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To Hurricane or not in the Stormraven


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Sorry for this, but I've been reading the varied opinions on here and other places on the Stormraven. While it seems the vast majority feel that TL Mult-Melta and TL Assault Cannons are the best loadout, there isn't quite the consensus about the Hurricane bolters add-on.


I'm building my first one now, and I'd like to get a few more thoughts on spending that extra 30 points. The SR is most frequently going to be used as a forward troop transport, most likely DC or jump Assault Marines. I realize that magnetization is a thing, but TBH I want to start painting, and don't have some mags handy. I'm likely going to build a 2nd later exclusively for DC, but what about this initial configuration? Thanks for your help.

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I am in the same boat, man. My thought on the matter is that the hurricane bolters are defensive weapons so why not. I can fire them in addition to either one or two weapons thanks to POTMS. Like you I just got mine and cant even get magnets in the small town where I live. I am, however, making both options and will just tell my opponent and leave either the doors or the hurricane bolters sitting on the base.


Welcome to the forum, BTW!

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It is hard to give advice without knowing how the rest of your army is set up. If you have a lot of anti infantry it is probably a waste, but if you are light on anti infantry it could be key. It does not take long for magnets to get to you, so you could leave the doors off for right now to paint the bulk of your SR and just do the doors and sponsons once you get ahold of the magnets. Someone had a very cool conversion with a magnetize rod holding the doors on so you do not need to put any mounts in the doors or anything so you can put the doors and sponsons off until the very end.
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Sorry for this, but I've been reading the varied opinions on here and other places on the Stormraven. While it seems the vast majority feel that TL Mult-Melta and TL Assault Cannons are the best loadout, there isn't quite the consensus about the Hurricane bolters add-on.


I'm building my first one now, and I'd like to get a few more thoughts on spending that extra 30 points. The SR is most frequently going to be used as a forward troop transport, most likely DC or jump Assault Marines. I realize that magnetization is a thing, but TBH I want to start painting, and don't have some mags handy. I'm likely going to build a 2nd later exclusively for DC, but what about this initial configuration? Thanks for your help.


I actually just ordered from this site for magnets http://www.kjmagnetics.com/products.asp?cat=10 the prices are reasonable and I have heard good things about them. My first batch should be in this week so I can let you know how it works out. But 500 magnets for arms and back packs for 30 bucks does not seem bad (I have seen FAR worse), and they will ship where ever. I would have included it in my first post but you got in as I was typing so I did not see it until after.

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I've only played one game with my new storm raven and didn't get a chance to shoot the hurricane bolters, but I have put them on. The way I see it, they're fairly decent. I cant be bothered to do the math hammer but I reckon when in rapid fire range, its comparable to a heavy bolter or two. At the end of the day, I figure that you're not going to be in a situation where its possible/necessary to fire them but every now and again you're going to be on turn 5 at the end of a game with an enemy squad of IG/hormagaunts/SM scouts/eldar guardians or whatever and those raking shots from your hurricanes will win you the game. In other words, is 30 points a big price for something that every now and then might prove really useful (you cant say that 12 twin linked bolter shots wont be very useful in certain situations)? I don't think it is too much to pay so I take them.


Wow that was a longer post than I expected. Sorry for rambling.

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Unless you are using the Storm Raven as a full out gunship with not transport I think that the Hurricane Bolters are not woth it. They are 30 points on an already pricey machine , especially when you consider extra armour (which is almost mandatory) and the fact that the Storm Ravan is AV12 and therefore not the tougherst nut to crack.

In addition to this one has to consider the likelihood that it is carrying more troops and possibly a Dreadnought which all adds to the "all the eggs in the one basket" syndrome.

Furthermore in transporting these troops to where they are needed it is highly likely that you will use the flat out move occassionally (4+ Cover save but still the option to fire one weapon). In this case it would be wise to fire off the TLAC and not the Hurricane bolters.

Last but not least, you need to consider the firing arc of those Hurricane bolters. They need to fire at the same target and there is not a great amount of overlap between the sponsons. Sure you can perfectly position the SR but if you are using that assault ramp this will be limited. Not to mention if the SR becomes immobilised.

