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Ultramarines Tactical Squad

The 40k Hobbiest

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most original paint job i've seen

at first you think...my god this guy can't paint at all


then you see the squad and realise that it must be done with this effect of 'cel-shad' in mind..

That it is not a mistake or lack of skill

especially when you look at the eyes and see traditional style blending, you can see you have the ability to be 'traditional' and choose not to be.

and you realise that it is actually brave, bold and brilliant


it reminds me of anime and megaman type cartoons

its really clean, has an awesome overall effect and really original


I like it alot.


I'd love to see more :HQ:

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I can see that you are a technically gifted painter though I have to say that I am not a fan of this style of painting, despite how well you pulled it off!




Maybe try more intermittent layering and some washes to blend the layers in together?


Just my £0.02




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Thanks for all the input, guys!


I was going for the cartoony look, so I guess I pulled it off after all. In the end, I went with the brighter colors and the red guns and yellow shoulder guard rims instead of the black guns and gold rims because I really liked the third edition colors better.


I have a few other things painted for this army that I plan on posting soon. I have a rifleman's dreadnought, a captain, another tactical squad, and some grey knights. I'll post some pictures up in another day or so.


Thanks again!

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Love the cell shading look (as a fan of Borderlands it looks good when pulled off). But I would rather see it with a darker blue. Right now it almost looks too cartoony. And nitpick point.....mold lines...totally detracts from it because your eye is drawn to it. With crappy painting you tend to expect the mold lines because they tend not to understand that. But if you have really good painting and then see a mold line, it's like, oh.....okay....yeah. Nice but you focus on the obvious.
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Very nice work mate, I would echo the mold line comment but the paint job more than makes up for it. This is the most original thing I have seen in ages, I would love to see how you use this technique on a larger peice like a Rhino.
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Had to google cell shading, and now I get the effect you were going for. They look great, but IMO the effect is slightly spoilt because the lighting seems off. For example they should all have some lighter shading on the nozzles of their backpacks if the light source us from in front and slightly above [which it seems to be because of the shoulder pads]. Very creative though dude, nice, want more :)
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