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Genghis Con DoA batreps


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Here are my batreps. I apologize that I don't take pictures when I play now. All opponent's army lists are to the best of my recollection.



This was my best performance in a GT. Lady Luck smiled upon me when I needed the rolls. All five of my opponents were fantastic - no rules disputes and five very fun games. I don't think you could ask for more.


So onward HO !!!


Here is my pure jump 1850 point army list:


:HQ: Dante + Sanguinary Guard + Sanguinary Priest #1


Sanguinary Guard:

2x infernus pistol, power fist, Chapter banner


Sanguinary Priest #1:

jump pack, power sword


:HQ: The Sanguinor


:Elite: Chaplain:

jump pack, infernus pistol, meltabombs



Here is an Elite choice for Blood Angels that is an HQ choice for vanilla Marines and other power armor armies. They are a very potent force multiplier and a perfect choice for DoA armies. The benefits they grant can win games. I affectionately refer to mine as the mean old man.


:Elite: Sanguinary Priest #2:

jump pack, power sword


:FA: Vanguard veterans (x5):

jump packs, sergeant: power fist & stormshield; 2x power sword, chainsword, thunderhammer



I love this build. Fairly cheap and with two S8 Marines they can put the hurt on any non dedicated assault unit - you wouldn't charge them into a full squad of Khorne Berzerkers but they will pop tanks and decimate heavy weapons teams such as Long Fangs or even Zoanthropes. VV are a shock troop but you don't have to use Heroic Intervention against horde armies that can absorb them.


:cuss Assault Squad #1 (10x):

flamer/meltagun; sergeant: thunderhammer & stormshield


;) Assault Squad #2 (10x):

flamer/meltagun; sergeant: thunderhammer & stormshield



So a grand total of 34 bodies. Small, elite and very fast - no long ranged shooting and very potent in assault. My first game was versus Tyranids, Annihilation and Spearhead. The table had a lot of terrain featuring a huge building off to one side of the center. I won the roll for deployment and chose to go second holding my entire army in reserve. I opted to join the Chaplain and the first Priest with the Vanguard veterans - I wanted a very hard hitting unit that could blast through a units of Tyranids on the charge... A grand total of four power weapons (2x WS5) plus the thunderhammer and power fist. The Vanguard veteran sergeant received the Sanguinor's Blessing and one of the assault squads succumbed to the Red Thirst.




Here is my opponent's concise army list:


Swarmlord + 3x Tyrant Guard (lash whips)

Alpha Warrior: 2x Bone Sword, regen



10x termagant (poison)



10x termagant (poison)


10x termagant (poison)

10x termagant (poison)


Doom + myectic spore


Trygon: regen


3x Hive Guard


2x Zoanthrope


My opponent deployed his army around the building placing the NidStar on one side of the building and the rest of his army on the other side. He held the Doom in reserve. His first two turns he hugged the building and landed the Doom on the center of the table. Bottom of the second turn I got the VV and one assault squad. I dropped the VV off to the side of his castle just outside of his assault arc and landed the assault squad off from the center of the tabld outside of the Doom's pie plate range.


Top of the third my opponent moved a Tervi along with two squads of gants towards the VV. The NidStar moved a bit towards the assault squad as well - this was intentional on my part as I wanted to draw his two nastiest units away from the building so they would be farther away from the coming kill zone. The big building was TLOS blocking as well. Bottom of the third turn the rest of my army arrived and all landed on the one side of the building to assault his weak side. The VV launched an assault into the two squads of gants plus the one Tervi. I wiped out the gants and the Tervi died to No Retreat wounds. The VV then consolidated back away from the Tyranid castle.


Top of the fourth turn the Nids focus fired on the VV dropping them down to just the super sarge, Chaplain and the first Priest. Bottom of the fourth turn I combi charged the Nid castle with the bulk of my army destroying all the gants plus dropping the Zoies. The second Tervi and the Zoies survived the No Retreat wounds keeping my assault units locked in combat. I was now so far ahead on killpoints that the Tyranids could not make a comeback. The NidStar and Doom were too far away to hit my line. Dante and his bodyguard used Hit & Run to break off and pull away from the NidStar leaving them outside of assault range.


So I won with a solid victory for the first round.


G :HQ:

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The second mission I was paired off against a Necron army. My opponent had some really hot dice in the first two turns and I was feeling nervous. The Mission objective was Capture and Control with Pitched Battle for deployment. My opponent won the roll for deployment and chose to go second. I remembered some advice from DV8 over on the Bolter and Chainsword Blood Angels forum and followed it. I placed my objective in a table corner as far away as possible from where I thought he'd deploy his army and held everything in reserve. My plan was to flank him on two sides and sweep in taking his objective placed in the middle of his DZ.