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I would say it depends on your opponent/playing-style... If you indeed use him as a transport to get your Assault Marines/DC stuck in then I would equip him with Melta's to take out the vehicles they would strugle with. If you use him (like I'm planning to) to get Tactical Squads to an objective I would equip him with Assault Cannon/Hurricane Bolters to thin down the enemy. If my enemy had little vehicles (and I used the SR to transport Assault Marines) I would also equip him with an Assault Cannon/Hurricane Bolters..
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I like them when DS with a cargo that has melta (j/infantry + dread). PoTMS fires TL Melta at tank, AssC and hurricanes can shoot at infantry already exposed by dread and infantry. (Ie. Shoot with the SR last).


Should the beastie lose a weapon which is entirely possible, the hurries will allow A role to continue.


If you seldom DS it, I'd find the point of hurricanes to lessen somewhat as she'll be using the rest of her anti-armour weapons vs armour at greater ranges or zipping up to deliver a CC squad (+dread) that will assault and kill and not really have an anti-infantry shoot phase.


Unfortunately, because of the way wound allocation works, it's possible to be worse off by using it in combination with High str/AP2 weapons (TL melta, TL LC/TL AssC & missiles) as the opponent can use the weak bolter wounds to get the nasty wounds stacked on one or two models instead of evenly throughout the squad.

So, be careful of it's role before you buy it.

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TBH, I'm not sure what the army will look like at this point. I have some tac Marines coming in, but I know I'll need at least 5 DC, a DC dread, some Sang Priests, Librarian and chappy before I start finalizing lists. DoA sounds like a really cool idea, but I'm not sure I should jump into that theme right away.

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For an assault platform the HBS perform admirably and that is how I field them. Most people grimace at the thought of a 245 pt (AE & HBS) transport with AV 12 but in every game I have used one it has given my opponents fits. It achieves survivability by delivering assault troops and a Dread into the opposing army's face. Generally, the other player will need to deal with what is coming at him first and thus not target the Raven as often if at all. Adding a second Raven improves its survivability since that is twice as many assaulting units as well as an additional vehicle. Since you are looking to deliver assault troops you are looking at a 12" movement meaning that all your guns are gonna be blazing away. Hopefully your TL AC and TL MM will get a couple of transports allowing your troops to occupy those units. After the vehices are downed or you are facing a foot army then the HBS are gold, even Termies die to short range HBS.
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Yeh if can get them there fine since its free weapon you can fire , since Str4 Defencive weapon .. I removed the Thrusters on my SR and moved them forward, PS if you cant get magnets... Stickytac or HandiTak is at your stationary/Officer supply Store ... Reusable sticky Putty easy to hold them on or doors etc ...


My Raven So far ....


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I'm surprised to see so many people advocating the Hurricanes. While they are not bad, I look at the storm raven as a transport, chances are it is going to move flat out, deliver its payload, and then it will be lucky to be alive for very long after that if at all. People that are recomending the hurricanes and the EA, thats a 245 point AV 12 vehicle, it is just not durable enough to warrant that kind of investment. Epecially as unless you move flat out getting cover is almost impossible. IMO the SR is such a high priority target (epecially if you put a dread and a tough CC unit in it) that it is likely going to take a ton of firepower early in the game. Keep it cheap (maybe EA, maybe a search light).
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I'm surprised to see so many people advocating the Hurricanes. While they are not bad, I look at the storm raven as a transport, chances are it is going to move flat out, deliver its payload, and then it will be lucky to be alive for very long after that if at all. People that are recomending the hurricanes and the EA, thats a 245 point AV 12 vehicle, it is just not durable enough to warrant that kind of investment. Epecially as unless you move flat out getting cover is almost impossible. IMO the SR is such a high priority target (epecially if you put a dread and a tough CC unit in it) that it is likely going to take a ton of firepower early in the game. Keep it cheap (maybe EA, maybe a search light).

Reading the BRB, wouldn't the SR be considered a "unit" for the Shield of Sanguinius power? I notice on page 5 Vehicles are considered a unit, and so long as the Librarian disembarks and uses the power, the SR should be able to take advantage. I'm not trying to powergame, but this seems legit.

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I'm not a big fan of the Hurricanes to be honest. But then again I LOVE the TML. Having the two Frag or Krak missiles at 48" is way more useful in most games than the bolters ever will be and they are 5 points cheaper. And since I can't imagine having either of the other two secondary weapons I really can't justify tacking another 30 points onto an AV12 vehicle that everything on the battlefield can draw LoS to without any real effort.
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