and it's details. It will surely make it stand out.


It's a shame my painting is really really bad otherwise I might have participated myself. Didn't know there were other Dutch BA players on the forum though ^_^



btw does any of you know where I can find a list of upcoming 40k tournaments?


And another dutch BA player here! Although most of the new and playable parts of my army are still grey (I spent a lot of time trying to perfect my red)


And concerning finding out about tournaments in holland. The best website to stay in touch with the local community and find out about these things is at the Dutch unofficial Games Workshop forum: http://www.gwhobby.net

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