Here is my opponent's army list as best as I can remember:


Necron Lord: Warsycthe, Phalectry, 4++ save

Necron Lord: Warsycthe, Phalectry, 4++ save


2x Wraith


2x Heavy Destroyer

5x Destroyer



15x Warrior

15x Warrior


10x Immortal


My opponent deployed in a refused flank which I thought was his best option. There was a good amount of terrain which helped me. I didn't really have anything that could pop the Monolith so I was always very careful to keep my units spread out to reduce the damage from the pie plate. I was planning to lock units in combat to force him to pull a unit through the Monolith and prevent it from dropping the pie plate. I know the rules well for Necrons and that also helped. The Destroyers are impossible to catch so I decided to ignore them, focusing on killing the two squads of Warriors first. FNP is awesome versus Necrons and I was blessed by Lady Luck throughout the game.


By hitting my opponent on two flanks I was able to corral his forces and get into assault quickly. Dante and his Sanguinary Guard were brilliant, butchering both squads of Warriors and the two Lords. Phase Out occurred on the fourth turn and I finished round two with a big win. As the game progressed my confidence grew but I don't think I ever got over confident. Necrons are a tough army to bring down but assault is there number one weakness which I was able to exploit well.


G :)

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Here is the third batrep versus Space Wolves. You know you're gonna have to face them sooner or later. ;) The primary mission goal was Victory Points and deployment was Pitched Battle. If you destroyed your opponent's highest point unit they counted as double their victory points! My opponent is a friend I see a lot when playing on the road so I knew we would have some fun for sure. This was the first game of the second day. Here is his army list to the best of my recollection:


Rune Priest #1: Living Lightning & JAWS

Rune Priest #2: Murderous Hurricane :( & JAWS



Jump infantry is immune to Jaws of the World Wolf so that kind of neutered his two HQ. I used to Dante's curse to nerf the Rune Priest with Murderous Hurricane hoping he would eventually Peril and die from an exploded head (think the movie Scanners :)).


10x Wolfguard terminators: 8x( power sword & stormbolter) & 2x (cyclone missile launcher & power fist) <- most expensive unit


5x Grey Hunter: meltagun & plasma pistol - razorback: twin linked heavy bolter turret (Rune Priest #1 attached)

5x Grey Hunter: plasmagun & plasma pistol - razorback: twin linked heavy bolter turret

8x Grey Hunter: plasmagun & power sword - drop pod


6x Long Fang: 4x missile launcher & lascannon

6x Long Fang: 4x missile launcher & lascannon

5x Long Fang: 3x missile launcher & lascannon - razorback: twin linked heavy bolter turret (Rune Priest #2 attached)


I won the roll for deployment and opted to go second holding my entire army in reserve. The Vanguard veterans' sergeant received the Sanguinor's Blessing and this squad also succumbed to the Red Thirst. This was one of those games where everything that could go right did go right... It was mostly that kind of day.


Note that there was little terrain on this table and none blocked LOS. Oh well, I've been in this type of situation before so I came prepared. If you ever visit my blog I wrote a tactical article about using peripheral movement with DoA to handle this type of battle condition; that is, little terrain to hide behind on the drop versus a very shooty army.


My opponent castled in a tight block using a table corner in his deployment zone to cut off flank attacks from one side. The eight man Grey Hunter squad was deployed as a meat shield to bubble wrap the Wolfguard. The Wolfguard were placed as a tight screen in front of his Long Fangs. He placed a couple transports on either end of his castle as screens. All of the SW units were tightly packed in his castle. The first and second turns my opponent sat still waiting for the Skies of Blood to roll in. Note that he dropped his empty pod far away from his castle on the far side of the table.


Bottom of the second turn in came the Dante and his Sanguinary Guard with the first Priest, Vanguard veterans plus one assault squad. I landed the assault squad beside the empty pod outside of his fire arc from the Long Fangs in hope that he would move his terminators toward them to fire their cyclone missile launchers. Dante and his bodyguard landed beside one of the rhinos using it as a screen against all those Long Fangs. The Sanguinor landed in open terrain outside the charge arc of the Wolfguard - I was counting on my opponent shooting at my boss to drop the heat off my other units in the vicinity of his castle. The VV dropped in front of the eight Grey Hunters and were in charge range. All I had left off the table was my second assault squad... So some decent saturation of force around the SW castle. The assault squad fired their meltagun at the pod and wrecked it. Dante and his posse fired their melter pistols into the rhino and wrecked it as well - they was one of the two key events to occur for me during the game as the wreck blocked LOS to Dante's unit from all of the Long Fangs. The Grey Hunters spilling out of the burning wreck also failed their pinning test as well! The VV assaulted the eight Grey Hunters and one of them managed to survive the sudden onslaught, remaining locked in combat - that was the second key event to occur as the VV were positioned in such a manner following pile in to block the Wolfguard from charging Dante's unit... It couldn't have gone any better! :wub:


