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BA Rhinos: Creature Killers


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So I played a game, that due to my horrendous dice rolling skills and subpar setup (I hadn't played basically for a year besides random games) ended up in a draw. It was the bases game and against Tyranids. As I'm still trying out army lists my list wasn't completely optimal. However during the game I tank shocked several monstrous creatures, and successfully mashed a Trygon into the ground, along with mulching an ork warboss in a previous game. Has anyone else had similar experiences running over baddies?
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This is awsome. I am just trying to imagine the look on the Techmarine's face when you come back to the motor pool after this happens.



What did you do, run head long into a ship's bulkhead?


No, no that would be crazy. We ran over a Trygon.


Well, that explains the chiton bits stuck in the undercarraige and suspension. Carry on.

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even dreadnoughts can fall before the mighty rhino :devil: basicly if you tank shock something, and they dont destroy, immobilize or stun (IIRC) you they dont stop you, so you have 1/3 chance of splattering them :D MC's and dreads just do damage more easily, its still up to the vehicle damage chart to determine whatever or not theyre actually succesfull in stopping you :yes:
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Not to mention the fact our Rhinos have a good chance of getting a very high S attack on them.


In my most fun Tankshock game ever I ran over a Carnifex with my DC Rhino and in the last turn of the game that same rhino Tank Shocked a Genestealer Pack off an objective to ensure victory for the Blood Angels!


The awesome power of the fast Rhino is not to be underestimated! Especially versus MC and squads with limited amount of good Death or Glory anti tank things.

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It is at least a pretty reliable way of clearing contesting models in the hold ground missions.


Your opponent must either risk losing a much more valuable model to a simple Rhino/Razor, or risk getting pushed off the objective. You only risk losing an empty vehicle, and you have the choice.

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i didn't know you could tank shock something with AV (dread?) wouldn't that be a ram instead?


Dreads are unique. You have to declare a ram but they can choose to react to a ram as Tank Shocking Infantry or as a vehicle. (Though you have to be tank shocking their front for this to happen)

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How does tank-shocking a monsterous creature (say a Carnifex, seeing as my brother plays Nids) work? From what I recall it only one hit right? So one hit and if it goes through, one wound, or am I mistaken and it somehow auto-kills them?

If a model tries to death or glory rather than get out of the way, it is instant killed unless is destroys, immobilizes or stuns the tank. Now, I think odds favor the Carnifex, but it will fail sometimes.

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that includes anything with eternal warrior, monstrous creature status, an invunerable etc etc. death or glory doesent care how bad ass you are. if you fail, you die. and boy is it hilarious when something with a chainfist/PF/MC close combat attack/anything with the melta special rule etc only manages to take off a stormbolter :(
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Tank shocks have always beena great tool to use with rhinos once they are empty. Hillarious when people lose high points value models to it, and like pointed out above, can win you the game by moving a key unit off an objective. I am glad to see people using this technique.
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I had an empty Rhino once(or maybe more than once...), so I thought "Why not Tank Shock the tac squad over there?" So I did, and he Death or Glory!'s with a meltagunner. The melta fails, and gets smashed. Coincidentally, and not in any way engineered by me ^_^ , there was the burned out husk of one of his Rhinos on the other side of where mine stopped. Then, using my five man jump pack assault squad(I know, it's insane), I assaulted his squad through the gap. This meant he could only attack me with a couple models at a time, while my whole squad could attack his. Needless to say, I won that combat. This is now one of my favored tactics.
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