Top of the third turn the Wolfguard moved into position to assault my VV and the rest of his army focused all their firepower on the Sanguinor but failed to inflict a single unsaved wound. The Wolfguard then assaulted my VV and by yet another miracle the sergeant managed to survive (I lumped all the power fist attacks on the other members of the squad to prevent him from insta gibbing my sergeant)... I killed the last Grey Hunter from the eight man squad for their victory points and also managed to kill three terminators, so it was a drawn combat and all surviving Wolfguard had to pile in around the VV sergeant.


Bottom of the third turn in came the second assault squad with the second Priest and Chaplain in tow. I landed them behind cover for the 4++ cover save close to the castle. Dante's unit surrounded the Wolfguard along with the Sanguinor going after the pinned unit of Grey Hunters. Dante's unit charged the terminators, killing them all before they could swing back - that was worth over 800 victory points right there. My opponent was going to have one tough time climbing out of that deep hole. The Sanguinor diced up the squad of pinned Grey Hunters - bloody as Hell that turn was for sure! ;) I then consolidated my units such that had some cover for the next shooting phase (4++) which would pretty much decide the game.


Top of the fourth turn my opponent lined up all his Long Fangs on Dante's unit - the 4++ cover saves coupled with AP3 for krak missiles made my opponent decide to rain down frag... 2+ coupled with 4++ meant that I did not lose a single model from frags and I also passed all my cover saves from the lascannons - wow.


Bottom of the fourth turn pretty much sealed the deal - I assaulted all of the Long Fangs en masse, vaporizing the entire lot of them. Game over.


So I managed to win my third game by a wide margin and would be facing mech eldar in a Seize Ground mission on the third table the following game, round four. Like I said in the beginning everything that could go right did go right - my dice very on fire hot.


G :HQ:

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I'd have gone for a shaped distribution of forces over the board with long fangs as far apart from one another as possible. Rides against edges and empty to lower priority with the idea to use them for TS or blocking ~4th turn jp move/assault patterns of secondary targets. I'd assume to lose 1/3 of forces by end of turn 3 so would keep both runes within the termie squad (but out of coherency as your shooting range is (sans sanguard) insignificant) and have said squad semi wrapped by cc units at gentle ranges to deny DS locations between.

I think his desire to err compress cost him the inherent value of his range units.


I'm not saying I'd have beaten you, lol. No way. I'm saying I think he was asking dice to favour him and hate you. Sadly for him the opposite was true.




Still, glad you won, dude. =)

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Nice batreps man! And it also feels very good that DoA lists are as competitve as they are fluffy, considering how you butchered the SW-player. :lol:


One question though, did the rune priest cast Murderous Hurricane, and if so, did it hinder you forces in charging? I had this occasion, my buddy's priest used that power but my JP units are charging like infantry and therefore we decided to not let them roll for dangerous terrain, only for difficult...of course, it was a compromise. Do you happen to know if the rule also affects jumpers if they choose to walk? Thanks! :)



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Some chapters fully embrace their psychic powers. I think the distrust comes from the old Council of Nikkea when the Emperor banned the use of psychic powers... Lots of hate there towards the Thousand Sons, oh well.



My 4th game in the GT was versus mech eldar and the mission was Seize Ground with six objectives, each objective had to be at least 12" away from any other marker so basically you end up with two rows of fairly evenly spaced markers. Deployment was Dawn of War.


I've always had a psychological disconnect versus mechdar because the army is very fast and can counter the speed of a DoA army. This was a tough mission for me but I had a couple of advantages:


1) I won the roll for deployment and opted to go second.

2) My only unit to arrive on the bottom of the 2nd turn was the VV which greatly reduced the amount of shooting from the eldar army.


I viewed the game more like a chess match using my movement phases to keep spread out across the table and then made my big move on the bottom of the 6th turn to take and contest objectives. It all came down to the VV... they had to wreck a Wave Serpent full of Dire Avengers to deny the eldar that objective so I would hold one more than my opponent. I was hitting on sixes and one hit got through with the sergeant's thunderhammer - I wrecked the Wave Serpent and just managed to win the game by that one objective... So I would be playing the final match versus Tyranids on the second table. I'll go into a lot more detail regarding the final. Like I said the fourth game was mostly movement so I don't see much of a point in breaking it down turn by turn.


G :D

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